Episode 41: Guarantee Your Goals

Uh, hello, hello everyone and welcome back to the Six Figure Systems podcast. And ah, if you're listening to this live, Happy New Year. This is going to be aired. It's the first podcast episode of the year. And I don't know about you, but when there is a new year. I know this is so cliche, but I always feel so excited because it feels like a fresh start, a new year, new me, you know, as everybody says, and I really want this year to be your best year yet. I really do feel like last year was truly the best year I've ever had. And I want to offer you a thought that I have going into this year, is that it just keeps getting better. And I promise you that this year, as you grow, as you learn, as you really figure out how to grow these businesses, this is going to be your best year yet too. So, uh, of course the main topic of today's podcast is goals. And we're going to talk about how to guarantee your goals. The first thing that we're going to do is we're going to talk about some misconceptions that come when you have goals and that you're setting them. Then we're going to get into how to reverse engineer your goal, which as, uh, a teacher, former teacher, we call this reverse engineer or back, the backwards design process. And we're going to talk about how to go from the end of your goal and plan it all the way back out to today whenever you listen to this podcast. And then last but not least, of course we're going to talk about planning out your goal. So first and foremost, I want to tell you some just m misconceptions that I see a lot of people making. Now, as many of you guys listening to this are life coaches, you know that a lot of your clients will set goals. They're very mission forward, goal oriented human beings. And of course as a coach and as an entrepreneur, of course you are goal setting, goal oriented as well. But what I see happen is I see a lot of people doing a lot of different things when they're trying to set their goals. So a lot of times I will see goals that are vague, which could be like, yep, I want to make 100k next year. And uh, if this has been your goal for more than one year, I want to offer that that goal might be a little too big for your brain to comprehend. It doesn't feel as tangible. So if you haven't hit six figures and your goal has been to hit six figures for at least more than one Year I would offer that we need to make your goal more specific, more tangible, so that your brain actually gets to work that goal. The second thing is that I see a lot of people who have a goal, again, like hitting six figures, and they aren't necessarily tracking their progress. So like, yes, I want to hit six figures, but I see a lot of people that don't really know what the numbers are to hit six figures. And so the process I'm going to teach you is going to have you knowing your numbers, you're going to understand exactly what to do to get those numbers, and it's going to be really clear for you as well. The other part that I see that is a misconception or a problem that I see with people setting goals is they really aren't lacking a start and end point. So it feels like it's just kind of like, yeah, 100k in 12 months. And it's just kind of like a rolling 12. And it's just that thing that you always really want to do. And you know that you feel this desire to help all these people and you know that you have this capability to coach a lot of people or help a lot of people. But what happens is there isn't really a clear start and end point and there aren't many milestones in between. So your brain has this awesome goal. And I think there's um, a statistic like 56% of people forget their goal after January 6th. So without that clarity, of course people are forgetting their goals. And so what you want to do is you want to make sure that you have many milestones in between. And we'll talk about how to pace that out. The other thing I see is goal overload. I see so many people that are going through and they have all. And of course you're ambitious, of course you have bunch of goals. You probably have health goals, you probably have relationship goals, maybe you have goals with your family, maybe your house, maybe financial goals, all of these goals and then of course your business goals. So what happens is your brain just gets really overloaded and it's like, this is too much for me. I can't really handle this. And so we're going to talk about what to do instead because again, I see so many people who are so well intentioned and brilliant, like really, really phenomenal people. And what happens is they are writing down goals and they like just do, um, what I call a set and forget situation. They also don't have a plan and they, of course, if you don't Have a plan. Your brain is going to be like, ah, uh, you know, it would be better than doing these goals, not doing these goals. So within this podcast episode, of course there's always going to be a worksheet, uh, to go along with it.

