Episode 43: How to Answer the Top 3 Objections for Potential Clients
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Six Figure Systems podcast. Today we are going to talk all about how to answer the top three objections that you have for your clients. But before we get into that, if you do not already know on in, uh, two weeks, actually a week from today when this podcast gets released on January 27th, I'm going to be hosting the 100k strategy and it's all about a skill scaling masterclass that is going to help you to reach six figures in the next 12 months. I want every single one of you there if that is an aspiration that you have for this 12 month period or in the future. Because so many times I see people going in to their years without a solid strategy and one of the things that I uh, have found to be so helpful is that once I knew the six figure strategy, there are four things that you need to do and I call it your six figure formula to actually hit six figures. And I want to tell you exactly what those are on the call. So you're not going into the year blind. You know exactly what it's going to take for you to hit six figures. And I just want to let you know it's not just in the next 12 months. And then you go, you go back, you regress. This is six figures every single year forward. So within this webinar, uh, I'm going to include the link in the podcast show notes. Whatever you're doing, make sure that you make register for that. Whatever you're like, if you're doing something else as you listen to this, make sure you register using the link in the show notes because I'm going to talk about how to stop wasting time on social media. If you are someone who is like, I hate social media and I'm over it, I want to help you make social media the thing that actually converts clients for you. And we're going to talk about how to take all the content that you're doing and talk about what to do, what kind of steps you need to have in place to turn your time and your energy put into social media into a client generating machine. I also am going to teach you what I do and what I do for my clients that makes their offers sell themselves. It is one of the most important parts about six figure systems, the mastermind that I run and it is something that you can take with you even just after coming to this webinar for the masterclass. Last but not least, one of the biggest things that I hear is that people are trying to run a business and you are an excellent service provider, but you have no idea what to do do each day to make sure that you're getting a return on your investment, that you're actually creating something that is valuable every single day. So I'm going to talk you through the CEO schedule and what actually makes money. So I really want you to come. It's going to be on the 27th. And just a heads up, the mastermind, the six figure systems mastermind is closing on February 2nd because we have what's called Systems Week, which is the week long intensive where you learn every single system that you need to scale all within one week. So this is the lonely time that you can join Six Figure Systems in the first quarter of this year. And as many of you guys know, the indicator of how strong you finish this year is determined by how strong you start. So I want to make sure that if you are interested in joining the Mastermind, you are absolutely in it for this round. Because this round is really going to be what takes you so that by midnight on December 31, 2024, it will be you are going in or 2025. You're going to finish 2025 as uh, hopefully your first six figure year. So that is what I have to share with you. Make sure you come to the webinar to the masterclass. I keep calling it webinar. Come to the masterclass and I'm going to teach you everything that you do need to scale. Now on to how to answer the top three objections. Today what we're going to be doing is this is an episode. I think you guys are going to be coming back to Freque because first and foremost I'm going to talk to you about why your ability to handle objections is literally the thing that can make or break a sale. It is the most important thing that you need to be able to do on a sales call and something that you are going to get, of course, a downloadable PDF that goes along with this work, this podcast so that you can actually create your own objections list that we're going to talk through it. But I'm going to talk to you about why this is the most pivotal moment on a sales call. Then I'm also going to tell you how much time you need to kind of take to handle objections and what your flow should look like and what I recommend to my clients in the Six Figure Systems Mastermind, what I have for them, and then the top three objections and how to handle them.
