Episode 48: Big Changes, Bigger Results: Introducing the Scalable Systems Mastermind!
Friends, I have some big news. What used to be called the Six Figure Systems mastermind is changing. 2025 is just a year of change for me and you guys are coming along for the ride and I'll uh, be announcing many other changes that are coming to the my whole business as the upcoming weeks go on. But this is one of the biggest changes I've ever made because I am changing the mastermind. What used to be called six figure systems is now going to be called the Scalable Systems Mastermind. Here's why. When I worked with people in six figure systems, I was only working with them for six months, which sounds like quite some time. And within that time I've been able to see people scale to their that have not made any money and have hit 5, multiple 5 figures. I have seen people go to 60k, 89k. But within that 6 month period I am hankering to get as many solopreneurs across the six figure mark as possible. That I want to really take you and mentor you at a next level kind of support that I've never seen from any other mastermind. So that is why I'm changing it to the Scalable Systems Mastermind. And I'm going to be working with you for an entire year. I want to know your business inside and out. I want to see exactly what you're doing every single week. And I want to make sure that we are tweaking things in order for you to cross that benchmark. I'm going to be giving out uh, awards for 100k all time revenue and then anyone who surpasses six figures in a 12 month period. And I really want to see people get across that line. And that's why I was like, you know what, we are making this a 12 month mastermind because I know that if I work with you for an entire year, we are going to make it statistically inevitable that your business succeeds. Now with that being said, the program is shifting ever so slightly because I used to take people, like I mentioned, from the beginning of their business very fresh starting out and I used to be able to take them and help them grow. However, what I found is that this program is actually best for entrepreneurs that have already hit some um, at least five figures in their business. They've made at least 10k. And at uh, this point, even if you are starting out, you still have the foundational skills there but you need to use your time really wisely. This is usually at the very beginning of your business and you need to figure out okay, what does it take for my business to work? And scalable systems is perfect for you if you Already pass the 10k mark and you're looking to use your time wisely in order to grow even more. Scalable systems is also amazing for people who have hit a revenue plateau. That just means that your revenue has stabled out and you're like, I've been doing the same things. Clearly it's still working, we're maintaining, but I want to get past this point. I want to grow, but I don't want to add a bunch of things to my plate. You guys know I'm all about a sick, a simple way to six figures. And that's why scalable systems is going to be the exact way for you to get there. And that means that uh, you aren't going to be adding a bunch of things to your plate. My people typically don't have a ton of time for their business and the time that they have, they want to spend serving their clients. As a service based online business, you want to spend all the time doing something that you love. For me as uh, a service business, I loved coaching. I didn't want to spend all my time with my marketing. I didn't want to spend hours on social media every single day trying to get things out. I wanted a quick and efficient way to make sure that my business was growing and that is exactly what going to learn in scalable systems. So if you're at a revenue plateau and you want to break that plateau without adding a bunch of things to your plate, this is the perfect program for you. The next thing is if you have already made 50k so you are well over that 10k mark and you're like, I know that I want to hit 100k plus within this year. Scalable Systems is the perfect 12 month mastermind for you because you need to be doing things in a sustainable, sustainable way. One of the things that I found is that when people get a bunch of clients, all of the things that they have created to build their business up until this point can sometimes fall by the wayside. If you don't have sustainable systems to help keep you at your benchmark and then allow you to have time to bring on more clients to serve so you can make more money. So if you have made over 50k, Scalable Systems is the perfect 12 month mastermind to you for you because not only are you going to learn how to bring on more clients and make your marketing even more efficient and poignant, but you're also going to be able to have systems that get uh, you way past 100k because you need to be able to sustain your marketing efforts while you bring in new clients. And this program is perfect for you if that is what you're looking for. Scalable systems as this new 12 month mastermind is also perfect for you if you have other jobs or priorities. The people who I've seen do amazing things within my mastermind so far are people who might have other jobs, they might be a full time mom and they are able to create these amazing businesses within the priorities that they have already these systems with. I'm going to teach you within scalable systems, really help you to prioritize the most important things, get in and out and actually make sure you have the things that you need to fit your schedule. So that is what's going to be happening within scalable systems. I am so excited to invite all of you that if you are thinking about growing to six figures this year, you need saleable scalable systems is going to be one of the best resources for you to tap into and let me tell you why. So if you are in any of those categories, if you've just hit 10k and want to grow, if you are at a plateau and want to grow, if you've had 50k and want to grow, if you have other priorities and jobs and you want to grow, scalable systems is for you.
