Episode 40: How to Accelerate Growth with Your Annual Plan
hello everyone and welcome back to the Six Figure Systems podcast. Today is going to be a little bit of a different kind of episode. As you guys know, I'm all about making these episodes interactive. However, today for the how to accelerate your growth with the annual plan. I actually would like to help you make your annual plan as you listen to this. So, uh, within the typical podcast episodes, when you go into the show notes of the podcast, you'll see a link that says here's a link to download the worksheet. And what's going to happen is within this podcast you're going to click on that link and any other link for any form or podcast and you're going to get access to a, um, a form where you're going to put in your name and your email and then you'll get in your email the actual worksheet that I'm going to be following along with around halfway through this episode. So you can follow along too and get ready for 2025, because as this podcast is being released, it is going to be on December 30th and I want you to be ready. So that next year is truly one of the best years yet. One of the things that is very important to me is that you are creating a life and a legacy that you want. So today we're going to talk about why there are so many challenges planning your career, but planning your business because it's such a different career. Then we're going to talk about what you should start with, which is an evaluation. And I'll talk to you about how you can evaluate your year within this podcast and within the worksheet. Then we're going to talk about how you can create a, um, plan around your goals. And this is kind of a pseudo two part work, um, podcast. Because what's happening is next week I'm going to release a podcast about guaranteeing your goals. So I'm going to make sure that you kind of have an idea of setting goals in this podcast episode. And then next week we'll talk more about execution because this will be a really, really long podcast if I tried to comply both of those. So we're going to talk about goal setting and then we're going to talk about how to actually plan your work in your life so that they really fit well and it's a cohesive mix so you can have your plan to grow in both of those areas. So, uh, let's get started. Feel free to if you also are on the go as you listen to this podcast. Feel free to listen to it now, download it later, and feel free you'd go through that plan as you go. So first and foremost, one of the things that I have found is that when you are an entrepreneur, you are focusing in all the things that have helped your career grow in the past. So in a past career for all of us, most of us were employees. Most of us also didn't own our own businesses. So the way that we showed up for those jobs was you show up for your 9 to 5, you do your work, you get paid. And if you do really good job, if you're not in a career, like I was in teaching, you have the opportunity to get rewarded for that pay with, rewarded for your, um, work with more pay, or elevating your title in your career. So if you are now starting your business and this is the first business you've ever owned, which is the majority of us, a lot of us have a really hard time separating that employee mindset when we become a CEO, because as a CEO, you get to set your own hours, you get to make your own schedule. And a lot of times we are, uh, most people, if you're listening to a podcast like this, a lot of us are really go getters that are high achievers, that will do the most work we possibly can in order to succeed. But within your business, there is no stopping point. So a lot of times what happens is we are going to. What happens for most people is you create a business that is your life kind of revolves around versus making your business fit into your life. So that's one of the things that we're going to be talking about today and why it's something that's really hard.
And again, most of you guys started these businesses because they were passion projects. You found a service that you were really passionate about providing. You felt like, I don't know if you feel like this, but for me, when I first started coaching, I genuinely felt like I just hit the. I just felt like this was exactly what I meant to do. And there's a book called, uh, the Big Leap by Gay Hendrick. And within that book, he talks a lot about your, um, doing something that's really fulfilling for you. And for me, when I was thinking, it's like, there's, um, your zone of excellence, and then there's your zone of genius. And a lot of us spend our whole lives in our zone of excellence. And I truly felt like, for me, my zone of excellence was teaching. But when I finally started coaching, I felt like, oh, my goodness, this is my zone of genius. And I know many of you guys can feel like that too. And feeling the rush of doing something that you feel like you're really meant to do in this life, it can be almost addicting. And you want to spend a lot of your time working. So we're going to talk about how to get the most out of that time when you're spending, spending your time in your, um, business. But then we're also going to talk to, about how to balance that out with your life too. So a lot of times what happens is within this typical plan of yours, we will go through and we will just work more in order to get more money. So, uh, within your business, of course, if you're looking to scale to six and multiple six figures, you're going to put the time in. Because if you think about a traditional career path, the more time you put in and the more you do for the company, the more money you make. However, that is not true with business. Within business, you need to work really smart and you need to work hard, but it's not necessarily the hours that you spend. For instance, a misconception that I see a lot of clients do is they think that if they spend more hours on social media and uh, spend more hours trying to figure out how to do copywriting, that they're going to make more money. And that, uh, isn't necessarily true. You need to learn how to copyright, but you also need to learn how to spend your time wisely. So you also manage your leads. You also spend time developing your skill. Sales. You also spend time planning the front and the back end of your business, which means front end planning out marketing more than one day in advance. And then you also need to plan time in the back end to create intellectual property which will help your clients. So for instance, if you are a life coach and your clients are struggling with stress, you also need time to help them make tools to manage your stress better. Maybe it's journal prompts, maybe