So first and foremost, let's talk about objections. When you are on a sales call. You have an opportunity throughout the whole sales call, and your goal is to be talking with somebody who you have a probably the beginnings of a relationship with or someone you don't know at all. And your goal is to build enough trust that they know you, they like you, but most important that they trust you enough to spend thousands of dollars with you. That is something that is sacred. They are going through, most likely at the beginning of my consults and the beginning of what I would recommend for your consults is people are sharing their problems and you're giving them sol you. I have a very specific way I go about it with again, of course, my clients with the consult conversion blueprint. But that is the way that I have people going through M. So people have typically been pretty vulnerable. They're sharing with you, hey, here's what I'm struggling with, here's what I'm striving for, and here's how I want you to help me. And you're telling them, here's how I can help you. I am ah, here. What I see happen is a lot of people, they get to the point when they say their price and they say okay, and they feel a little bit of a, um, discomfort. A lot of people feel uncomfortable asking for money because their brains aren't aligned and they don't feel like what they are telling someone has been communicated enough that they really feel like there is value in working with you over an extended period of time. And what happens is if you get to a consult and this part is the hardest part, you need to listen back to this episode over and over again because I want this part to be your favorite part. I want this to be the part that you look forward to because it's the moment that you really build enough trust for someone to take the next step and start working with you. It's actually the best part of a consult, in my opinion. And it's because if you know how to handle objections, the next part is easy and you've got responses ready and you are prepared for what people are going to ask and you know how to handle it. What I see a lot of people do is they say their price, they just hope it's going to work out and they get off the call as soon as possible. That is the biggest mistake that you could make on a console call. I want you to imagine that you are going through and you're sharing with me all the struggles that you are experiencing with your business. And of course, as, uh, you are learning about six figure systems about the program. You're going to have questions. You might wonder what you're going to create within this program. And so what I would do is I want you to imagine that you get on this call and you're like, I am really struggling. I'm not seeing any results on social media. My DMs are crickets. I, uh, if I get a consult call, I, they're sporadic. I don't know why they happen, I don't know when they happen. And when they do, sometimes they don't close, which is a huge problem for recurring sales. And then I have no idea what I'm going to do. And I'm like, okay, it's 5K for six months and I just run and I'm like, okay, bye. Here you go. Send me the payment. Every bit of rapport that I built up with you up until that point just goes right out the window because you're on the edge of your seat, you're waiting for me to build trust with you. And then I'm like, bye, see ya. Have a great one.
Okay. Your potential clients on the consult will experience you in that way too. You want to build so much trust and safety that they can ask any question they have. So here is a thought that I want you to have every single time you get to that point. When you say the object, when you say your price and you're about to continue the consult, I want you to think about objections, uh, are just questions. Objections are just questions that you need to have a really good answer for. That's it. These have questions. They want to feel safe. Of uh, course they want the result that you are offering. They want to feel better, they want to be more confident, they want to be less stressed. They're just there. But it is natural for a human being to have concerns. They are about to uplevel in their life. And especially as coaches, you are about to take their life to the next level. And even though they genuinely want this, there might be some questions that they have. And this is the point where you need to be like very calm, very grounded and very secure. So what I recommend for my clients and what I like, uh, I have all the timing broken out for my clients, but for you, I would like for you to include at least 15. I recommend an hour long consult and I would also like to recommend like 15 minutes for objection covering. So you want to be getting there, so you've got plenty of time. Now there is something called an assumptive close and I like to use that strategy on my consults. So I, uh, will say based on what you've told me, if I genuinely think they're a good fit for six figure systems. I have told people, many people before, if they are selling a product, if they are selling, uh, if they're a brick and mortar company. I'm like, I primarily work with coaches and people who are doing an online service. So I want to tell you that is a situation and that's what you'd be getting within this mastermind. So if I don't think the program is a good fit for you, I will absolutely tell you. But I'll have people that will come with me to consult with me and I know that they're a good fit. They might just be at the beginning stages of their business. They might be at uh, multiple five figures already and they just want to see if it's a good fit. And I'll be like, absolutely. If I think it's a good fit, I will tell them it's a good fit. And I'll say, I do think Six Figure Systems is a good fit. For you, it's 5K for six months. How would you like to move forward with that? And for you, this is the opportunity for you to ask a question. I see so many people that go through and they say their price and currently that's my price. It might change in the future, but uh, they'll say their price and they'll be like not give an opener for somebody to ask questions. You want