Now let me talk you through how I'm going to help you hit six figures and the exact things that you're going to get within the mastermind. So first and foremost, when you are building a skip six figure business, a six figure plus business, you need to have a six figure offer. I want you, every single person that joins this mastermind, I'm going to teach you how to position your offer and make it something that stops people scroll so you can configure convert strangers and that means sell strangers on the Internet. We want them to be like oh my God, I didn't even know your program exists. Just like you might be hearing about scalable systems for the first time. I want people to be like scalable systems hitting six figures in an easy simple way. Yes, I want this program so for you I want you to have a six figure offer. Something that stops people scroll and that also makes your friends, family and any people who could refer you understand exactly what you do, who you're a good fit for and be able to refer people right away or have uh, you on the back of their mind for the next time they might need you for Instance, when you're thinking about, um, I want every person that has ever hit at least 10k to know that my next step to make sure that I grow is scalable systems. I want you to create that same brand awareness so that not only do you stop people scroll, but you're also not selling you. For me, a huge piece of, uh, my business when I shifted from Megan Wing Coaching, which was vague and it just talked about the features of like me working with you, it's like everyone who was signing up for me was just relying on the fact that they enjoyed my company and they were like, yeah, I just like Megan, she's pretty nice and I feel like she could help me. Versus when I shifted to the career fulfillment initiative, people were like immediately referring me to people who are struggling with their jobs. When I started posting about it, I literally, it was in August of 2021. I doubled my consults and doubled the number of clients I was serving within one month. I want that to happen for you. And this isn't just something that's worked for me. When my client Jocelyn, when she just announced that she was doing her sober coaching program and I think it's um, oh my goodness, I need to like, figure out the name of her offer. But the thing that sets my clients apart is if you look at any of my clients Instagrams, if you look at their websites, instead of just saying, oh, I'm a coach, they're going to be like, I am the founder of a program that you want to join and her program is called the Path to Freedom coaching program. And it is so extensive. She knows that within, I think it's three months that she can help you create a sober, thriving lifestyle. I want you to have that kind of brand awareness too. And it's something that I found to be one of the most pivotal things that you can have to scale to six figures.
The next thing I'm going to be teaching you in the Scalable Systems Mastermind is how to have clear and confident marketing. Within my program, I teach something called the position, the powerful positioning method, which means that you need to have a position system for you to batch out your content in a very quick and efficient way that builds the note like and trust faster. You need people to get to know you, like you and trust you immediately. And you need to have posts that address those features and those parts of your business every single week. So what you get when you join the scalable systems 12 month mastermind is you are going to learn how to batch out your content in 90 minutes a week. So you won't have to worry about making. Did I get this done for my post? Do I need to? Am I posting based on inspiration? This is going to be a thing of the past. This is not going to be an issue for you anymore. And you are going to be able to get your content done months in advance. So it creates flexibility for you. It can also create, um. Because there are things that are going to happen in your life that happen that are completely unexpected. One of my clients, Sally, her house flooded and she actually came onto episode, I think it was 33 of the podcast. And when she was speaking she was like, I was able to keep up my marketing even with my house flooding. One of my clients, Tracy, uh, when she started and used the powerful positioning method, what happened with her marketing is she had gone from inconsistently posting and had 18 months, a year and a half without getting a consult to consistently posting every single day and making an 18. She had an 18k day. So within her business she went from 18 months of no consults to an 18k day and she has just surpassed the 100k ATR which is all time revenue. So it's not like this is just going to be something that you use and something that isn't applicable. This is something that you're going to be using for the rest of your business's life. And to have a clear and confident marketing is going to be the thing that sets you apart apart from other business owners. Because what I see for so many other people is they get more clients, their marketing falls off, the clients stop and then they don't have a clear client funnel for more people to come in. And I if you join scalable systems, that will not be you. You are going to be able to keep up your marketing in minimal hours and then you're also going to be able to serve more clients because you'll have more time. The other thing that you're going to have is higher sales conversion. So if you are thinking about creating consults that sell, really use, it sells, uh, your offer mixed with the higher conversion, the higher, the higher sales conversion process I teach called the Consult Conversion Blueprint. The mix between your offer and that process is seriously something that I've already seen. Just implementing this single system took my client Hollywood from 53K to 100 and I think it was 32 or 36K. She's also had an episode of the podcast. I will link it below because I know that if you are not converting your consults, it's