it's a worksheet that they can use to help them to reframe, um, their stress. Maybe it is a diagram explaining stress in a different way. But as the CEO of your company, you are doing the actual coaching. You are also manning the front end of your business. You're doing all the social media marketing, the whole marketing team. You're also the sales team, and you're also the CEO, the cfo, the Chief Financial Officer and the CEO, the chief Operations officer. And you're trying to do all that at once. And what Happens for most of us is we end up overworking and under earning. So there was a study that was done by the alternative board and they uh, did a study on entrepreneurship and they found that only 4% of entrepreneurs worked less than 30 hours a week. They also found that only 14% work 30 to 40 hours a week. So that means that as an entrepreneur only 18% of entrepreneurs were working a normal quote unquote 9 to 5, 40 hour work week, 33% were working 40 to 50 hours a week, 30% were working 50 to 60 hours a week and 19% were working over 60 hours a week. So that means that 82% of entrepreneurs are working more than a 40 hour week. And what happens is you are overworking to overcompensate, maybe a financial deficit that you're experiencing. So a lot of times what I see is the business burnout cycle kind of happens. When people start out and they're really passionate about what they do and they're super excited and they're like this is amazing. I want to provide this service, it's going to be great. And then things don't go out exactly like they would in a typical career. There's usually a lot more problems to fix. You have way more problems to solve because you are every employee all at once.
And one of the things I like to think about is we all know that startups typically have the um, they get the kind of reputation that they are going to be um, that people in startups typically work a lot. I want you to imagine that as a solopreneur you're a startup of one, so you're doing everything. And what happens is you probably have only had one role, maybe three or four in another company or in another role as an employee. But when you are an entrepreneur, your every role, so you go and there are more problems than you probably ever experienced in any other role. So what happens is you try and troubleshoot it and you probably didn't become a coach. You could also be a social media manager, but guess what, that also becomes part of your job description. And then you're also a copywriter and then you're a graphic designer and then you're also a website creator. Maybe you're doing grab um, a uh, sales team. Like you're doing all these things. So it's just a lot of different things to be managing all at once. And what happens is then you are faced with situations where things might not be working out as quickly as they would in a typical career. Especially those of you that came from careers where you might be working at a company that's had 10 to 40 years of experience, maybe even more. So you're used to things going in a certain way, where there's a protocol, there's a set thing to do, it's very simple and laid out for you. And then you're troubleshooting at a very high level versus right now, you're troubleshooting everything at the ground level. And so what happens is it can feel really frustrating and overwhelming at that point. So then you get all these to do lists or all these different roles, they pile up. Your business becomes then inconsistent because you're trying to put out all these different fires. And then the stress from your business starts to overlap into life. And then that is how I see a lot of entrepreneurs get burnt out. And good news for you, you're listening to this podcast, so we're not going to let you get into the business burnout cycle, but it's something I want you to be aware of, that there's a very logical reason as to why you're getting burnt out or maybe could see that on the horizon. It's because you're trying to run a business like you would any other career. And you really do have to think about business differently. So what happens is what we need to do is we need to pause here and we need to play to your strengths, and we need to have a really clear plan for each aspect of your business so that you can make sure it grows. And that business starts with evaluating this past year. So the first, when I'm thinking about the annual accelerate, uh, the annual plan accelerator. That's what it's called, the annual plan accelerator. One of the things that I do is something called the backwards design process. So you want to start with the goal in mind, and then you want to think about how this year went, and then we want to break down the goal for next year, and then we want to actually plan it out. So that's how we typically do things now. A lot of times when I see people trying to plan their year, it's kind of like, um, not throwing spaghetti at the wall, but it's kind of like, oh, yeah, I need to be doing this. Maybe I should do a webinar. And it's kind of just like haphazardly kind of thrown about. And I do not want that to be you. So that's why I'm including this worksheet so you can use it and actually plan, um, out your year. And this exact, like a modification of this worksheet is actually what I've been using since 2022. 2022 is the first year I, I created the annual plan accelerator and within that I. That was also my first six figure year, my first year full time and I've used it every year since and has been extremely helpful, not just for me, but also for my loved ones to stay in the loop for because I'll share that with them and I'll be like, hey, here's what's coming up. Just a heads up, let's plan trips around, launches, you know, all that good stuff. So, um, here's what you need to do. First and foremost, you need to evaluate this year. If you already have a goal in mind for next year, the only way that you are going to be able to get to that goal is at least a little bit faster is by understanding what you did that worked, what you want to improve and what you would like to do differently. So a good way for you to go about that is by thinking about where you are now at the finished part of the year and then where you want to go. And I like to do 12 months from now. Now within this, what I like to do is I like to think about the core aspects of my business. So for you, for instance, for me this year my goal is 300,000. I hit 370, but I know that next year is 500,000. So one of the things that's important is acknowledging, hey, I figured out how to make $370,000 in a 12 month period. That's pretty neat. If I want to hit 500, what kind of things would I need to do differently to see that number change in 2025?
