Episode 33: How to Grow Regardless of Your Income
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Six Figure Systems podcast. Today we are going to be talking about a very important topic for all of you, all about income specific growth benchmarks. There are very specific things that you need to do to hit six figures. And I'm going to be explaining all that along the way. And before we even get into that, uh, I'm going to be talking about the importance of charging your worth right now and making sure that you have really good, really good feelings around money and sales. Before we get into that, then I'm going to go over the specifics for each benchmark and of course I'm going to be sharing about, like, different things that helped me on my journey and just why coaching is so important right now. And actually, we're going to start with that when you're listening to this podcast. Initially, I started this podcast speaking to all solopreneurs, and I do think that all solopreneurs could use these systems. However, I feel so compelled to speak to you all that are coaches right now because first and foremost, I know that these systems work so well for coaching. And I think that so many of you guys forget the importance of, uh, coaching. And I want to remind you of that right here, right now. When we are thinking about just our existence in the world. There are going to be ups and downs. There are going to be good times, and there are going to be some hard times. And, uh, there are things that are within our control that we can focus on. And there are also a lot of things that happen that are completely out of our control. When we think about that. The reason why coaching is so powerful and one of the most important things for people to be using to support their mental health is because coaching focuses on what you can control. Again, there's so much, uh, in life that is happening in the world, and that is happening, but when you get coached, you are able to process really difficult emotions. My life was changed completely just by focusing also on what I could control. I felt like I was spending my entire life focusing on trying to change things that I had no agency to do. So of course, I felt so disempowered. And as a life coach, you know that you know how important this is and you know how much it's probably changed your life. That's why you became a life coach in the first place. And what I'm here to tell you is that when more people get coached, I, um, genuinely think that they are able to see beyond themselves. I think that they are able to focus back on what they can control. And there's going to be a lot of pain in the world. There's going to be a lot of things that happen that are not great. There are always things like that. However, what we do as coaches is we make the pain that's inevitable tolerable because you are able to know what, how to process your emotions, you're able to process those things and then you also remove unnecessary suffering from the world. And I just want to remind you that as a life coach, what you do is so, so incredibly important. And when you think about scaling to six figures, it's so much more than it's amazing to be focusing on income and creating this freedom for your time and freedom for your finances. But I think that we forget how important this work is because you have probably been coaching, you know how amazing it is. And I, ah, want you to think about before you got coached or even understood what life coaching was, how much it changed your life, how much it created shifts for you that you never would have experienced if it weren't for coaching. And I, uh, want to tell you that the work that you're doing is so, so important and it is so good. And I want to remind you and urge you to continue this work and continue to scale to six figures because it's so much more than the impact that you're making, the income that you're making. It's also about your impact. This work is important and I want to urge you to focus on that every single day, as much as you can about all the unnecessary suffering m that's going on in the world, all the pain that you can help people process. And I want to show you that it is important for you and it is also very important for the world. So that is my first, just uh, really a big reminder for you today that no matter how hard it is, I want you to keep it up. And I also know that a lot of times as life coaches, you might get certified, you might have experience as a coach, which is amazing, and you feel that experience. And so you decide to start a coaching business. And then I feel like what happens is you don't know how to charge for your coaching, you don't know the power of investing in it. And, and even just if you get certified, most certifications don't include a business aspect to it. No one tells you, okay, you decide to start a business and what happens is, I, uh, for me at least when I started my coaching business, I was like, I am a life coach. People come on in and There were crickets. And I thought that just becoming and announcing that I was a coach was enough to get people in the door. But there are really specific things that you need to know about pricing and about income specific benchmarks. And that is also one of the reasons why I started Six Figure Systems in the first place, was because I felt like I was literally building the plane as I flew it and I had no idea what to do. When I Woke up at 2:00am, uh, panicking about my business on a Tuesday. I was so anxious about it because I felt like I needed to put more time into my business. I needed to put more energy into my business. If I just wrote, wrote better posts, more people would come in and that wasn't working and it doesn't work. And so many people get so discouraged. And I just want to remind you that you became a coach not so that you could be a social media manager or run a sales team or be a graphic designer. I know that's not why you became a coach. You became a coach to help people and coach them. And what I found is that a lot of you guys see what other people's doing and try and mimic things without actually knowing what the income specific benchmarks are. And what happens is then it doesn't work because you're mimicking things that are not an appropriate benchmark for you. And