because you are not clear about how you could support someone. The consult conversion blueprint, that is the system that I teach you, not only teaches you the um, how to run a console call, what you should do before, during and after a console call, but I also teach you how to sell your program in a way that feels irresistible for your clients. That means that you're going to be speaking directly to the problems that they have and you are going to know the problems that they are having better than they can even articulate it themselves. And then you're going to think about where they want to be after working with you. And when you use the consult conversion blueprint, what happens is you are speaking exactly to the problems that they have and you have a beautiful process that is designed in your signature offer, your signature six figure offer that addresses every single one of those clients needs. So instead of just saying hey, where do you now where do you want to be six months from now, ten months from now, a year from now, you're going to be able to say where do you want to be with my specific, with the specific problems that you have that I will be able to help you with. For instance, when I had the Career Fulfillment M initiative I would speak to the problems that clients had with burnout. Uh, and I said my signature process is the stress reset. And that is something that I'm going to be able to teach you that you are going to be able to use to stop the stress from the work days. You're going to have a, it is in a script, it is something and that's why I found that it's so effective. You're this is why Holly hit 150. It was uh, 130 something K from 53K because she was able to clearly articulate people's problems. She wasn't converting consults like she needed to. And now she has a thriving 100k plus business because she knows how to convert sales. That is what you're going to learn in the scalable Systems Mastermind. Then you need. When you're thinking about bringing people into your space, when you're thinking about getting more people coming in, that means that you need more leads, you need to have more people coming into your business. So I have a very easy, easy lead management protocol that I utilize called the engagement protocol that I teach within the scalable Systems Mastermind. What you're going to do is you are going to learn exactly who to talk to, you're going to learn what to say and ah, I have a, within the System which can change, you know. But I. My goal is that you take just 30 minutes a day to talk to 10 different people. Now, who are those people? It really depends. I will individually. When you're in the Scalable Systems Mastermind, I would individually tell you who to talk to, what to say, when to move the conversation forward so that you are not just spending endless hours posting, but you are going to have a full docket of DMs to respond to and you're going to be able to make sure that you never have crickets in your inbox.
Now, for people who are in the Scalable Systems Mastermind, you have a high ticket offer that means it costs thousands of dollars. My goal is to make it statistically inevitable that you as many clients as possible and get as many people coming into you as possible. Not only are you going to learn how to generate more leads, but you're also going to learn how to manage leads that you have. I call it nurturing. There's two pieces to the lead management process. You're going to need to learn how to generate more and nurture the people you have, which means that you need to have a system to make that 10 people a day so efficient that you are bringing in consults. My goal is that you're bringing in consults every single week. I want you to imagine how different your business would feel if you had people constantly talking to you about their problems. You're constantly solving it for them and you just see consult after consult booking from people that you know, people that you've had conversations with. So you're filtering them already and people you don't even know that might even be referrals from people that you are, um, talking to. That's exactly what happened for um, Chrissy, one of my clients. She started this process and she got six consults in a week. So it is insanely possible for you. And she's been able to take an amazing maternity leave just because she knows how to do this and she was able to create a solid system around it. Last but not least, planning and metric tracking. When you join the Scalable Systems Mastermind, you are going to be able to create what I call your six figure formula. You're going to get a spreadsheet, uh, where you're going to be tracking your finances and you're going to list every single thing that you're doing, how many people you're talking to, how many posts you're doing, how many consults you're getting, how many clients you're getting. How much money you've made, and I'm going to track it. You're going to learn how to track it every week, but I'm also going to give you feedback every single month. I'm also going to be able to. Within your planning and metric tracking, you're going to be able to evaluate every single week. And it's something that I look at that I'm going to be able to get you feedback. So there isn't going to be a single week that you do not grow within this mastermind. We're going to talk about, like everything that you get when you join, but I'm going to teach you how not only I planned every single one of my metrics, how I plan my weeks, how I evaluate, but what is that? Metric tracking helped me figure out exactly what to spend my time on so that I wasn't wasting any of my time as I grew. Now, for you guys, you're going to get to the point, if you join Scalable Systems, you're going to get to the point where you are so fully booked that you are not going to have as much time to do the, the, uh, little things within your business. You, if you're heading six fees, if you are hitting six figures as a business owner, which means that you are going to be fully booked with clients, you need to have systems in