to include that. And again, uh, say it's called an assumptive close. When you say I do think you would be a good fit, you have expressed interest in it. How do, here's the price. How do you want to move forward with that? That's how I like to go about having the conversation. And you want to be at that moment in a really grounded place. Okay. When that happens, people are going to have responses. So they are going to have maybe questions. They might have sentences that they say. And you can't let that affect your confidence in your offer. That's why this is the most important part of a consult, is how you handle the objections. Your goal is to make that other piece person feel safe on the next part of their journey. They are probably having a lot of questions. And so I just want to give you a heads up. Here are the three main objections that might come up. Time, money, and I need to go, uh, ask my husband. Those are like the three biggest things that you will find out that will come up on the console call. And what I have found is that most people go into a consult and they aren't prepared to answer a money objection. They aren't prepared for somebody to ask them about money. They wish that somebody knew. And sometimes people will even try and save their prices ahead of time just to avoid an awkward conversation about money. I want you to know that it's safe and it's okay to think and talk about money. And what I recommend to my clients is I want you to think about every single day, why is your program worth this price? And why it's worth it. So it reinforces a belief that, oh, my gosh, like, when somebody's like, I, uh. It's like, okay, it's 5K. And they're like, yeah, it's a lot of money. I'm like, it is. 5k is a significant investment. And so that means that I am reaffirming and I'm reassuring the objection of price, but I also have a response. So that is what I want you to do with your objections, is every objection you want to reaffirm, affirm, make them feel safe, and then also have a response. I don't want you to be thrown by somebody saying, oh, it's a lot of money for me, for 5K, when I was at the beginning of my business, it felt like a lot of money to me. Right. And it might feel like a lot of money to you. So you want to feel like they are. You're on the same side of them, that you understand them, um, that you are here for them and help them come up with a solution to move forward. So let's go through each of the objections and talk about why it's important to handle them well.
But I, before I even say that, is I want to let you know that each objection that they have, whether it's time, money, or whether they need to speak to their husband or a significant other who has, who is a, um, another person that's invested in this decision. First off, all three are normal. And second of all, this also has to do with their ability to actually think that they're going to get results with you. We want to make sure that you're not getting confused, that you're not telling people, oh, like, when they say it's about money, they are might be concerned about money, but they also might be concerned that is this a good fit for them, how long is it going to take for them to get results? And typically, when you create safety for them by affirming what they have to say, and having a response, you're going to find out what is their real problem, what is the real question that they have that they feel a little scared to ask. And so that's your main job, is just to make them feel safe and make sure that you've got a response for them. And that's one of the reasons why I actually want you to sit down and do a, uh, worksheet. I'm going to have you list out 10 responses and I want you to think about how you're going to handle it and I want you to practice it. Whether you actually, it's called mental rehearsal, whether you practice the way that you respond to people in the mirror, as you're cooking, as you're driving, I want you to make sure that you feel that it is a very easy response for you so you're not stuck. When somebody says, oh, it's really expensive and you're like, okay, I guess it's not a good fit by like that's not ideal. We don't want that going on. So I'm going to help you, to talk you through first off those three objections, but then I'm also going to talk you through a list of 10 objections that I hear and ah, the way I'm going to respond to them as examples for you as well. So first and foremost, the time of the money objection. If they say, oh, this is really expensive, not sure how I'm going to afford this, I say, I affirm them, I say, totally understand, 5k is a significant investment. And then my answer for them is my goal is that this investment doesn't just pay off in this round, but it's something that compounds and gives you a return every single year. I know that these are the systems that have worked for me and for my clients to hit six figures not just this year, but every year forward. Now, depending on where their business is at, I might be speaking to people who are the just, they just founded their company and their business and they're just trying to hit their first 5 figures or 10k. They might be going from 10k to 50k. They might be going for 50k to 100k. I know that. So I also say this is what I expect to see from you in the next six months. Whether they're in each of those three benchmarks, I have a response for them and I'm like, here's what you're going to be doing. You're going to be signing your first clients, you're going to be getting your first consults. And I want to be able to walk you through this so that you have a clear foundation not just for this next six months, but for m. Multiple six months to come. And they're like, oh, okay, that makes sense. That's why It's. This is 5K. It is expensive, it is an investment. But I also talk with them and I say it is a tax deduction. This is something that you, you can put on multiple credit cards. I'm really flexible about the payments, so if that works better for you, you let me know. And then people are like, oh, I trust her. I can see that she's willing to help me out. But also like, I understand the value of this and I feel better.