But I want to tell you that I actually want you to message me your goals. And there's a very. And this is actually statistically inevitable. It statistically shows that you're more likely to achieve your goals because you are 42% more likely to accomplish your goal if you just tell somebody, not just writing it down, but if you just say it to somebody else. That means that you're going to 42% more likely to accomplish your goal. And uh, the reason why I want you to actually message me your goals is because I see there are 92% of people that give up on their goals and they never actually achieve them. And you are far too smart and far too awesome and can help way too many people to give up on your goals. You are not in that 92% band. I would like to work to make that way more than 8% of people that are achieving their goals. And that is what this year is all about. 2025 is your year to make it happen. And ah, I also know that 35% of people don't reach your goal because of unrealistic expectations. So what I really want you to do is I want you to really be setting realistic expectations within this. So, uh, within this episode, we want to first think about reverse engineering your goal. And this is something that I think is really, really important. Now that you know the misconceptions and the problems with it, you want to really think about reverse engineering your goal. And that means starting with the end in mind. Now, I know a lot of people want to get into their goals and they want to start making an action plan right away. Trust me, I am one of those people. I, uh, very much am like, okay, here's my goal. Let's start doing actions. Let's taking actions right now. However, what I have found to be far more effective is if you really create a compelling reason why. So there is this philosophy, um, phenomenon that our brains experience, and it's described as what's called the motivational triad. So the motivational triad, it is of course, triangle. And I will put a diagram in your, um, in the worksheet. But what it says is that your human brain's goal is to do three things. Conserve energy, seek pleasure, and avoid pain. That's the only purpose of your whole brain so when you go to set a goal, that means that you're going to be expending energy. That also means that you might experience discomfort and which means seeking pain. And you're also going to avoid the pleasure of staying the same. Now you and I both know that if we think about this logically, making more money, creating a larger business, all of those things would actually be a really great thing for you to do. And it's definitely going to help you long term. However, your primitive brain, your subconscious that runs the show 80% of the time is going to fight you every bit of the way unless you get that subconscious part of you on board. You want to take that motivational triad and flip it to what I call the accomplishment triad, which is where instead of seeking pleasure, you seek the long term success. Instead of thinking about, okay, yeah, it would be nice not to post today. It would be nice to just like chill out. You want to seek the long term success and that means using your prefrontal cortex, which is the logical part of your brain, and really thinking more from that place when you're taking action. And it's going to help you get out of that inaction. Whenever you're like trying to write a post and instead you find yourself scrolling as a six figure earner, you want to be really getting into that, seeking the long term success. You also want to, instead of avoiding pain, you want to avoid regret. I know that for each and every one of you, you've got big dreams and big goals. And I know that when you look back on your life when you're 100 years old, you will never regret taking the actions that you're taking today. I know that. And you want to get the rest of your subconscious brain to be thinking about that more than the discomfort of maybe doing a webinar and writing a post and things like that. You also, instead of conserving energy, you want to become energized by your goal. You want to be so excited about, you want to feel like energy coming from the tips of your fingers and really, uh, coming out of you as you go and you set these goals. And that is the kind of energy that's kind of experience that you want to have while you set your goals. And it's really important that you do this before you get into the planning and writing what you're going to do every single day. Because what happens is you need to be in this state of mind in this really energized, ready to go place and you want to be there as you're taking the action as much as you can. So here's step one of uh, the goal. How to guarantee your goal is I want you to get your subconscious brain on board with your prefrontal goals. And that means you need to create a really compelling reason why you want to achieve this goal. Now your brain, it takes five positive thoughts to replace every negative thought. Uh, so what happens is a lot of times what I see happening is people get so bogged down in their goals and they get so frustrated. They don't think about the bigger picture, they don't think about the bigger why. And I want you to write down M, not one, not five. I want you to write down, um, 30 reasons why it's important that you accomplish this goal before you even accomplish this goal. And this episode is going to be very similar to last week's episode where it's going to be a little interactive. So again, if you go to the show notes, you're going to be able to download a worksheet that goes along with this episode. And I've created 30 reasons why I wrote it out for you. And you're going to think about why this is important to you. So you can think about reasons that are playing into that long term success. Like I want to be the kind of person that is able to help 20, 20, 50, 100, a uh, thousand people in my lifetime. And I know that starts with this year. You could also avoid regret and think about, I don't want to go another year without achieving my goals in this business. I really want this year to be the year. The other thing that you can do, uh, is to become energized and think about how amazing it would be to work with all of those people and being like, thinking about the getting on calls and seeing your schedule for the week and seeing it fully booked with all these clients that want to see you and talk to you and that are amazing and fit just like exciting, awesome people. I have had the privilege of doing that for these past couple of years and it's been wonderful. Like I have the best clients in the world and I know that for you, when you're thinking about like how exciting it would be to have a fully booked coaching practice, I know that lights you up inside. So I want you to think of 30 different reasons why. These reasons also don't necessarily have to be completely for this long term vision. It could be short term goals too. It could be uh, I want to pay for my kids college. I want to be able to. For me personally, we are on the verge of buying a house, and I would really love to buy a house in 2026. So I know that's a part of my big goals for this year, is like, I want to have this beautiful home. And that's a part of my reasons why I want to make. And for me, my goal this year is $500,000. And I really want to make sure that I'm doing everything every single day when I wake up. I'm picturing that as I go. I'm also thinking about other reasons why, like, I would be able to help support, uh. Like, I'd be able to go on more trips with my family, which is really important to me. My grandmother is going to be 89 in a couple of days, and I love her so, so much. And my grandfather is going to be 86. So the two of them are they actually, their birthdays are a couple of days apart. So within next year, they've got big years ahead of them. And I want to be able to be with them as much as possible. And that's reason why it's important for me to have this awesome goal so I can treat them to going out to the movies and seeing Wicked. If you haven't seen it, I've now seen it twice. It's amazing. And I am not. I used to do a lot of musical theater, for those of you guys that don't know. Um, and I did voice lessons for years. You can't tell because I have a cold right now. Clearly, we had too much family. And, uh, all of these people we hosted for, uh, New Year's Eve, we had a really great time. And now my body's like, you can't tell. I'm super nasally today. But I did used to sing for quite some time. And for me, I think it's just one of those things that for you, I want you to have more experiences with your friends and your family and your loved ones. And that's other reasons why you want to create this awesome goal. So that's the first piece you want to think about why, what is your big reasons why. And I don't care if you tape it to your desk and print it out. I don't care if it's your screensaver, but you want to be thinking about that as you achieve your goals.

