Episode 47: Make Money with Marketing—Your Content Conversion System

Hello everybody and welcome back to the podcast Today. I want to invite you to join us next Monday at the Make Money With Marketing workshop. So this is something that is very special and something that's unique that I'm doing and I want everyone on the podcast to know because even if you are not going to be around February 24th at, uh, 8:00pm Eastern, I'm going to include this workshop in the replay for years to come. And here's why. I have noticed that the consistent trend for all of my clients is that they are incredible service providers. They are really amazing at what they do, whether they're coaches, dietitians, even stylists. You are great at what you do. And what I've seen happen is people get confused and overwhelmed when it comes to social media. So I want to do this Make Money With Marketing workshop for each and every one of you that feel like your content is converting, that you're paying tons of time and wasted energy on the time that you're creating content. And if you are seeing no DMS in your inbox, if no one is talking to you about you, you want what your service is and if you're only getting people who actually want to sell their service to you, this is the perfect workshop for you. You are going to learn what I call the Content Conversion system where I'm going to talk you through do's and don'ts for your content. I'm also going to give you a structure and a framework that acts as a funnel to filter clients in. Especially if you've made over 10k. You really need to start expanding your reach as an expert in your field. And then you are also going to be able to actually see DMs increasing within your inbox within this workshop. Click. I want you to sign a client by the end of the week when you watch it. And I want that for every single person that listens to this podcast. Which is why I wanted to invite you to this very special webinar. This workshop correction is going to be $12. So it is a paid workshop, so I wanted to give you a little bit of an over deliver with it. So not only am I going to teach you how to make a content funnel that works, how to correct and like prevent any content mistakes you're making, and teach you how to get more dms coming from your content, but I'm also going to give you a Facebook group and a community that you can utilize and get free resources from throughout like it is a lifetime access to this Facebook group. So within The Facebook group. I'm going to be reposting this podcast to give you helpful hints, the worksheets that come along with the podcast. I'm also going to be asking you different questions about your business. You're going to be able to promote your business once a week. It is going to be an extensive support area, uh, for you to get what you need. But then I was thinking, okay, what can I do to really make sure that you actually sign a client with your content by the end of the week that you watch this? And I was like, I want to actually give you a content audit. I want you to post a piece of your social media and the writing that you include with it. And I actually want to give it a redo and I want to edit it completely so it become something that is clear and converts client easily online. The people that I actually ran a web web workshop that was similar to this back in December. And people have already started posting their content in it. And the changes that they've made are so significant. They're changing their landing pages for their websites. They're actually doing redoing the podcast that they were doing to announce different things. They are revamping the way that they think about content for the rest of the year just based on this workshop. And I know that this works because I have seen this happen. These are similar concepts to what I teach in the six Figure Systems Mastermind. So I really want you to get an overview of why what I teach my clients works and why they are able to hit six figures. When you are after the 10k phase in your business, you really have to start expanding your reach. You really have to be consistent with your content. And that's when I found my clients. Clients, they start working with people. And then the first thing that goes, because it's the most time consuming and confusing and is frustrating, is the content. And they stop producing content on social media and what happens is then their funnel dries up. So you have, uh, people that are interested and you've got all of this experience that you can help people with. And then all of a sudden you start working with people. The people you're working with are done. And then you don't have the opportunity to bring in more people. What I want from this workshop is that you have a social media system in place, the content conversion system that is so simple. You know how to crank out content and you are able to actually create more clients even as you start working with even more people. Because I want you to think about this social Media strategy taking you not just for the hour that you come to this workshop, but I want it to be something that adds to your business and gives you so much value. Literally, like within this hour, I think that you are going to create such a solid understanding of how social media works and how you can use it as a funnel to direct people from the Internet all the way to working with you. It's going to be extremely clear. And the reason why I think this is so important is I think