So for you, there are four things that you're always going to be evaluating within your business that can change that number at the end of the year. The first thing is marketing. The second thing is managing leads. The second third thing is sales. And the fourth thing is planning. I'm going to break down all those for you. But the first thing that you want to do is you want to think really critically like a CEO. And you want to go through each and every one of those categories. Marketing, managing, leads, sales and planning. And you want to think about where you are now. So you want to think about, okay, what, where am I at right now with marketing? And I, if I'm um, reflecting on this year for myself, I could say something like, okay, I feel like I am at like a six for marketing. I think I'm at like a three for managing. Leads, I would say I'm at seven for sales. No, I change it to five. And then I would say I'm at four. Ah, for planning. So I have those numbers. And then I want to think about why am I at those numbers. And I want to give a really detailed description of, uh, things that are going well right now, but also think about areas I want to improve. So for my marketing, one of the things that I would like to do is to create more engagement and getting more people to message me. Now that has been really successful recently. Since I've discovered ManyChat, I've been able to have more conversations with people, but I would like to create more content. And I'm also going to be doing advertising. This is my first year that I'm really diving into paid ads, and that is a whole new world. So for me, when I'm thinking about where I want to go now, it's like I've got an ad running, but I have no idea what's going on with it. It's kind of a mess. And, uh, that's okay. It can be a mess that I can make $350,000. So you can be honest with yourself, but just don't be hard on yourself. Just use a compassionate lens and be like, ah, uh, yep, that's happening. I do not know what's going on with this ad, but we're going to figure it out and it's going to be fine. And also I know that 12 months from now, I want to have it together with ads. I want to be, I want to know exactly how to run a funnel. I want to know how to do all, uh, the wording and things like that. And so of course I hired a coach to help me with it, and she's going to help me to get these ads up and running. So I know that where I want to be 12 months from now is I want to be like an ad pro. And that's where I want to go with marketing in 2025. And I also know that's going to help me to reach 500k for managing leads. If I were to think about that, I honestly think it's like a three. I feel like I am working really hard to get better at talking to people as, uh, more consistently. But this year I'm going to give myself some grace. And there were weeks that I was coaching about 30 hours a week. I also went on 17 trips. So I'm like, yeah, I could be better about responding. Where I want to go 12 months from now is I want to have a protocol in place where I'm responding to people every single day. And I've got a better format for responding to my clients. I've already started getting that in place now. But I want to be able to go on walks every day. That's my plan. And I want to be able to respond to people in the morning, in the evening, so that way I have a set time. And it's also going to help me with my health goals, too. So that's a way that you can go through it and then you'll do the same for sales. For me, sales. I'm doing great on consults. I would like to even bump up my consult conversion rate and also learn how to sell on a webinar. That's where I'm going in 12 months from now. And then, last but not least, planning. I really want to get better about my finances next year. Uh, that's why I said, I think I'm like a five for that, because I'm already really good at my money coming in. But I really want to manage things because not next year, but the year after that. My fiance, soon to be husband, and I are going to have a home. And I would also like to have children within the next couple of years. So I really want to get things ready and planned and organized so that we can move that in that direction. And saving up for a house is something I haven't done before. So I'm going to need to learn how to budget a little bit differently in the new year. So once all of that is done, once you evaluate it, you really need to make sure that you think about things in a critical lens. And you also want to think about what you're going to be doing next year, because then what we're going to do is we're going to break down your goal. So what? Right now, my goal is $500,000 this year. And I can just say, like, a lot of people do what I, uh, have done in the past, where I'm like, yeah, that seems reasonable. I would love to make $500,000 next year, but I haven't done the math to really make that goal a reality.