place to make sure that you can quickly evaluate and move forward so that your business never hits a dip or a plateau. That's one of the reasons why I created these systems is I wanted to have a way to make sure that my business never took a dip. And the exact, the exact spreadsheet that I'm going to be having you guys utilize is the exact one that I started back in 2021, which was my first kind of year part time, and then something that I've used since then consistently within 2021. My first year part time, I made 47k. Once I learned how to start tracking things and actually evaluating effectively in my first year full time in 2022, I was able to hit $120,000 in my first year because every single week I was like, what am I doing? How can I fix it and make it better every single week? Then I completely switched niches. So instead of being a general career coach, I completely shifted to business coaching. Most people who I've seen switch niches, switch offers. I have not seen a single person go with. I have seen, I think like two people not go through a dip. But other than that, most people experience a Lot of struggles within their business because it's a complete thing about it. If you're doing career coaching and then you shift to business coaching, you typically don't have business owners in your audience. So you have to find a bunch of new people for a new offer. That's what I had to do back in 2023. And not only did my business not take a dip, I grew. I went from 120 to 156 within that 2023 year. So switching niches completely, starting what was six figure systems that uh, is now the Scalable Systems Mastermind. My business didn't take a hit, I just kept growing. And then from there in 2024 I made $370,000 because I knew exactly what was going on in my business and I was able to double. So I went from 47 to 120 doubling in that 2021 to 2022. And ah, I was also able to double from 2023 to 2024. I know that it's because of the way I plan. I am making it statistically inevitable for you to succeed. And I am looking at uh, everything that you're doing in a good way so that you aren't going to waste any time. I do not want you going a single week without growing. I do not want you to grow to go a single month without growing. I certainly do not want you to go an entire year without growing. That is why I have created the Scalable Systems Mastermind so that you will have a six figure offer, you will have clear and confident marketing, you're going to have higher conversion for your sales calls, you're going to manage leads in an easy and functional way and you're going to know how to plan and metric tech to make it statistically inevitable to hit six figures. Now how do I do that? How do I actually make sure that you do that? So the first thing that we do within the six figures, within the scalable systems, which used to be called the six figure Systems Mastermind, is I'm going to have a day where you create and implement every single system for the Mastermind in one day. When we're thinking about scalable systems again, I want to make it statistically inevitable that you succeed. And that means that we need to get started as soon as possible. So we go through a day long intensive where you are going to set up your offer, your marketing calendar, your managing leads spreadsheet, your um, consult conversion blueprint and your planning um, and financial tracker and you're going to get those all set up uh, within a single day. So I, the reason why I say this is in the past I did called it Systems Week. This is called a setup system day. And what you're going to do is you are going to get a customizable folder of uh, every single system you could possibly learn within the scalable Systems Mastermind all in one day. Now you are going to have to implement it right away. That's why it's a 12 month mastermind. I am giving you so much time to get it implemented and ready to go so that again you make it statistically inevitable for you to succeed. Now within the scalable Systems Mastermind what happens is we're going to go through that day and instead of having you go and watch modules in a um, within a portal, you are going to just get me teaching you live so you don't have to schedule anything else. You are going to be able to join and when you're in the mastermind you can get a refresh and join any of the setup system days. Any time that you want you're going to be able to get a refresher. You can do work, but that is what's included within the scalable Systems Mastermind. Within a scalable systems Mastermind, what you're also going to do is within that setup Systems Day, um, is you're going to be able to customize these templates to fit your business. So we're going to go through and I'm going to talk you through how to make sure that your blueprint is ready to go. We're going to talk about your six figure offer and supporting pillars and you're going to be able to submit that to me to grow from there. You are also going to be able to ask any questions at all and make sure you've got clarity and everything that you need so that the next 12 months it's straight up application. Now of course if you want to go back and look at modules and you want a little refresher, not only do you can you come to Systems Day set up Systems day, but you're also going to be able to have modules. I've been refilming them all week. I am thinking about exactly what you need to know in a very simple way and that is also going to be included within the Mastermind. Now this is just the beginning. Once you have the systems that you need to scale then I'm going to be in the biggest thing and for anyone who wants to do scalable systems um, is that I want to give you as much feedback as possible so that you can grow. Uh, so within the Mastermind, I do not want you to. Not as long as you literally communicate with me. There are three, four ways that you can get feedback every single. Well, there are three ways you can get feedback weekly and then there's one way to get it monthly. So there's constant feedback throughout the entire Mastermind.