then what happens is you just get confused and, or burnt out. And I see people getting discouraged. I want to tell you it's not for you right now at these income levels. It is not your fault that you might not be making the growth that you want to make. It is just understanding basic business principles. So that is off my soapbox. I'm going to talk about those income specific benchmarks, but first and foremost I want to talk about charging for coaching. So I've had a lot of people that I've been talking with and I know that of course, because you are an amazing person and you want to help everybody and you wish you could help everyone for free because at least that's the way I was. I was like, I wanted to help every single person. I was like. And I also felt so nervous about charging money when I first started because I had never charged money for something before. I was an elementary school teacher. And I know that many of you don't come from a sales background or you do come from a sales background, but you're selling for a company. You're selling a product or a service that is not you. So it can feel really, really uncomfortable to Ask, uh, for money for what you do and ah, here's why it's really important for you to do that. First and foremost, I hope I'm providing templates and worksheets. I'm trying to get out as much information as I possibly can for free. And I genuinely hope that somebody just listens to this podcast, huh? And makes enough to invest in the mastermind just by listening to it, just by getting the value from this podcast. So if you're feeling uncomfortable charging money for your coaching, the first thing I want to offer to you is a that when you are doing your marketing, marketing, whether you have a podcast, most of you guys won't at the beginning and we'll talk about like why that's not a good idea to start right at the beginning unless you really love it. But we want to talk about getting in front of people and you want to give them as much value as possible. That's what marketing is on social media. I want you giving posts in an email. I want you giving posts. You don't need to have all podcasts, email, uh, social. We'll talk about it. Just one. But I want you to know that I want you to give information for free. I want you to support people for free. There are ways that people could get support for free even if they cannot afford coaching. And I think it's important for you to think about that as you're thinking about charging for coaching. So that is the first and foremost, you will be giving information for free. People are not going to be hurting if you don't help them. And if they can't pay for coaching right now, there are ways that you can support them that don't involve an financial investment. However, I will say something that many of you might not have experienced. One of the reasons why I think I'm so good at business coaching for life coaches is because I got life coaching before I became a business, before I decided to start my life coaching business, I personally was in a struggling situation. And what happened is I actually back in 2016, I 2016 or 2017, I, uh, became a certified yoga teacher. So I was a yoga instructor for years, four years. And what happened is my manager at the yoga studio I was at became a certified life coach and she got certified at the life coach school. And as, uh, many of you guys know, I am also certified at the life coach school. And what happened is back in 2016 when you got certified as a life coach, you had to get 10 people, you had to coach 10 people for free. And so what happened is my manager at the yoga studio messaged all of her employees. It was like, hey, everybody, I want to coach you for free. It's this thing called life coaching me. Megan Wang had never heard of life coaching ever before. Didn't even know it existed. And I. She was like, I'm, um, I need to coach 10 people for free. Who's in? And I was like, something to make my life better. Great. I would love that. And so what happened is I coached with her for six sessions for free. Jackie Murphy, my amazing life coach for four years. And what happened was something really interesting. She became my coach for four years after this. And, uh, she was giving me the exact same tools that she used when I started paying her. She taught me the life coaching model, which is something that's taught at the life coach school. She gave me podcast to listen from the life coach school. She coached. Literally, it was coaching me. And I want to tell you how I showed up for free coaching. I was. And this is just because I wasn't invested. I was late. I even missed one of the six sessions and I would show up. Uh, I was driving. I literally, I was the worst client. I was like, you know how, like, people talk about, like, this is, like, not an ideal person to coach. I was that person. Okay. I was showing up while I was driving. I didn't take any notes. She gave me stuff to do in between sessions. Didn't do any of it because I wasn't invested. I, uh. And she was also to think about, she was coaching me on something that I wasn't really like, I need, I really want this. I wasn't super compelled to do the work because it was about loving teaching yoga. And my friends, let me tell you, I still go to yoga pretty much every single weekday. I love taking yoga. I love the people that go to yoga. I love the way yoga makes me feel. I love making playlists. I even sometimes like making, uh, sequences. But teaching yoga, I felt like, took the joy out of it. For me, it was not like coaching because, like, I loved receiving coaching and I loved coaching people. But for me, I was like, teaching yoga is not great. Now, did it help that I was teaching yoga after working as a teacher all day, then tutoring, then working after school, then I would teach yoga at, um, from 8:30 to 10:30 on a Tuesday night. And then I also taught, um, 6:00am, which meant that I had to be at the studio 5am on Friday, which meant I need to get up at like 4am, 4:30. And so did and then go and teach all day. And then I was exhausted for the weekends. I was tired during the weeknights. It was not great again. So, uh, maybe in another life I would love teaching yoga, but because of the circumstances and also like, I felt like I wasn't able to actually take the