The second thing that you want to do is you really want to think about who you're going to become this year. This is some of my favorite, favorite, favorite work to do. But I want you to think about and Last week, if you didn't have a chance to listen to that episode, you actually had a chance to, we're going to do this again this week. But you actually broke down the amount of people that you would want to work with if you were able to hit your goal with the same price or price increases, whatever it was. And so for me, that would be working with a hundred people in my mastermind, 100 humans. And I think that for me, when I think about helping a hundred people next year, I. My heart is just so full and so excited and I just cannot wait to meet them and help them. I know that I can. I know that I've seen my clients get such insane results in this past Mastermind, and I know I want that for every single person that comes into my orbit. So, uh, when I'm thinking about who I want to be, a lot of times we go into what I mentioned before is like, how, how am I going to make this happen? But there is a concept I heard about in like 2021, and instead of, it's like a lot of us think that the world works, but you do a lot of stuff, then you become the kind of person. Then you, it's, oh, ah, man, like, let me write this out. It's like, do, be, have versus ha, um, be y'all. It's it. This is going to be a good one. It's, it's great. You want to be the kind of person, clearly this cold is getting into my head. But you want to become the kind of person that does the right things. There we go. And then you'll have the right thing. So I think a lot of people think that if you do the right things, and I'm going to write this down for you guys too, because clearly my brain is not firing at all cylinders. But you're going to do. I think the way that we have perceived the world thus, uh, far is that you do a lot of stuff and then you have the thing that you want and then you become that person. So, for instance, you do a lot of things, you post a lot, you do all the things, and then you have a six figure business and then you become a six figure earner. Uh, wrong. That is not the way you want to be setting your goals. The way that you want to set your goals is you want to become a six figure earner. Because if you sit, if you, as, uh, you are listening to this podcast right now, I don't care where you are. If I tell you, I want you to act like a six figure earner right now. I bet you, you show up differently, you do different things and even as you listen to this podcast, you probably sit up a little straighter and think about what you're wearing. You want to make sure it's professional, you want to make sure you're showing up really strong. And if you already had made six figures, that's how you would be showing up. But uh, if you take action from that place and you become a six figure earner and then you do things from that six figure ear mindset, you are going to have six figures so much faster because you're going to be taking better, cleaner, faster, more effective action. So that's what you need to be doing is you need to become the kind of person that hits that goal before you hit that goal. Super trippy meta. Get at me. It's great. But you want to be thinking about that because what happens is as I think about myself becoming a 500k earner and as myself for me, I'm also thinking about as I record this podcast, I want to make this business hit a million dollars. And I'm recording this podcast as the kind of person who is a seven figure earner right now. I'm thinking about exactly the way even like my space, I even changed the way my office looked, I changed the way I showed up. I bought a desktop that's new. It's so exciting, makes me thrilled. Mac is just like the best and it's like a desktop version. I love it. And I just feel like now I really up leveled and now I'm ready to take my business to that next level. And when I am in that seven figure mindset, I show up differently. I show up differently to all my calls, I show up, I get more done, I'm more effective. And because I am uh, the owner of a million dollar business even if it hasn't hit a million dollars yet. So uh, that's why I'm becoming right now. That is who I and then I do different things and then of course I'm going to have that seven figure business so much faster and next year is just a little, that is my next milestone on the way to 7 figures is 500k and I betcha uh, just like last year because I really embodied, I was really focusing even last year on becoming a seven figure earner. I, my goal last year was 300,000 and I made 370,000 which is wild. So I just want you to know that that is, this is the secret to getting your goals done. So Much faster is to become the kind of person who hits six figures before you actually hit six figures. So a little quick prompt for you to do, and I actually do this every single day, is I think about what would my future self be thinking today, what would my future self be doing today, and what advice would my future self have to give me. And so for me, I like to do that exercise every single day because it really gets me in that seven figure mindset. And then when problems inevitably arise within my business, I can handle them so well.