The next one is the time. Objection. So a lot of times people will come and if your program is over the course of months, they are probably worried and which is actually a good thing that they're thinking towards the future. They're like, oh, well, I'm going to be gone for a month in the next six months or something unexpected might happen. And I'm kind of worried. It's like, you know, there might be something that goes on. Um, I've had clients who have had so many things and I say, of course. So first they say it's like, I'm not sure if I've got enough time for this. And then I have and I reaffirm them and I say, of course, six months is an extended period of time. And then I actually expect for things to come up during this time. There are going to be things that you see coming right now, like maybe spring break, there might be a couple of weeks that you know you're going to on vacation. And I know that that's probably going to be something that goes on. However, there are also going to be things that are unexpected that come up. For instance, one of my clients who came on and spoke about her experience in six figure systems, her house flooded randomly, just flooded. And they had to uh, her whole basement. And Sally spoke about it on the podcast and they physically had to move out of their house for an entire her first month of six FIG systems. And then they had to um, move back in. And I tell them on the console call, I understand there are expected and unexpected things that will come up. I'll give them those examples and then I'll say, but I know that one of the most important things that when you have a shortened period of time or when unexpected things come up, the one thing that will keep your business consistent and actually bringing in money is having a system to support that. So for instance, my client Sally, when her house flooded, she didn't miss a post. She had a system already in place so that she could continue marketing. She was emailing people and even though they were staying in their physical home, she had a system set up to do that. And I want to make sure that you are prepared no matter what expected and unexpected turns like can throw at you. And that's one of the reasons why I think this would be a really important thing to do over the next six months. And they're like, oh, that makes sense. The other thing about the time objection is I know that if they haven't made 6 months, 6 figures in the past 612 months, right? If they haven't made 100k in the past year, that these systems are not going to, they are only going to help them. So what I tell them is I'm like, regardless of whether you're going to be traveling, regardless of whether you've got, um, some unexpected things that come up, these systems are going to be the thing that is going to propel your business forward. If you haven't hit six figures yet, I would absolutely say that these systems will support you not just to your first six figures, but to multiple six figures. Because I think a lot of people think, oh, it's like I'm out of town. It's like, yeah, I expect for you to be out of town. I, I don't think there's a single six month period I've ever had in my life where I've been in town for the whole six months ever. Uh, it's never happened. So I'm expecting you to travel. That's one of the reasons why I created these systems. And I want you to know that this is going to be the thing that supports your business even through the travel and that creates safety for them. And they're like, oh, that makes sense. Now I remember why this is so important, why this is the most important way for me to spend the night. Six months. Because if they don't by June, let's say they do plan on having some time in the summer. I know that they're never going to get this time back so they can prepare it. I know that this is the best time. Uh, in my opinion, I think it's great for you to understand the systems now so that when you travel later, you just have it in place. It's just rinse, washing, wash and repeat. It's just a routine. And so then my clients are like, oh, that makes A lot of sense. Now I understand and I'm reminded of uh, why the is so important. It's not just about being able to show up on a call every week for six months. Like I don't expect that from anybody. I don't even include it in the money back guarantee that I do. I just say like show up to 75% of the calls. Like yeah, if you could show up to those great. But I'm like that again would be including losing a month and a half of the or it's like a month in a week of the entire program. So I'm like that would be preferred. But for you, I want you to think about like, okay, what would they need to feel to make sure the time investment feels worth it for them. I also have a lot of people who are, I would say half, uh, of the people who are in six figure systems have a full time job. So they're like, I'm not sure if I can make this work. I have a work meeting at this time. Can I still get support even if I'm going to be um, in like one of my clients, Kenya, who also came on the podcast, she takes her calls as an elementary school teacher from her classroom and she has been able to make it work. So I know and I tell people I'm like yeah, I fully expect you if you're at ah, work you might need to take some M calls from work. And that's totally fine with me. There is. And I also tell them that you can submit everything through a one on one feedback form we have at this time where I'm literally going to be the only person that's going to be checking over and giving you feedback every single week