classes because I was so also tired. I was like, I, I felt like I wasn't like actually participating. I was just like watching everyone else and giving assist and things like that. So in, in general, the offer that she had was to help me love teaching yoga. Uh, and I was like, uh, I don't really, like, it didn't really. It wasn't something that I was compelled to buy at that moment. And then she also like, I wasn't invested, so I didn't take it seriously. So I didn't get as much out of it as I could. A, uh, year later, I go through a situation with my past relationship that was not great. And I needed coaching. I was like, we went on a break for 90 days. It was a whole thing. And I was like, I need help. And I was in a place where I was seeking support. And what happened is I reached out to therapist. I reached out to my former counselor with, for ADHD that I used in college. And then I also reached back out to Jackie because I was like, I just need all the help I can get. Ah, something is wrong. I am, something is going on with me. I need support to help me through this. And then I was ready to pay. I was invested because I wanted, I needed support for what Jackie could offer. And even though it wasn't loving teaching yoga, I was like, can you coach me on my life stuff? And she was like, absolutely. So she was coaching me on something that I was compelled and needed in the moment. And she also was charging me. So. And guess how I showed up to those calls? You better believe, because I was, I had, I did not have money for coaching. I was not the kind of person that just had an extra savings account as a teacher or I made $40,000 a year to pay thousands of dollars for coaching was a, uh, big deal for me, along with making sure that I was like, also paying for groceries and stuff. Uh, so what I did is I took on another tutoring student. I picked up more days of after school and I made it work to pay her because it was, I was so compelled to solve the problem that she was helping me with. And I, like, if I had seen that communicated earlier, I know I would have invested in coaching sooner. I knew that My life was a priority. And I think a lot of us forget that when people invest, you are helping them because you are solving a need for them. And I was able to figure it out. I was able to take figure out. I had, um, I actually opened up a credit card. I was able for personal coaching, not for business coaching, where there was a financial return on my investment, but for general life coaching. I paid thousands of dollars as an elementary school teacher, which was a large percentage of my income, in order to make sure that I got the help I needed to heal my relationship. And then because of that, I healed my relationship with my family. I was able to go on trips that I'd never been able to do before. I was able to get things together as a teacher. I was able to. I, uh, hated running. Hated running. And I decided to challenge myself. I was like, if this mind over matter stuff really works, I genuinely want to see how far I can go. And I hate running. And I decided to run a marathon. It was a mile for every year. Back in 2020, I did a mile for every year. Pre pandemic, I did a marathon. And I also, ironically, because I now teach so much and a lot of my life is writing, I vehemently hated writing. And I wanted to do my national to prove to myself that I could accomplish anything if I was able to, uh, overcome my mind. And I decided to do my national boards. I wrote like 300 pages of information about my teaching. I was able to film myself. Uh, it was so difficult. Those two things were some of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. And I was able to do it because of coaching. And I was like, this is magic. And meanwhile, by the way, I was listening to podcast episodes every day. I sent for myself coaching every day. Like, she offered, she offered a Slack channel and I used it. I was that client. I went from being the worst client probably ever, not ever, but like, not a great client, to showing up, uh, for myself. So why was that? Because investing in myself made me take it seriously. I took myself seriously. And because I took myself seriously, I was able to uplevel in ways that I never, ever would have if I just coach for free. Never would have taken it as seriously. So when you charge people for coaching, I don't want you to think it's an inequitable exchange of, um, value. It is so valuable for people to see a version of themselves and take themselves so seriously that they're willing to invest in it, to heal, to grow, to strive for things that they genuinely thought were impossible. That's what you do as a coach. Okay. So I want to show you um, that when you are giving them the opportunity to invest, I want you to think about it like that. And one of the things that I also think about is I want to give so much value away that it is it. They get more than I receive financially. And I want you to. That's literally think about it. Six figure systems. This mastermind currently is priced as you listen to this podcast, it 5K. It is $5,000. And I teach you the foundational skill set and the exact Systems to make six figures and multiple six figures. That's a uh, 5% if you think about it just financially of a return. But I feel so great selling it. Like I feel so happy when people invest in it. I know they're going to get their return feel like just it makes me light up. Uh, so I want you to think about your offer and I want you to think about it being like first off an amazing opportunity for them. And also I want you to feel like it's a no brainer. I want you to sell yourself, which means finding ideas every single day. I usually do 5 ideas why it's worth 5k. You know, if you are not feeling like your offer is incredible and uh, a wonderful opportunity and like literally I'm like this is a no brainer. It feels so wonderful for me to sell it. I'm like this is just a great thing for you to make such an amazing impact in the world and I want you to think about your offers in that way too. And of course giving yourself when you are able to create more money for yourself, it gives you the opportunity it gives you. Of course you're able to create more time freedom. Maybe even if you are a full time coach, you're able to invest in other