And so one of the things that I encourage all my clients to do and you to do is that as you're listening to this podcast, I want you to know your and I want you to actually go in and think about how much money would you need to make to break down your goal. Now, I know that even when I made 120,000 in my first year full time, I still needed to, I was aiming at the 8333amonth, knowing that there were months that I made 5,000, 6,000, 7,000. It was never always 8K on the nose. And then I had months where I'd made 20,000 that made up for it, that compensated for it. But I still wanted to keep that $8,000 in mind because it helped me to really envision what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. So for you, I want you to have your goal number written down and then I want you to break out what that price would be monthly. So for me, at the $500,000 rate, if, uh, I didn't do any price change for my mastermind, I would need to make $41,666 monthly. And in the worksheet there's a place for you to do that. I'm going to have it like, okay, here's the money and here's the results. So you're going to be able to put both there. Then from there I like to break things down quarterly. So for you, you might not. It's like I, a lot of times would see a lot of my clients and me, myself included, if I had, my goal was 100k and I would go in and I would make maybe like a 4k month instantly my brain would be like, well, the whole year's done, we're screwed. Right? We don't want to do that. So that's why I also have you break it down quarterly so that you can have some maybe off months and still be able to sustain and reach your goals. And again next week we're going to talk all about how to actually like plan out what you're going to do to make that goal a reality. But I want you to just kind of have that frame of reference after this week. So, um, within that, then I broke down my goal quarterly. To hit 500,000, it would need to be 125k every single quarter. And this is something I have my clients do in, um, the CEO operations is they track their finances and create their six figure formula on a spreadsheet. So we actually know how much money they're bringing in weekly, monthly, quarterly. And it's all set out for them. But just for you to start out, I want you to have a frame of reference like, okay, this is where I'm going, I've got it, I know where I'm going. $833,000 a month. If you're heading for six figures next year, that's what you're going for. But then you want to think about how many actual humans would that be. And for me, I was like, okay, I need to bring in at, uh, least 25 people into my group every round, which means that there's going to be a neat. I'm going to be having 50 people on each call. And so this is really, really important for me and for you to be thinking about, because for you guys, you might notice that you would need a lot more people than you maybe even have time slots for. But this is important to do because you want to actually make those time slots open. So would you need to open more slots? Would you need to get really fast at the back end of your business in order to hold that many people? Would you need to. For me, one of the things I'm realizing that I'm going to need to do this year is I'm going to need to work on my onboarding and make sure that people get onboarded with an automation instead of getting onboarded by hand. So all that means is that when somebody pays me instead of right now, currently, as of December of 2024, I hand make a message for every single new client. Every single client gets a folder with every single system, which there are 15 folders and multiple subfolders. Like, even the console one alone has four different subfolders and multiple documents in between it. Uh, but I currently make all that by hand, so I get it ready for every single client. And I realize that if I'm going to have 20, 25, 50 people, which would be what I need to hit a million coming into this Mastermind, I need to have things a little bit more streamlined. So that already gets me thinking, okay, who am I going to invest in next year? Who's going to help me to make sure that this is ready to go so that I'm ready to scale at that. So for you, if you know that you're going to need to get your back end a lot faster so you can actually open up some time slots that can get you thinking about investments and of course, like, thinking about how you can get things done faster.