along with a stream that you can post in every week and I will give you feedback again weekly. It's just more of a public forum so that you can ask more and more questions as they come up. So uh, I tell people, I'm like yeah, if you want to make sure that you are hitting six figures this year, you want to make sure that you're making the most of your time. And I know your time is valuable and precious. Here's how I'm going to make your time work for you. And I also talk about how with Systems Week I will be there physically and I would teach you every single week. Here's what we're going to do. On Monday we go through your six figure offer and CEO mindset. Uh, Tuesday we go through your marketing and create your powerful positioning method which is the Content calendar I teach my clients. Then we go on through on Wednesday over the sales portion of Six figure Systems, where you get your consult conversion blueprint and even go through a mock consult with me. Thursday we talk about managing leads and how you use the engagement method, the engagement protocol so that you can reach out to people every single day. And on Friday, we go through the CEO schedule and you're going to learn how to plan out your time and finances. So people will be like, oh my God, I can't make, I can't make systems week. So then that means that I can't do this round of six figure systems. I'm going to wait. And I, uh, one of the things that also you want to do is remind them that they're making this decision as a six figure CEO. So for you as a life coach, your people are going to be thinking about where they want to be 6 12, three months from now, however long your program is. And you want to encourage them, uh, to be thinking from an elevated mindset. So one of the things that I do is I'm also like, okay, so if you haven't figured out how to make six figures in 12 months, one of the things that I would like for you to think about is if you don't know what to do, even if you have to miss systems week, even if you just have to watch the replays and submit your questions without showing up live, is that what a six figure CEO would do? Is this the thing that would take you forward to your next six figure year? And then people will be like, oh, I just realized that I wasn't making the decision from a CEO standpoint. The people who are on your life coaching consults, these are people that might not be thinking from their highest standpoint. They might be thinking, oh my gosh, like, where am I going to get the money? How am I going to make the time for this? And you want to reassure them that like, you know that this is possible for them, it is simple, easy and doable. And that you know that if they just show up to work with you, they are going to make this happen. And so just again, reassuring them the time is going to be worth their investment. The last thing is if they say, I want to talk with her husband, that usually means that they have an objection that they're too scared to ask. So they are kind of using their husband as a scapegoat.
So what I like to do is I like to go through many of my other objections and say, I absolutely expect for the financial Decision to be something that's important to you and of course, what. Here are the top three things that I hear from husbands. You invested in programs before and it didn't work. You have, um, you haven't made any money thus far. How is this going to ensure that you act? This actually works for you and do, um, I'm not sure if we have the money right now. We might have to take it out of savings. Will this be worth it? So I will ask them and be like, hey, here are some things I hear from husbands. Does any of those sound like something that your husband would say? And then they're like, yeah, my husband is really worried about where we're going to couple, um, with the money, like where we're going to make or is this actually going to work for me? I have actually worked with other programs before and I'm kind of nervous about it. And then that can help you get to their real objections. So I, uh, want you having a response for time, money and the husband. And again, what I like to tell my clients is like, use the husband as a scapegoat and list objections. You want to know what their objections are, the real, real questions that they have, and you want to be comfortable answering them. So I have a list of a couple of objections that I have and I just wanted you to hear how I help them through it. So the reasons why people say, okay, I'm not, I, I'm not sure if I can afford six figure systems is that I know that they are concerned about spending money and not building a return on their investment. So what I tell them is I say, with this program, I literally guarantee you will have all the systems set up so you can scale to six and multiple six figures within. Pretty much the end of systems week, you will have all those systems ready to go. Then we take the next six months, and all you're doing is applying it and really reimagining it and making it work for your business. I have never had a person sign up for six figure systems and said, um, this really wasn't worth it. And I know that, especially based on if I've done a consult with somebody, I'm m like, I know this is going to work for you because it's worked for every single client that I have. So what you want to do is you want to say, here is yes, it is 5K and it is an investment, but would it be worth it to spend 5k to learn how to make 6 figures this year and every year after that? That's the question that you want to ask yourself. And then I give them