That comes to the next piece. When you think about your business, you are going to come up with this goal and you're going to be like, okay, $500,000. And I want to do it with mostly Mastermind. I want to do it with the Mastermind money. So that means that I'm going to need to get nine clients a month and make $42,000 a month. And so that's something that is obviously new to me because I only made 370last year. Only I only made 370last year. But it's within that. When you're thinking about your goals, I want to think about, okay, how can I consistently make this happen in my brain? Inevitably will bring up problems immediately. I don't have a large enough audience. I have never signed that many people before. I don't have enough. I've never had that many people in the group before. Am I going to make sure that I'm delivering correctly and it's going to give me a slew of problems? You want to write down all of those problems immediately and as you're doing that, you want to come up with strategies, strategies to solve for them. So for instance, for me, I know that delivery is something I really want to focus on and making sure I get my clients really amazing results. So that means that I want to make sure that I'm responding to them quicker and faster, which means I might need to bring on another person to be a co coach to help me within my business this year. So that is something that I might be doing within this upcoming year. I also know that I'm going to need a bigger audience based on my conversion rate so far, based on the way that my emails have been going and things like that. I would like to grow my audience. So I'm investing in ads, finding more people. Now. I just a, uh, caveat about ads. I did not start running ads until I'd made 300,000. And I also am making sure that I'm converting cold traffic from my Organic social media posts. So what that means is I would not recommend starting ads personally until you are making money from your marketing currently. Because what I've seen is that a lot of people go through and they try uh, to do ads without having knowing how to do the marketing without being consistent, sending out weekly emails, like just the basic stuff like without doing the weekly marketing and the basic social media and basic emails and things like that. If that's what you would like to do to grow your business. And I, you uh, do not even need to use mostly email. But what I've seen is that people that do that, they don't know what actually works in their marketing. They don't know what gets people to like and comment and actually message them. And so what they do is they put all this money into ads and they just do it to kind of like think that throwing money at people will get them to buy. And what I've seen is a trend 2024 on is that that's not going to work anymore. You need to really understand what people want and you need to have a really clear vision and you need to be really consistent in the back end before you start ads. I would recommend it because then I've seen people do ads. They even get one of my clients got 18,000 followers and hadn't signed a client still because she wasn't consistent, wasn't talking with them. And so I still want that to be you. And I've seen that for many, many other clients as well. But you don't have to have a huge audience. I made six figures with like a thousand five hundred client uh, people on Instagram. And mind you, I'm 30. So I grew up in the age of social media. A lot of them were just friends and family. And I also made, I think there were 192 people on my email list. So you don't need a big audience, but you do want to actually be getting people into your audience and actually like have a bigger audience. But for me as uh, I'm scaling down million, I know I'm going to want a lot of people in this audience. So I'm going to invest in getting more people into my audience. That's one of my plans for this year. The other thing that is really important is you also want to make sure that you are like, do I just write down all the problems, all the obstacles and then I think about strategies for each of these and this is something m that's really, really important that I want you guys to do as well. So then after you've got all the obstacles, then you want to have a crystal clear goal and actually break them down into milestones. So for me, one of the things that I found is that 500k seems great. And then what I want to do is I want to break it down into three yearly, monthly, quarterly and monthly goals. So what I would like for you to do is take your annual goal and think about how many clients that would be and then break that down into quarterly and then into monthly. The reason why I do quarterly goals, why I think that's something that's really important, is for me personally I'm launching. So most of my goals are going to be quarterly anyways. It's not necessarily something month to month I make, but it's something more about like the cold quarter as a whole. And the second thing is within even every single year, the months will vary pretty drastically. But if I have a goal for what I want to make quarterly, I can be really clear and really focused on it and that can be really helpful. So what you're going to do is you're going to list each of those goals. So for me, 500k, a hundred clients quarterly, 125k, 25 clients a quarter and then monthly, 42ish a month and 9ish clients a month. So I've got that in plan. And then I want to think about what can I do to bring these people in. So I want to of course keep up the basics. Hosting consistently, I want to keep out the engagement consistently, actually messaging people and making sure I'm talking to people. I also started a. And because I'm going to do more than, hopefully more than double this year, I'm um, there because I'm hoping to get my income past where