The other thing that you want to be thinking about is you might notice that if you. And again, I talked about it a couple weeks ago about, uh, raising your prices. It's episode 38 of the Mastermind or of the podcast, but within that episode I talk about don't change your prices just to hit your goals. However, if you know that you're going in a Direction where you're going to need to raise your prices. One of the things that I did is I knew that I was going to have a mastermind and one on one coaching. And I didn't want people to be confused about like, okay, should I do the mastermind or should I do one on one? And so that's where I made a big price difference. And I have 12 day for 12k for one on one and then 5k for the group with a five figure offer and then a four figure offer that was a large enough discrepancy for people to um, self select which is the better option for them. So one of the things I knew is that if my one on one was going to 12k, I had better be making sure that my one on one clients were making 12k or at least felt like they got 12k worth of value from it. And I made sure that my group clients were for sure making 5k even before I raised my prices. But I knew that that was coming. So I was like, that also gave me ideas to be like, okay, what would I need to create? Do I need to create more like modules around marketing? What would it take for them to get across their goal mark? Not just to maintain their investment, but also what does it take to make six figures? And then I could start thinking about other supplemental things I could do during the year. I also thought about different kinds of group. Um, a lot of times within my mastermind, I'll have guest speakers. So I was like, who would be a good guest speaker? And I was like, oh, doing someone with, um, I had somebody come in and teach how to make, um, an email list and do that with Flodesk. I also had somebody come in and talk about hiring. I had somebody come in and talk about making a website because I knew those are things that my clients would be interested in and things that I didn't necessarily want to teach on my own. They were like, hiring will be one that I teach on my own in the future. But for now I was like, oh, this is a good friend of mine. We can do, um, a guest coaching swap. So that really seeing those numbers starts to put the pedal to the metal and actually gets you excited and ready to go towards your numbers. And you're like, okay, bring it. Where are my next 25 people for the mastermind? How could I get them in? And then from there what you want to do is you want to have all. What I like to do is I like to have all my year listed out month by month and that's the third piece of this is like, how do we actually bring that plan into reality? And I like to list out my whole year. And on, uh, there are two sides. There's the personal side and there's a professional side. So there's the personal side and then my business side. And what I like to do is for each month of the year, I like to go through, and I like to think about all the things that are on my personal right now already. So for me, I'm going to be planning, uh, a wedding next year. So I know that there are certain things I need to have done at certain times. I know I need to make sure that I get my photos in at certain times. And my awesome, um, wedding planner has given me a lengthy checklist so that I can start putting things in there as well. But I know I need to have the guest list finally soon. I need to pick out a dress soon at some point. And I am actually going to put those things, like the big things, not like every little thing, but some of those big things on my plan right now. The other thing that's a pretty big deal for Rob and I this year is we are potentially freezing our embryos. Now, we've had some issues with insurance not covering freezing embryos. We've just gone through that journey in the healthcare system, um, recently. So we're still figuring out how we're going to finance it. But what I'd like to do is, I know that is a huge priority for me in life now. We found out that I'm doing okay. It's just, we want to be careful for genetic stuff. But within that, I'm actually. We're either going to freeze our embryos in February or March, or we might move it until I'm on Rob's health insurance in October, all depending on what we have to get a couple more quotes from the amazing doctors, um, that are going to be helping us. But that's already on my calendar. Like, I'm already thinking February, March, I'm freezing embryos unless we hear otherwise within the next couple of weeks. So those are things that you want to make sure that you have on your calendar. I also know that my best friend Sammy and my other best friend Anna, uh, are both getting married within, like, all three of us are getting married within, like an 18 month, month speed Sphere Savvy is getting married in April. Anna is getting married in May, March of next year, and then I am getting married in October. So it's just like a lot of wedding planning. Stuff next year. And Savie is going to be my matron of honor, and Anna is my maid of honor, and it's just going to be a really fun journey. And I'm their maiden matron of honor, or, uh, I'm both their maids of honor. So we have a lot of stuff to plan, and that means I need to get on my side stuff so that I am not, like, missing important things for my best friends as they're made and made of honor. And I have those dates all planned out. So I'm, uh, going to be doing Sammy's bridal shower is going to be in January, so I've already have that on my calendar. We're also going to plan out Sammy's bachelorette in February. We're going to go on the bachelorette the first weekend in April, and then Savy's wedding is in April. One of my other friends, um, actually my little from college, her wedding is in May. So we're going to weddings, like, back to back. Last week in April and then first weekend in May. I also know that I have a tasting that's going to happen in June. I know that in as bachelor is going to happen in September. Of course, I get married in October, so I have all that already listed on, um, my calendar ready to go. But then I also have three kind of groups of friends that I wanted to celebrate with. But figuring out a place for, like, 30 people to stay was challenging at best. So I decided, don't judge me to do three different bachelorettes. I'm not sure if it'll work out, but I would like to do that. And I would like to go on a trip with my coach friends in June. So that's going to be my coach bachelorette slash. We're also going to get some work done. Then I also know that I, um, have some friends that are from college, and I want to rent out a lake house that's like an hour away from here and just do a quick weekend with them. A lot of them are mamas, and I want to make sure I respect their time and make sure that they're close to home. So that is going to be that one. And then I'm also going to go to Savannah for my bachelorette in, um, probably June. We've. We were thinking August, but then we were like, it's going to be really hot. So probably June is going to be when that's going to happen. But I already have that all planned out, and that's already on my calendar. And then I also know I'm going to be going on my honeymoon for the last two weeks of the year. So I have that all planned out. Even though it's not going to be. We're not going to leave right after our, um, wedding. We're going to have a cute like staycation, but then we're going to do a honeymoon later on so we can have a really fun, um, celebration together. But all that stuff is on my calendar already. And you can get all that stuff on your calendar already too.