time to think about it and I'm like, this is what I would recommend for you. And of course we want to make sure that like you are spending money and that you have, you feel safe doing that. And that's why I tell them like, hey, this is something that you want to be thinking about, making sure that you can afford it. And I also know that this is a business expense. So I help them troubleshoot and I make sure they like feel safe again as they go through it. If they have the second one again, like they typically say. If they're saying I'm not sure if I have the time for this or they're saying that like I, um, I have kids at home, I will say yes. Most of my clients are parents and they also, many of them are parents and have full time jobs. How can you fit this in? What I do is I, I think that they're scared about adding another commitment. They're really the bigger fear there is that they are scared of uh, bringing on another thing and it not working. So what you want to do is I want to say my goal, I know that you have a limited amount of time and what I want to do is I want to make your business work for you rather than you working for your business while are you feeling like you're working for your business? So what I would do is I uh, would make sure that on those two hour calls you would get every single thing that you need to be successful. And anytime you have any questions or anything like that, we're going to go through it in the classroom so you can have access to me as much as possible to make sure that the limited time that you have does work for you. And one of the things that I also just want to plant their seed is that uh, again if they haven't figured it out up until this point, I genuinely do not want anyone to go all the way through July of uh, 2025 with continuing to spin their wheels, making sure that they are just is if they haven't figured it out yet, I know that it's very unlikely that they're going to figure it out on their own. And I just don't want them to waste any more time. So the fear about time, not having enough time, if they genuinely do want to hit six figures, taking at least two hours a week is something I would absolutely recommend at least learning the systems so that they can figure out how to build their business not just this year for Years to come and again talking about how all my clients save time. That's the whole point of this program is to build, make more in less time. That's like the whole, that's actually my catchphrase. I will help you make more in less time. Join six figure systems. So if you're someone who wants to build a business on shorter hours, this is for you. The one. Another thing that I hear from people is that I'm not tech savvy. So this is something that might not be the same for you. This might be something that is um, something that you might need to think of a different objection. But the thing that I hear from many people is like, okay, I'm scared. I'm not going to be able to implement these systems. And what I do is I reassure them and I guess say, there are so many people that are not tech savvy in this program. I am essentially a Google just drive queen. But I am m not someone who is into a bunch of fancy spreadsheets. It is Google and Google Classroom. It is the simplest, most basic technology that you could possibly imagine. So this is designed for people like you that are not tech savvy, who want to scale. This is very, very simple, simple things that you can do every day. I will teach you and give you step by step guidance to implement every single thing even if you have the most minimal tech skills. But I also know that for you, if you are serious becoming a six figure CEO, that there is some tech that might be involved in it. And I want to make sure that you, especially if you're not tech savvy, that you have someone to support you throughout the next six months who is maybe a little bit more tech savvy that can help you set things up so things are easier for you as you go. Another question is, will this actually work for me? So it's like again, these are typically people who are confused and they're like, I have this very specific niche. I uh, or it's like I'm just a general life coach. I'm not sure will this actually work for me? I know that you're a business coach, so business coaches, like when you invest money with me, you're going to be making money. That's the goal of it. But they might not have as tangible of a result. So they're going to say like, I'm not sure if this will actually work for me. So especially for life coaching clients, you want to again make sure that they feel affirmed and you want to say, hey, a lot of people are concerned that this program might not work for them. However, I know that you're going to get these intangible results. You're going to feel less stressed, you're going to feel more confident, you're going to have work, work, life balance. There are so many things that you're going to be able to create within the next six months that you are going to do within the six figure systems mastermind. And so for them, you want to reassure them as a general life coaching client and then you also for me as I'm like sharing about it, it's like the majority of my clients are general coaches and we help them to feel like they've got something that's tangible to work with. So I know that if you're a generalist, this systems absolutely work for you and if you have a specific niche, these will absolutely work for you too. These are just general business skills, how to run a basic business and things that you can have at every level.