people to support you. You maybe you decide to hire a. I hired a social media manager. I teach my clients how to hire VAs if they want to. You are able to do those kind of things. So it gives you more time freedom and it also gives you financial freedom. And I, for a lot of times I was talking with my fiance and I, you know, it's like when we think about the inequities in the world and when we think about like I was just in Africa and people were on a strike for water, they were trying to get more water from the government and I look at myself as a multiple six figure earner and sometimes I'm like, wow, why, why are there such inequities in the world. I don't know the answer to that. Uh, I don't know why I was fortunate enough to be born in the United States of America and have the gift of the ovary where I'm not starving every day. Like, I feel so incredibly thankful for that. However, I think that some of us feel this guilt and this responsibility and we shirk away from creating more income for ourselves because of the guilt that we feel. I certainly have done that. And I'm like, I just wanna, I like I. I want other people to have the money. I want other people to be making this money. I felt that so much in my life. And I want to show you that money that you earn. First off, putting good into the world. You're putting good into the world. It's, it's like more than equitable because they're getting more than they receive. And you're also giving away free information in case anyone can't afford you. You're able to afford it or you're able to support them still. I still want you to see that. However, money gives you opportunities to also invest in other people. It gives you a chance to and support causes that otherwise might not have the funding to do that. You give them more time, you give them resources so that they can do work that you might not otherwise be called to do. Also something that I aspire to do. One of the reasons why I want to scale my business to seven figures is because I would also like to start a nonprofit in my lifetime. That is something that me and Rob have talked about extensively. We want to start nonprofits. We want to help other people in ways that we were fortunate enough to have these lives that we have and we want to give back too. I also want to offer that you can also give to yourself too. It's not selfish for you to take a vacation with someone you love. I want you to think about looking back on your life. And I will never be able to look back on my life. When I am m thinking back in my life when I'm hopefully old and gray, I'm going to remember that I was able to take my 88 year old grandmother to Paris. I was able to support her and I was able to help her dreams come true because of the finances I've been able to make in my business. We're going to Disney. Actually, the reason why I'm recording this podcast is if you're listening to this live, we're going to Disney with my amazing fiance and his parents and his sister and his Is it. We're going with. My parents are coming as well. And because I've been able to, uh, figure out how to finance this, I decided that I wanted to get the Airbnb for all of us. That is awesome. That is so exciting because also Rob's family, we don't get to see them as much as I would love to. And now I was able. We were able to come together and of course everyone else would have pitched in, but it's just such an incredible. I feel so honored to and just glad that I've been able to work and create this so that other people don't have to shoulder the financial responsibility of it. And not from a place of, like, they couldn't. They absolutely could, but it's from a way that, like, I'm able to do things like that. I'm able to take off a week because I like and I'm not having to pay for a sub. I am m able to go and travel for many weeks at a time because of the income that I have earned from this amazing people that I've been able to help. So I just want to just give you lots of thoughts about money. Honestly, this should be a whole podcast episode in and of itself. But for now, I just wanted to share with you that this is important. You making money is important. You can give back. You can give to yourself and give yourself incredible experiences. It's ethical. It is something that is an. It's a, um, generous exchange of your energy and their growth. If they are. By paying you, they are investing in themselves and showing themselves that they can grow. And it also, you can give things away for free. You don't have to withhold everything and be like, nope, can't get anything until you coach with me. You guys see this? I'm literally, I give you as much as I possibly can in a way that I think is also going to serve you because I also know that I could over. I'm sure that some of you feel like, oh, my God, this podcast is like, so much information. You might even get overwhelmed from the free stuff. And so I just want you to know that what you're doing is really good. You're helping people. It's very much ethical to charge for what you're doing. It's actually your social responsibility as a coach to believe in them enough to invest in themselves if they are able to and want to and truly desire it. It is your responsibility to hold space for that future version of them. And that is what I wanted to convey to you. Before we get into income specific growth benchmarks, because a lot of you guys are doing the wrong thing at the wrong level. And so what if I want to take a pause and be like, okay, here's what you need to do. And I think that for me, when I think about six figures, there are three specific benchmarks. There is, you founded your business and you have not worked with anyone yet to 10k. Then there is 10 to 50k, and then there is 50 to 100k. There are very different things that you need to be doing at each level. And I'm going to break it down for you at the first level foundation to 10K. Here's what you need to do. First and foremost, you're probably at this point extremely passionate about what you do. You are probably very lit up about your, about coaching and you want to have an offer at this point. You want to be able to tell people, hey, I would love to support you within your life. Here is something that I have to offer. And you can choose the way that you help people