Now, I know that within a mastermind, one, uh, of the biggest concerns that I get is like, how will I know, how will I actually know you and your business? How am I going to make sure that we have a connection and that I actually am understanding where your business is at, That I give you a weekly progress tracker where you are going to state what week it is, what are your wins of the week, what are you. What was a breakthrough that you had each week? Because I want you to be having breakthroughs and new ideas every week. I am also going to be asking you what are you implementing in the following week? So I'm going to be checking and being like, okay, what is your goal? And I'm going to be checking in with your goals every month you're going to have a goal and there are three things that can happen. You can miss the goal, hit the goal, exceed the goal, three options. That's it. So I'm going to know what your goal is and I'm going to make sure that the things that you're implementing are going to get you there. For instance, if you're like, I want to sign two clients this month, and I know that, and it's like, and I want to start a podcast, I might be like, m A better way for you to utilize that time would be talking to X, Y and Z and saying this. That's a faster way so that you don't make a mistake and that you don't do the wrong thing that could keep you missing your goals every week. We want to make sure every single week I know what's happening. So you hit your goals from there. You're also going to be tracking your confidence as a CEO in these four areas. Marketing, managing, lead, sales and planning. Those are the four skills that every successful six figure CEO has. And I'm going to be making sure that you know and that you are growing in your confidence in those for an entire year. So I'm going to check and this is something. Instead of it being something that is an additional thing that you just have to do, I actually give you time on the main Mastermind call to fill out this form. So it's not something that you have to do that's extra. This is something that's included in the time that you have from 11 to 11:10 on the weekly calls. I'm literally letting you fill out the form so that I can track it every single week. You are also going to get one on one feedback and then also not only are you going to be sharing that, you're going to be sharing about how much money you've made, how many hours you're working and if there's anything else that you want to tell me, all of that is included within this weekly progress tracker. Now uh, if you're like, hey Megan, I want to get coached by you live. There are two live coaching calls for you to coach every single week. There is a scalable spot, uh, there is a scaling call for people who are at a more advanced stage of their business that want to learn things about like webinars launching group programming. That's going to be on Tuesdays from 10 to 11am Eastern and then there's the main group call from 11 to 1pm, um, Eastern on Wednesdays. So you have three hours of coaching every single week that you can come live and get coached by me or another co coach that would be leading the calls if uh, for some reason I'm out of town or I'm sick for some like emergency. But most of the time it's going to be me and you guys are going to get all of my feedback within your business. Now what I do is I move those calls along. I am not trying to dilly Dolly. I know it's important and you are taking time away from your schedule. So every single time I'm going to be giving tidbits. Not just the person that raises their hand to get coached, but I'm also going to be saying things that are applicable to everybody. So within that you're going to see people share their win, what they want, coaching on what specific part of the six figure systems process, offer market managing, leads, planning and sales. And I'm going to be able to tell you exactly what to do to either fix it or it might be a mindset shift that we need to feel either more confident or less stressed so that you can move forward within your business. Because your CEO self concept is a huge piece that uh, if you are not hitting six figures you need to really, really identify who you're becoming and whether you think you're truly leading your industry. And that is what the scalable systems mastermind does is I'm going to Teach you how to get there faster than you ever could on your own. Because if you have somebody else that is in your brain in your business is giving you feedback, someone who has done it for years. I've only been in business for 4 1/2 ish years and I made over $754,000 because I know what works and I'm teach you what works and prevent you from making mistakes that could cost in me years, years