it's not doubling but within next year what I'm going to be doing is I'm doubling down on the things that worked. So I'm really going to make sure that my social media is on point. I'm also going to make sure that my engagement like I'm really going to be focusing more on messaging people. That's why I've stopped taking one on one clients. And then I'm also going to be focusing on the um, the launching. There was another thing I was going to say here, but that's okay. But within my business right now what I want to do is I want to be thinking about, okay, like this is the basic oh in my email list I'm going to actually be focusing on like responding more people email so what I want to do is that's what I'm going to be focusing on and I'm going to be doubling down on the things that worked. I also had a free Facebook group that I've now changed my paid Facebook group, which is $12 for the make Money with Marketing workshop. And I'm going to be focusing in and really being consistent on there and making sure things are working. So that is what I'm going to do for my business goals. I write it all down and then I also am going to be thinking about again adding the launching and doing the webinars in the months that I don't, um, launch and also starting ads. But then I want to create really effective systems to make this work. So for me, I have a very effective system that I teach every single one of my clients for social media and that is something that I teach my clients within the six figure Systems Mastermind. However, uh, on top of that, I also am really going to be focusing in, on making sure that I create new systems for new things that I have. So, for instance, for my, um, Facebook group, I created a new system for what goes in there. And I'm posting every single week. I'm going to be posting something different every day. I also know that I'm going to be reviewing and adjusting and making sure that things are progressing and moving, uh, uh, accordingly. So I'm going to. So the first step, well, not the first step, this is like the fourth step, uh, is to have the crystal clear goal and break it into milestones. Then the fifth step is, uh, to commit to systems, not just outcomes. So instead of being like, I want to hit 100k, you're like, what am I doing every single week, every single day, every single month, every single quarter to make that happen? Are there specific things that you need to be doing? Do you want to do a webinar? Do you want to do a presentation to a corporation? Do you want to pitch yourself to business, to business opportunities? I've talked about a ton of these things on the podcast, but you want to be thinking about that every single week. What can I do to make my business work? And using systems to make it even more effective?

Last but not least, number six is to make sure that you are reviewing consistently. This is how I started last week's episode. And I want you to know that we are going to be progressing and moving towards creating more accountability. And that is one of the things that I am really focused on. I'm going to be checking in every single week. I'm doing my numbers. I know how many posts we've done, I know how many times we've talked to people, I know how many people have responded. I'm looking at every single piece of information that really like matters. Not likes, not comments, not vanity metrics. But I'm actually tracking how many people we're having conversations with. I'm really looking at making sure that we are getting more consults and getting more people and through the door and just signing up even without a consultation. And so that's what I want you to do is I want you to schedule time to do check ins weekly, monthly and of course quarterly and identify what roadblocks are coming up. So this is something I teach my clients, but we have a weekly eval that you do every single week. And I have done when I hit six figures, I was doing that every single week and it changed monthly, uh, uh, when I this past year. But overall it's so, so important for you to be evaluating and constantly being on track every single week, every single month so that you can really hit your goals and that is the way that you're going to get into your goals. So I know it was a lot. Just to recap, we talked about the misconceptions of uh, people when they face their goals. Then we talked about what to do to reverse engineer your goal. And it's more about who you are and who you're becoming in this year before you figure out exactly how to do things and then a simple process to make your goals a reality. This year I have a. No doubt is going to be the best year yet. Definitely make sure that you're messaging me your goals and things like that. And very important. I just thought about this on, on today I'm announcing the Six Figure Strategy webinar. It is going to be a webinar that I'm going to be hosting uh, in the next four weeks and I want you to be there. It is also going to be an opportunity to enroll in the Six Figure Systems Mastermind. This next round is going to be going from February to July and it is truly going to be such an important time for you to be focusing on your business. The first, second and into a little bit of the third quarter are the most important times that I see people really needing to focus on their business and this is the perfect time for you to do that. So make sure you sign up for the webinar and if you're not already on the wait list for the Mastermind, definitely make sure you get on, and I'll send you all the information about this upcoming round. And I can't wait to see you next week.


Episode 42: How Amy went from Coaching Side Hustle at $62K to Full Time Coach at $654K in just 3 years: Amy Gorin's Journey to Scaling Her Coaching Business with One Offer


Episode 40: How to Accelerate Growth with Your Annual Plan