in a very specific. In a specific way. I do not mean niching. Fun fact. When I first started, I thought that I needed to niche. I thought I was going to coach children in the pandemic. Uh, that is not the case. What happened for me is I needed to go through and, uh, I did all this branding. If you go back and look at my feed, it's like bright blue, orange and yellow. And I was like, I'm going to coach kids. And, uh, for me personally, that didn't work out. And here's why. When you think about niching, if you are a general life coach and you're in a room of 100 people, you can coach all the people. This is just my philosophy. You can go with it any way you want. However, if you niche, you can only talk to 10 of those people. If you keep it broad, I think it creates again, you guys know I'm all about creating a, uh, statistical inevitability for you to succeed. And I think if you got 100 people, I want to be able to coach all 100 of them. The only time when I would say that this is not necessarily true is if you start out and you're like, I was able to create a specific result. I know this is something I want to do. For instance, one of my clients lost over a hundred pounds, and so she helps people over 50. Tracy helps people over women that are in the 50 lose 50 pounds over 50. That is not the name of her program. Y'all look her up. She's amazing. She's past her six figure mark, which is amazing. But she is one of the people that um, she, her offer is very clear because she was able to lose over £100. So it's like that's her personal story. That's what she knew that she wanted her coaching mission to be. She started out with a niche, that's fine. But if you're like, I feel like I have to have a niche to help people. No, I would just think about the results that you've created as uh, from life coaching and communicate that in a really specific way. Okay. Not something that's like, I'm going to help you. For instance, I used to think that Megan Wing coaching was compelling. No one, the people that were investing with me at the beginning of my business might be like you, where they're friends and family that just like you and they're like, oh, I like you so much that I'm willing to invest with you as you uh, in your first six fig. As you're in your first 10k. What you want to do is you just want to have an offer that's like, hey, I am a life coach. I help you create more confidence. I help you do this. We'll talk about how to create a standout offer. You want to create something that's compelling. You can do this right at the beginning. But I would just choose something that's like clear, like uh, instead of being like, I do life coaching. Nobody knows. Most people don't know what life coaching is and they think it's therapy. And then when they hear you're charging thousands of dol dollars for it, whereas co therapy is like $100 a session. They're like, don't understand the difference, don't understand the value. You have to think about what they're going to get for the return on their investment of uh, working with you over a specific period of time. So that's the way I would Recommend. If you're pre 10k, you want to be talking to people about what results they'll create when they work with you instead of talking about just coaching. And coaching is great and everybody should have a coach and it's going to change your life. Like that doesn't like change your life. How, how? And write that down. And I have of course a worksheet for you guys to follow along with this. Then you also need to start basic marketing. By that I mean just share stuff, share information, share the things that you created, share your results, share how you've been able to, um, think about the, the things that you've created. If you start coaching with somebody, definitely share everything that you're doing with them and share about your personal story. You want to be getting people, you want people to have, uh, an idea of who you are because that's going to be aspirational and inspirational content that will want, they'll want to work with you later. That's really important. You also want to utilize your current network. You just want to tell people, not be like, you should work with me right now, but you want to tell people, hey friends and fam. I've just started a coaching business. This. If you know of anyone that could use this getting more confidence in three months, that's who I'm, what I'm doing now. I would love, love, love to help anyone. If you know of anyone, please let me know if you are. Of course, if there's no pressure, but if you or you know of anyone that could use this, please send this information their way and that's it. Okay, so I want you to, to start, but start telling people that and start messaging people your current community, the people who are in your current network, uh, at least some of them, you probably have some friends if you're a life coach and they probably really want to help you. But what happens is you don't tell them because you feel like weird and then they can't help you to build your business. So then of course it's a lot harder to reach 10k. So when you think about that, that is the first steps to reach 10k. Then at uh, 50k, what you want to do is you want to create an offer that stands out. So if you've made 10k, you are now at the five figure mark. We want to get you from five figures to 50k. In order for you to do that, we need for you to start turning some heads. We want people to start to get to know you and we want to create an offer that's probably a little bit more elevated. Now in six figure systems, even if you're at the foundational to 10k stage, I still give you a six figure offer. I think it's helpful to just start out with a six figure offer. But that's what I would recommend is creating a stand. If you're not in six figure systems, you got to create a stronger offer. You got to create something that stands out. Uh, so for me at this stage, when I got to 50k, what got me from 10 to 50k, it was actually 15k to 47k was that I created. I went from Megan Wing coaching, which relied on people's connection with me and just the fact that they liked me and kind of trusted me, that I was going to help them out somehow to the career fulfillment initiative. And think about it, if somebody is going to sign up and