that at this time of year, we are in a solopreneur revolution. There are so many people that are like, I want the time and freedom that I, uh, want to live my life. I want to be able to work flexible hours. I want to be able to give this amazing service that I know I can provide to the world. And I don't want to be tied to a typical 9 to 5. And actually yesterday I found out that one of my clients actually just left her job because of the things that I'm about to teach you at the Make Money with Marketing workshop. And I want you to to think about how much freedom you could get back if social media wasn't such a burden on your business. I want you to think about being able to go on trips and not have to worry about getting your content out there because you already have it done. I want you to be able to have consistent DMs. If you have crickets in your DMs for your business, that is a surefire sign that there is going to be a dip in your revenue at some point. And I never want that to happen. I want you to have so m many dms m that you have, uh, issues managing it all and you actually have to bring someone in. For me, I have so many people messaging me, it's around 30 messages a day. I actually have to have my VA come in and vet the messages to make sure of course, that they are relevant people so that I can actually respond to people as time goes on. I want you to know that you do not have to be chained to your phone just because you learn this make money with marketing system. You are going to learn the content conversion system that has you being extremely effective and efficient with the time that you're using on social media. And then you're actually going to bring in people that you're excited to work with. And that's where I want your energy going back to. Because you did not start this business to be a social media manager. I know that you probably didn't anticipate how Much work social media is for your business. And the Make Money with Marketing workshops is going to teach you how to stop making all this work be something that is an issue. I am, um, so excited for you to actually start finding social media, believe it or not, enjoyable again because it really won't take that much time and you're going to go and you're going to see that it's working. I see the biggest thing that my clients come to me is they say social media isn't working for me. They say that there is a problem, something has gone wrong and I want you to know it's not you, it's just the strategy you're using is not working. With the Make Money with Marketing workshop. I'm going to teach you the content conversion system which is a strategy that works. Because if you feel like doing social media content is throwing spaghetti at a wall and it's just taking a while to see what sticks, you are going to learn how to make that work. Now when you come to the webinar, I'm going to teach you the do's and don'ts on social media, what works and what doesn't work. I'm also going to teach you how to make sure that your content is actually converting using the content conversion system. And it will funnel your clients through phases of uh, your marketing where you need to reach them with three different factors. When you're thinking about your marketing, you need to get people to know you, you need to get people to like you and you need to get people to trust you. You need to show them that you are actually going to help them with your business. And that's exactly the formula that I'm going to teach you with the content conversion system. It' very simple, three step process. And then I'm also going to talk to you about how to do lead generation. That means how to get people DMing you, how to get people actually talking to you about your business. Because if you don't have those conversations started, your current audience is great. But you always want to not only be nurturing the people that are in your space, but you want to be bringing other people in. So you want to think about all three of those things are going to be things that you're going to learn at the Make Money with Marketing workshop.

Which is why I really wanted to invite everyone that's on this podcast to join. And if you're hearing this after February 24th at 8pm, guess what? I'm going to have the replay and a link for you to Join at uh, any time it is $12. So when you join I want to make that investment worth it. And I'm going to give you a free Facebook, well, an included Facebook community. I'm also going to give you a piece of copy that I'm going to edit for you so you're actually going to see what works and what doesn't for your messaging completely and you're going to get messages in there in that Facebook group that are going to continue to help you grow. It is truly I've never done anything that has been this much value for this low of a price with this $12 workshop and I know that it's going to be something that you are going to come back to time and time again. The replay you can watch infinitely. So if you miss something, you're going to get access to this and it's going to be pinned at the top of the Facebook group. So it's going to be ready for you to roll. But it's really going to be something that is going to shake your social media to its core and make it work for your business. I have seen this work for every single one of my clients. One of my clients who Tracy, who is amazing, she was able to go 18 months of um, no consults and inconsistent posting to I think that she's on 156 days of