I don't have a big audience is another common question I have. If they're scared, they think that success is tied to a big following. So what I'll do is I'll go through and I'll talk about okay. Within my program. I know that you, I've had people who haven't um, even had any social media yet and they are still successful, they still sign clients because they get it set up within this program again. I know that by June, if you were to July, you would, you can try and go through it on your own. But if you don't have a big audience, these are the things that you will do to get a bigger audience. This is the exact steps that you want to take to get a bigger audience. And I know that if you work with me, you're going to be able to have a solid social media presence. You're going to be able to actually, if you have an email list, you'll be able to get people on them because your content is going to convert them. You're going to be getting consults, you're going to create a larger following because you're going to be consistent with social media. So the algorithm will push your content out more. So if you don't have a large following you need to do, I would highly recommend that doing this program is the way that you get a bigger following. I know that going six months without strategy, without the systems, it's going to be so much harder to get a bigger following. So that's one of the main reasons that uh, this is the reason why you should do this program. If you don't have a big following then you should definitely do six figure systems. I also had people saying like, well okay, the systems sound pretty simple. Like you are just going to be marketing consistently, you can manage leads just having conversations with people. I need surely do need a system for sales and I do need to have a way to plan out my time. Maybe I can figure it out on my own and what I offer them, especially if they've been in business for a while, is that not in a. I would say that like this framework is exactly what I needed to save me time. So sure, I know that if you are listening to this podcast, you are probably extremely ambitious and that you could figure this out on your own eventually. I also have had people come in five, eight times 10 years and they still haven't figured this out. And I don't want that to be you. I don't want you taking more time than you need. And so that is another huge reason why you should do six figure systems is to make sure that you don't need that. Again, you can try it on your own. But if it hasn't worked so far, I would absolutely recommend getting some sort of support. If it's not six figure systems, do something else. But I know that six figure systems has worked for everyone that has implemented it it and that everyone's in the program, it's working. So if you want something that's a guarantee, this is a good guarantee. Another question I get is that I'm invested in other programs that don't work. So for you as a coach, they, uh, might have done therapy, they might have joined groups, they might have done retreats. There are so many things that people do to better their mental health and the fear there is that they are fearing wasting money. Again, they don't want to waste money. They are nervous because they've spent money on programs. And so I'll say I totally understand that you've invested in other programs. I want to offer that it's not necessarily the other programs didn't work, it's just that they haven't worked for you yet and these systems will support that. So again, I don't like to say a lot of times like people will be like, oh yeah, put down the other programs. And I found that more so heard because I've never really put down other people's programs. But I've heard that other people who put down other like let's say they're like, yeah, I've worked with another coach and they sucked. What do you think about that kind of client? Okay, probably not the best fit for you because they're putting their results onto the other coach. They're projecting that. So what I want to offer you is I would not go down the road of smack talking another coach. I would go through and just talk about how your program is different and I would say like so based on what you told me you have invested in other programs for me, here's what makes six figure systems different. This is a high touch program where you are going to be getting my support from me, no one else at uh, this point. And you are going to make sure that you are going to get everything that you need in the first week. So you're not going to be getting what you need in the fifth month of our program. You're going to get everything you need in the first week and once you get that, you can start applying it instantly. So um, and I truly feel like I've never heard of a program that gives you everything that you need with me leading the program. Like I've heard of like, of course you can get instant access to things. But for me in six figure systems I'm actually leading systems week. So you're going to be able to meet with me every single day, ask your questions, get answers and then you're going to have an entire six months to implement it. That's one of the things that I found is really different. These are simple systems. It's not like you have to go through hundreds of hours of modules. You do it all with me in one week intensive, that's