pay me thousands of dollars saying, I'm going to help you create a fulfilling career and here's how I'm going to help you manage your time, overcome burnout, um, generate more confidence, have work, life balance and create a 10 year plan. Then they're like, oh, I get it. I get what coaching does for me. It does these five things. I call them within six figure systems. I call them the pillar. But when you have a six figure offer or just a standout offer, I want you to think about what are you going to be known for in the industry? What do you, how do you want to be known as a life coach? What are your areas of expertise and what are the results that you're creating for your clients. The other thing that you want to do is you want to create a standout offer, you want to expand your reach, you want to convert new leads and you want to establish some marketing systems. And so to go from 10 to 50k, you want to get out. This is. You probably talk to most people in your network. You need to get out of your current network, you need to talk to more people outside of your network to grow your audience. So I, uh, want you to think about what are some strategies you can use to connect with new people and that's going to like if you want to collaborate with other industry experts that are niche adjacent. Love that. I have a lot of other. If you go into the show notes, there's a whole worksheet for you. Feel free to look at the examples I gave in there. But that will also be really helpful for you. You also need to convert new leads. You got to figure out, okay. I uh, I personally have found that it was a lot easier when I was talking with like my first couple clients, like Grace Hamashima, one of my amazing first clients and who is still one of my very good friends. She literally called me yesterday and I has already created so much. You want to be able to go from converting friends and fam and their acquaintances to a bigger pool. You want to start getting out there and getting other people to know you and just like another tidbit about like how awesome life coaching is and how amazing it is. What happened for you guys? I want you to think about how amazing it is that your clients results will be. So for her, I coached her back in 2020. Grace is an incredible actress and she just got a very. I'm um, not allowed to say anything just yet but she just. We had been working together for so long, we haven't worked together for three years and she just got a very big role that she is now able to have and she called and said it was because of the coaching we did in 20 freaking 24 years ago. So I just want you to know that the impact that you're the good you're putting into the world also will compound over time and those people that you help are going to get even more help over time. So. So again that's really amazing. Nice plug for coaching. But expanding your reach then requires you to convert not your friends and fam and acquaintances. You need to find new people that don't know you at all. And you need to be like hi, nice to meet you. Pay me thousands of dollars. Of course I have like a very clear system for how I teach my clients how to do this. But for you, I just want you to think about how are you going to convert a stranger? What is something that you can say that's so compelling that someone who has no idea who you are is willing to spend thousands of dol dollars to coach with you? That's what you want to do. And then last but not least, you want to establish some marketing systems. Right now you're going to be getting more people and this is where you really like pre 50k and also like even at uh, 50k it's okay to be sporadic but if you really want to grow and stay at consistent 5 figures to 50k, you want to be consistent. If people, especially strangers are going to trust you with thousands of dollars, they want to see that you're going to show up for you pay them. You need to have a marketing system that's repeatable. You want to have some way that people are getting value hearing from you in a way that you are going to like nurture your leads every single week. So it's not just your friends and family more that are cool if you don't post for like 3 months. If you want to make have a 5 figure business and you want to get up to 50k, you really need to be more consistent and take it serious. Like just a smidge more serious seriously because they are taking you seriously, they're paying you thousands of bucks. So you want to make sure that you are showing up like someone who takes it seriously in order for them to buy. Last but not least as you're going from 50k to 100k this is what I find is so important. You really need and this is 100k plus you need to be efficient. You need to really, really, really. This has been the biggest learning I've done this year. This year has been a year of uh, learning at 100k scaling to. When you scale to 100k and also scaling to multiple six figures you need to be as uh, efficient as possible. I have been this year. I've had weeks where I've coached for 30 hours. That is why, why I talk about the eight hour work week when we're talking about managing the back end of your business. That is why it has been so, so, so important for me. And I also have to make time to get coach and I have to make time to actually look at my clients work. You know what I mean? Like you can't just like leave people hanging. So what I found at this level uh is I needed to be really really efficient and there were times where I had to get out six posts and I again have a process where I take three posts and I repurpose it to three reels but I was had to write three posts in 30 minutes and or 30 to 45 minutes and I'm like. And then convert them to a real. And I'm like how am I going to do this? This is where batching is critical. You have to get in. Another reason why it's really important at this stage if you want to scale past six figures, especially if you just want to get copywriting down and the more you can get it like a routine the faster and better you're going to be at batching and writing content. It's a skill and even if you are you just founded your business, it is important for you to just get this skill because there's going to be a time when you have less time and you're going to be busy and you're going to be filled with