consistent posting and she was able to make 18k in one day because she used the systems I'm going to teach you. Another one of my clients, Jocelyn, she was able to go and she uh, started using the content conversion system that I'm m teaching you at the Make Money with Marketing workshop and she was literally able to sign three high ticket clients in her first month of utilizing this along with Chrissy who was able to get six consults in one week just by using the content conversion system. I genuinely think that this Make Money with Marketing workshop is going to be a game changer for your business because you're going to stop wasting time on social media that doesn't work and you're going to focus on what actually works. This for me m social media is the exact way that I've been able to grow my business and I made $371,000 last year through organic marketing alone. That means that I was not getting people from ads to sign up to work with me. I was using the free organic marketing on my Instagram to sign in $371,000 worth of revenue to actually make my business work. I also coming back to freedom, I was able to go on 17 trips that year. 17. I was able to go to Africa with my family and this is the first trip that we brought our significant others. My little brother brought his girlfriend. I brought Rob, my fiance, and we were able to go to Africa for 10 days. I was able to go to Paris with my grandmother for a week. Not only because of the revenue that I've been making, but because of the way that I've set up this content conversion system. I know that the things I taught with the Make Money Marketing workshop, this is the exact things that I did so that I could go on those trips. But you still saw me showing up on social media. You still saw me giving value. I didn't take a hit and neither did my revenue. In fact, in 2023, I made $156,000 and I made more. I more than doubled. I made 100371 in 2024. Just because I use the content conversion system, I'm going to teach you tonight. And again, like I mentioned, it doesn't just work for me, it has worked for everyone that uses it. I'm going to give you some things that people have said about. They said their marketing is done through the end of the year and they're able to take their first two weeks off in four years. All of their content is batched and sent to their VA. They have reels that are going viral and getting 1500 views and 2K views. And within two days, I have people who are scheduling consults every single week that are signing up on Instagram and people just through Instagram and other forms of social media. This isn't just a strategy that works for Instagram, it works for Facebook, it works for LinkedIn, it works for Tik Tok, it works for YouTube. Any form of social media you have. Because I know the marketing system that works, the content conversion system, it works anywhere that you are talking about your business. One of my clients has posted for 179 consecutive days. There is so much that happens within this and I just share that with you because I know that it can feel like you're speaking to the void, that your engagement isn't turning anyone into clients. And there is so much time. Like I had a client that mentioned that she wasn't waking up in the middle of the night. Actually, Amy, she was on podcast episode 44. So go ahead back and listen to it. And she was waking up in the middle of the night because she was like, oh my God, what am I going to post? What needs to be the next thing and she is now sleeping soundly through the night. Her husband has said that this has been a game changer for them. And also her friends are noticing and they're like, wow, you were actually able to get out content consistently. It is so clear that you know what you're doing and it's actually going to create ideal clients that are going into your DMs, um, and talking with you. You're going to transform any existing social media presence. If you've got a social media presence, we're not going to go back and delete it, but we can move forward so strong and you're going to be able to book high ticket clients weekly without having to be glued to your phone. That is something that is so important to me. I think a lot of times if I didn't have my business, I'm not even sure if I would have social media. But I wanted to make social media so simple, so easy. And that's exactly what you're going to learn at the Make Money With Marketing workshop. Again, you're going to be learning the content conversion system, you're going to be learning the do's and don'ts of social media and how to generate leads to make your business work with social media. So it is $12 to do that training. The link is going to be in the show notes. And again, like I mentioned, if you missed this training live, go ahead and sign up. Anyways, we're going to set up a funnel so that you can do this worksheet workshop at any time and you're going to be able to still join that Facebook group, get the replay for life, get a piece of copy edited just by me. And it's going to be something that is a huge game changer for you and your business. So if you're coming live, I can't wait to see you on Monday. And if you are watching this replay, I can't wait to see you in the Facebook group. See you guys very soon. Next week.


Episode 48: Big Changes, Bigger Results: Introducing the Scalable Systems Mastermind!


Episode 46 The DM Strategy: How to have productive conversations that take people in your audience  From Follower to Client