it. Then you don't need to do any more learning and it's all about implementation and application. And that's what I think makes this program different. This is why people grow so quickly within the six figure systems program. The other thing that I found is that one of the things that makes uh, this different is the way that I go about teaching marketing. It's not talking about marketing multiple times a day. You're not posting every single day multiple times a day. It's about making those posts count. It's not about being smarmy in dms. It's about building genuine authentic relationships. It's not about being salesy and just trying to get things out for money. You're going to feel like your offer is such an under, it's going to feel like, like such an over deliver and they're going to feel like they are undercharging you. They're going to Be like, oh my God, this saved my marriage, has changed my life. So for six figure systems I'm like, you have everything you need to hit six figures. And one of the things that's a new part of the mastermind is not only that, but you can teach other people how to utilize the systems. My VA bridge is going to be leading calls so that you are going to learn how to train a VA. Your VA's can come on and they can get trained in the six figure systems ways so you don't have to worry about going through and make adding that other adjustment that's also something that's included in this program. So again, like I say, it's not just about your first six figures, it's about multiple six figures after that. And I want to make sure that it's something that feels very authentic and very true to you. That's why you create a six figure offer that comes almost like the whole brand of your business. So it becomes something that sells itself.
One of the things that I also hear is that I'm not sure if I need systems yet, that systems are only for advanced coaches. And what I tell them is if you're looking to hit six figures, I don't care if you started your business yesterday, you are looking to scale your business as a coach. And ah, one of the things that I have found is that people who see themselves as okay, I, I'm not sure if I need systems. It sounds like a really advanced topic. You still every single business needs a way to market, sell, manage leads and plan every single business. There is not a single business that has it. So whether you're at the beginning of your business or as an advanced person, you at the beginning of your business without systems, you are more than welcome to throw spaghetti at a wall. But I have a feeling that you are thinking listening to this podcast at the very least because you don't want to throw spaghetti at a wall. You want to be the kind of person that is actually creating something that is insanely valuable, something that people will really want to buy from. And that is one of the reasons why, especially as a beginner, I would highly recommend starting systems as soon as possible. Creating the system so that you do not, you can make more and less time and again, the last thing I hear is that okay, I'm too new to coaching. I'm not even certified, I'm just in certification, I just graduated from certification. How can I actually start to implement these systems? And like I said again, you can throw spaghetti at the wall for as long as you wish. Again, I've had people who have been in business for multiple years, multiple years, and they haven't made money. And then when they start working with me, of course they start making money because they learn what it takes to actually make a coach. So, especially if you are new to coaching, starting these systems as soon as possible so that you don't have to go through the painful experience of not getting sales and not feeling like it's working. I want you to feel like it's working as soon as possible. I want to get you out there, get you moving, get you motivated, so you make it just not only a strong foundation for six figures, but just have a strong foundation so you can feel confident as a business owner. So I want you in the worksheet that I'm going to give you with this podcast, I want you to go through and I want you to know why it's so important for you to have these responses ready and I want you to start practicing them right away. Because objections are not a sign that they don't like you, that they, they're not going to buy from you. It's just a sign that they are going to go, that they just have a couple questions. That's all they have. They have some questions and you just want to have really good answers to them. So, uh, this is my podcast for you. Feel free to utilize that worksheet. Message me if you have any questions and make sure that next Monday you're registered to come to the 6 the 100 case strategy, the scaling masterclass that I'm leading, and make sure that if you are interested in joining the Six Figure Systems Mastermind, you for sure sign up before it, um, Sunday at, uh, midnight, because the group gets started on Monday at 9am so that being said, I hope you guys have a phenomenal week. Next week I'm going to have a panel of the Six Figure Systems Mastermind members so you can hear from themselves what they've created within this mastermind and start to dream about what you could create in this mastermind yourself. Have a wonderful week, everyone, and I will talk to you soon.