amazing humans that you are helping coach. Because I think genuinely everyone in the world could use a life coach. So within that you're going to have these things, you're going to go, it's going to be great. And then you also need to focus on your clients results. So this is the stage to. I would never make a. If I were anyone listening to this podcast. Yes, never ever, ever make an offer that's one on one before you hit six figures. Here's why you will not be able to convert people as fast. Typically pre 100k, you've got a smaller audience. You have not created results for people before. You've never coached anyone before. Or uh, maybe you have but it's like your, the skill set of teaching something that is teachable in a group group to say uh, not only can I get you this result one on one, but I'm going to get a group of people where I can't coach them every week. And you probably need educational materials to teach them things and you need to make sure that those materials work. You test that out on your clients. Now you start to create intellectual property. You start to create like okay, it's like ah, if burnout is something I'm teaching, I'm going to create the overcoming burnout method. Method. I'm going to, if I'm teaching time management, I'm going to teach them um, like success scheduling. I'm going to teach. You start to create things and you test it with these one on one clients and you get really good and fast at coaching them. So what will typically happen is when you're first starting to coach people, it takes you a while to get to things. But I want you as you're going from 50 to 100k to start getting faster. I want you to start getting them results faster so that they uplevel multiple times within your container and they're giving you in w like multiple testimonials. Like some of my clients will give me like three testimonials. They will also be singing your praises to friends and fam. So they're going to, you're going to access new networks because again you got out of your network so you're going to have new pods of people that are going to be wanting to work with you. And then you're also like, I mean for instance I worked with Jackie and then my brother worked with Jackie because I was like you have to work with her, she's amazing. It's going to change your life. So I was able to. That's what is really important for you at this stage. You also want to really. And again I would say at any level if you want to have a six figure business, you need to be starting to think about, think like this. Now I will think as seriously as a six figure earner right now, even if you have made no money in your business because you as a growing six figure earner is going to find out is that you are going to be able to. You'll think about things seriously, you'll Be able to give better answers. You'll be more confident because you know where you're going versus looking to your past to create future results, because that's never going to get you anywhere. So within this, you need to really be getting results for your clients. You need to be at, uh, every level, every single one of you that's listening to this, you need to be showing up strong, you need to be showing up powerfully. You need to be showing up like a leader right now, now. And then what's going to happen is you're going to take a really powerful, potent action. And the, and the. One of the things that I want you to consider, you don't need to create intellectual property. You do free 50 to 100k. You do not need. And when I say intellectual property, for the love of everything good and pure, please, if I were you, my two cents. You don't need a, uh, fancy. You don't need anything that's super fancy or expensive to host your, or any materials you use with your clients. As, uh, you can see on this podcast, I am at $350,000 in revenue, which means cash in bank. And I'm at over $400,000 for sales, which means money that's expected to come in with payment plans. And I still am using Google Docs. I do not have anything that's fancy. I did not need it. You do not need it. If your content is good, it'll speak for itself. And you just want to be efficient, right? I have had so many people talk about using different platforms at uh, pre six figures and they're paying so much money for different platforms. And I have found that that is something that then you create more financial strain when you don't need to. I, when I'm talking about creating client results, I. What I would do is I would take a client call and I'd be like, how did this person grow? What was the things that I talked to them about and it like made me say it was a boundary and I talked to them about how to set boundaries. I just made a quick little Google Doc, free Google Doc about boundaries. I'm not. Don't spend time in Canva making stuff that takes too much time. You don't have time. You're scaling, you're growing. You don't need to worry about it. Make something that's easy, efficient, uh, usable. But I mean like, it doesn't have to be like, like horrible. But I paid for some uh, like things and there are some weird, like I like people and I know it because they haven't worked with a client. So they'll take all this time doing this really intense thing in Canva and they spend all these hours on making presentations and no one is there, no one is there for them to actually coach. And what you need to be doing is spending all that time at the beginning stages and you need to be finding people, coaching them, finding out what's relevant, finding out how you coach. And then you need to make the worksheets based on it, not the other way around. If you are a former teacher like me, Google Classroom, it's free. You can put all your resources in there if you really want to keep it nice and organized. For me, I literally just had a Google folder with all these little like dural problems or like little things that I had and I put it in a folder and I would make a copy of that folder for any of my new classes. And that's it. So simple. And that's what I still do. Literally. I, uh, if you join six Figures, it is so simple. I make it so easy. You don't need to download a bunch of different fancy things that you've never used before. You don't need to get new software if you don't want to. It's literally all on, um, Google