You know, when you, you might have kids that have summer break, spring break, you might have um, graduations, you might have trips you already are thinking about. And I so far already have seven trips planned next year and I went on 17 trips this year. So I'm leaving in lots of room to go on more trips and things like that this upcoming year, like we might want to go skiing. We might, um, with my, um, my family, it's in New Jersey. We might also, um, I might go on another trip with my grandmother. All things depending. But I had as much as I could planned we to go and visit Rob's family. Um, so it's like those are all fun things that we have planned as well. Then it comes to the other side of uh. But I like to plan those things first. The reason why I like to plan those things first is because a lot of times I will have people that will be like, okay, it seems reasonable. I'm going to launch in, let's say August. And you forget the kids are home from school. You also forget that you might have a trip plan. Then there's a holiday. So you want to make sure you're looking at the holidays. All that stuff you want to make sure you have planned. And then you go to the business side, you're like, okay, coming back to my goal, I know that if I want to make $500,000 next year, I'm going to bring in 25 people. What are we doing? What did I list in the marketing, managing lead, sales and planning? What did I list there that I could put on my calendar? So for me, I know that I launch and I have three weeks where I do um, weeks leading up to the launch. I have the one week of open cart. And then I also do a live event called systems week where I go through all the five essential systems with people live. And then we start off their six months of group coaching. And that's kind of like how my systems work. So for me, I know that there are four, five week periods that I need to be planning on around my life. So what I did is I know that my first launch of the year for the first and I also know I want to do a launch every quarter of the year. So for me I made sure I already have my pre launch dates for my first launch. It's going to be the 6th through the 26th of January. I know that I'm going to do my webinar on January 27th and open cart from January 27th to February 2nd. I already know that's happening. And then systems week is the third through the seventh done. So all that is already in there. Same with my next launch is going to be April to May. My third quarter launch is going to be September talk or uh, August to September. Then my fourth launch is going to be November to December. So I already know my dates. I'm like okay, here are my dates, here's how we can do this. I also know that I'm on the weeks, on the months that I don't do my launch for my group. I like to do some nurturing for my um, current audience. So I'll do like a challenge, I'll do like a paid um, workshop. I'll do webinars, just fun things to keep my group nurtured, especially over the summer and things like that. So that's why I do and that's how I plan it out. I also wanted to make sure that I within this upcoming year, realizing that I might be servicing 50 to 100 people at one time, I realized I'm probably going to need to bring on a co coach to support me either within looking at the um, the feedback from my clients or helping me respond in the um stream or even leading some other calls for the mastermind that might be coming up next year. Well, keep you posted. But within this I want to make sure that I have all that listed as well. So I'm premiered not only mentally and emotionally, but also financially that oh, I'm setting aside money for a co coach too because I see that that's probably going to be a need after my first launch this year. But if you are able to do all that then you are really going to have such a clean cut year already. And I did this and I know that it sounds like a lot but I did this in literally an hour. It may be less like a couple weeks ago. And I just went in and I was like, oh, here's all the stuff um, I want to do. Here's my numbers, here's my, here's my financial numbers, here's my number of people I want to sign up. Here are all the personal things I have. Here's my, um, here's all the business stuff I have planned and did that eval. And I was like, yep, here we go. Quick, done, ready to go. So it can be really quick for you, too. I just want to talk you through it to make sure you felt supported, because I know it can sound like a lot, but really it is a quick process. But your year is going to go so much more smoothly if you utilize this. The last piece of information I want to tell you is that your annual plan, Accelerating Documentation is a fluid document. So you want to edit this as things come up. You might need to move some things around. Like this past year, I was planning on doing my launch in September, and my, um, we were planning on going to Africa, which we did this year, which was awesome. And my brother had, uh, a conflict. So I actually moved my launch so that it could be earlier in August instead of in September so that we could go to, um, Africa in September to October. Also, I knew that there was another week in August that was open, so I was able to, like, still just, like, squeeze in a trip with my Grammy all at the same time. So just so you know, it's a fluid document. What you have here is not going to be set in stone. All the best life plans need to be kind of changed as life goes on. And it's just giving you a really good starting point for this year. So this is my little gift to you to finish off the year. Enjoy your annual plan. If you have any questions, please let me know. And I, ah, can't wait to see you next week for our goal setting, um, podcast. I almost said webinar for a goal setting podcast next week. I'll see you guys there soon.