I've struggled. So even though I've made the money it has not been easy. And that is why I created the scalable systems Mastermind is I want you to hit 100k in an easy simple way. So you're going to be able to get coached weekly personally by filling out a form and you're going to get private feedback. Then you're also going to get in and the private feedback is either going to be me, it's going to be from the co coaches but it's going to be something that is going to be serving you as your business grows. Then we have the live coaching calls where you can get coached by me and you're going to be able to figure out the mindset or the strategy to grow. And then uh, there is also a discussion board where you can ask questions and get feedback on just random things throughout the week. Let's say you've got a post that you're like uh, I feel like this just needs to be reworked. You can send it to me. I did a consult and it either converted or didn't send it to me. There's specific things that I teach you and you're going to have a form that you can fill out so you can tell me exactly what happened and I'll be able to you, you're going to tell me what you think the problem is and what questions you have. You're going to give me your best CEO self concept, your six figure CEO answer and then I'm going to be able to give you feedback from there. You'll be able to get feedback on uh, webinars, you can get feedback on slides that you have for webinars. You can get feedback on outreach. So you might be like I don't know what to say to this person, I don't know what kind of things they need. You're going to be able to get all of that within the mastermind. Last but not least with a fourth way. So it's like you can get feedback private, one on one feedback every single week. You can get public feedback in a discussion Stream. You can get public feedback in a live coaching call and you can also get a monthly eval that is private, where we're going to talk you through what is working, what could use improvement, and what do you want to do differently. But also we're going to be tracking your goals. So every single month you're going to have a new goal. You're going to tell me what happened to the last month, what was your goal? Did you hit that goal, miss it or surpass, Surpass it. And then what works? What could use improvement and what do you want to do differently? Along with a social media audit that I will give you every month and I'm also going to look through that weekly financial tracker. So I'm going to see, okay, did you get a consistent number of posts out? My goal is that you get at least three posts out that they have the potential to be repurposed to three reels if you want to do some short form content. And I'm like, okay, we had two posts a week, three posts a week, seven posts a week. What happened here? Let's talk about it. And I'm going to be able to see the exact post that you had and help you. Maybe you need a more scalable system. Maybe we need to talk through your marketing calendar. Either way, we're going to solve the problem in within this year. If I see that you talk to maybe like two people a week, then you talk to zero people a week, then you talk To 24 people a week, I'm like, okay, is the issue that you're feeling weird about talking to people, do we need to coach on that? Or is the issue that you don't know who to contact? Let's figure that out and then you can get going so that you have a consistent flow. And my goal is that you're talking to at least 50 people a week. They're having productive conversations. Not just like, what's your dog's name? It's like specifically about how you help them. And you're going to be able to be like, okay, like, how long have you been married? If you are a relationship coach, you could ask things. If you're a career coach, like, where are you currently working? I'm going to tell you what questions to ask and when to ask it and help you make that easier. So not only are you going to get the live coaching calls, three hours of live coaching every single week, but and a ton of feedback like, I'm going to be in your business and I am, uh, bringing on a Co coach. I'm going to have a podcast and like announcer to you guys because she's amazing. And she was like, it's literally like you're getting one on one coaching within this mastermind. And that's why I call it a hybrid of one on one and group coaching. This is specifically for people who want really high touch support and I really want somebody to uh, be co creating this six figure figure year with them. I really want to be your mentor and take you through every step of the journey from there. The curriculum is quick. It's not going to be something that you need to take an entire year to learn.