Docs and spreadsheets now. I might make fancy PDFs later, but I chose the Simple Life and it serves me and serves my clients and it also, it's the cheap and cheerful way to build a coaching business. My brand friends and I don't think that my clients who are paying me $5,000 think that I'm any less professional than someone who has paid like thousands of dollars for these websites that host all these fancy videos. My videos are on YouTube. Like it's like they are unlisted. So you can't. If you Google them, you can't find them. But if you have the link for them when you're in the program, you can see them and it's great and it's all free. So don't stress yourself out. Don't make videos, don't make modules pre 100k either, unless you really, really want to, because you don't need that yet. That's what you need to do. Post 100K. That's when you're thinking about creating a group. But that comes after, I would say you've made your first six figures. The easiest and most simple way to scale the six figures is to have a high ticket, which means a, uh, couple thousand dollars offering scale that uh, one on one. Because also, another important thing here is that, uh, you are going to be able to convert people on a consult call way better if they know they're getting personalized attention from you. And this is not just like Megan Wing's hot take on things. It is statistically. Again, I want to make your business statistically inevitable to hit six figures because the world needs more coaches like you. Okay? But. But within that, uh, if you do anything other than one on one, your consult conversion rate. If you are really good at consults, you can get your conversion rate up to 50 to. I've heard of even 90% closing, which is, like, insane. So you work so hard to get people to do, to pay you and come on a console call and you will make more money. Just think about it. If you. Again, I recommend starting potentially lower, um, than this. But for your offer, if you have like a 10k offer, all you have to do is sign 10 people, right? To hit six figures, if you start a group and you charge a thousand dollars, you have to get a hundred people. And if you do a course, that's a hundred dollars. That is a ton of people. The math isn't math. And people. And I love you. And I love you. And I think that you think that other people would buy if it was less expensive. And they're not buying because it's not because of the price point. And they're not buying because they don't. They just. It's not. I'm, uh, giving you some loving, loving feedback because I started a group pre six figures. Dumb. That was. I would never do that again. I wasted. I signed 12 people into a group that was like 40K. And it was March or it's not 40K. Oh, my God. No, it was like, I think it was a $50. $50. And I signed, um, 12 of them. And I did. I had to meet with them, I had to tell them about it, and I signed them into this thing that took me so much time and energy. I made these PowerPoints. I made his spreadsheets, I gave him worksheets to do every single week. It took so much of my time. This is also when I went seven months without signing a high ticket client. So seven months. I want you to imagine Megan Wang did not sign a client from October till, uh, March. And it was because I was putzing around. I was, I wasn't talking to friends and family. I wasn't telling them what I did. I did it right at the beginning. Signed clients and then crickets. Crickets Literally, it was the most frustrating thing ever. So I was like, how do I break the crickets? I'm gonna do March mindset Madness and it's gonna be this five week thing. And guess what? For all of, I mean, I put, and I was still teaching at the time, guys, I put all of this energy and effort into this and guess what happened? One person of the 12 books. And I was like, huh? And my offer was sick. Uh, it was 4k for 10 months, which is 100 a session, 400amonth at, uh, the first. And I think that then I raised my prices to 6.6k for 10 months because again, I was doing 10 months for the 10 month school year. Y'all, like every mistake I made in the book, please learn from them. Um, please learn from my mistakes because you are, are so good at what you do. And I was questioning everything and I was paying so much money for coaching and getting coached every week. And I like, it was like we were talking about like believing and I'm like, there's, we want to believe in our offer, but there's also very strategic things that, uh, you need to do. Okay, so at this point when you're going, if you are, the reason why you might not be scaling to six figures faster is because you're doing the wrong things at the wrong level. Levels. So please remember my mistakes. It's very simple. I just give you three things per level to be focusing on. Oh, and the third thing with scaling 200k is closing clients consistently. Like you. You're not going to have as much time because you're going to be booked with clients. So you need to close the sales calls you have and you will because you'll know how to sell your offer a lot better at that point. And I just want you to think about like, if you aren't closing clients consistently, what could you do to make it better? But my friends, uh, you are doing really good work in the world. I hope that these three income specific benchmarks are really going to help you because what you're doing in the world is creating an amazing, amazing business that's going to help so many people. You are doing amazing things and if I can support you throughout the journey, you just let me know. If you have any questions about that, please feel free to email me at infomeganwyncoachingmail.com or go on to Instagram. You can also, um, message me. I'm at Megan Wing coaching. So please, please, please ask me about these things. It's really, really important for you guys to have clarity. And if you haven't. If you are at a plateau, if you haven't been growing as fast as you would like, or if you haven't grown at all, these things are so, so important to be thinking about. And I can help you along the way. Again, like I mentioned, I like to help people for free before we even work together. So please reach out to me. I want to help you. Um, if you have any questions, please let me know. You guys got this. Have an amazing, amazing week.