Like I mentioned during setup Systems Day, you are going to get all of the systems that you need all in one day. So it's not going to be like, oh my God, I have to go and like watch another module. I don't know what to do. It's going to be like you go to systems day and you start implementing one day to implementation. I want to take you there so quickly so that you can grow now. Do you have to implement things right away? No. You might start off with the marketing calendar. That's typically what I see is the easiest thing to implement and that might take you a week or two. It could take you a full month to get the marketing calendar going on and then you add on the next system, the managing leads tracker. So then we go in and then you're learning how to talk to people and then we do monthly evals so you learn how to plan. You're like, oh, okay, I'm tracking things, I'm not sure how it's going. And then we get the um, you're starting to get consults in, so we start evaluating those. But my goal is that by like month three you really are growing and scaling and then we are just taking quarter by quarter by quarter so you can hit six figures within your business within next year.
The next thing is virtual support. So I want you to know that not only am I going to give you individualized feedback, but I kind of touched on this already. There's going to be a stream where you're going to be able to get virtual support not just from me, but with uh, from other people. In the mastermind, people have amazing ideas. In the scalable systems Mastermind people are doing awesome things that you can get ideas from. And there's going to be the virtual support at uh, within the six, the scalable systems portal. But we also have an Instagram group where we are sending each other posts. We're also commenting on each other's posts and there's virtual feedback and support there. So it really feels like a good community. You are also going to get two viral social media posts and prompts every single week. I'm going to tell you the exact caption and the exact reel um, that I have used. That is trending. That is fun. That is something that you can utilize to get more people to view what you do. We're going to talk about like within the Mastermind, I teach you different ways to get out short form content. There are five different ways for you to get short form content that you learn within the powerful positioning protocol to create a mix of intrigue and excitement, but also clarity for your audience. And that is what you're going to be getting as well. You also will have the opportunity to sign A6 the scalable systems trained VA so that you can have somebody who is familiar with my processes and helps you as you bring on all these awesome people. You can get a virtual assistant that is from my virtual assistants agency that can teach you do everything that, that can help you to create the systems that you need to grow, um, and just continue them while you're working with all the new people that you're going to be bringing in. Again, last but not least, the collaboration within the group is phenomenal. And you can do peer coaching with people who are going through similar struggles with you or if you see that somebody's figure out something. You can also rely on each other as a network. You can refer people to each other. But one of the things that I found to be the most valuable are the testim swaps where I have people within my audience, within the Mastermind that will do like 30 minutes of coaching for each other every single week and then they do videos and promotion for the other person's business. So let's say like me and Sarah are in the scalable systems Mastermind. We both take an hour of our time, coach each other and then 30 minutes I coach Sarah. The next 30 minutes Sarah coaches me and then I do a testimonial for Sarah, Sarah does a testimonial for me and it's that simple. And then you start to get testimonials coming in. Especially if you don't have money in your business, you want to pump that up. You want to get video testimonials because 95% of people trust the video just as much as a regular, as a friend or family. So you want to be getting that video content. And within the scalable Systems Mastermind, you're going to be able to get that, that you're also, if you wanted to say, okay, I want to show my clients an example of what they get. You can go live together. There are so many opportunities for you to work with people. And not only that are you going to get, you're going to get the uh, like I mentioned, a private Instagram group where I'm going to be giving you all of these ideas, but you guys can also bolster each other up and send each other, I will also be sending you guys like GIFs and means to keep you going throughout the day. So not only do you get the, and I call it the foundational five, your offer, um, marketing, managing lead, sales and planning, you get those foundational five systems, but I also give you additional systems to grow. I teach you how to do financial projections, I teach you how to do annual plans, I teach you how to make a five year plan. I also also teach you how to go through mindset cycles and get out of a funk faster and more efficiently every single time. And I also teach you if you want some help on creating, um, a webinar and creating something that's going to sell itself, I teach you how to do that in the additional systems along with, I think the last one I didn't mention is if you are a coach like me, I teach you how I deliver to my clients to also create results for them and I teach you how to set it all up from there. I give you a bunch of bonuses. So I talk you through any little thing that I think you could possibly need to grow your business from how to use technology like many chat and QuickBooks, to what to say when I'm reaching out to friends and family, to how to do LinkedIn and um, find more connections on there. Anything that you could possibly need. I add to the bonus systems, part of the scalable Systems Mastermind. I add things to this literally weekly. I'll be like, oh, this is something I need to add. Uh, and anytime I'm on a coaching call and I'm like, oh, this is something that more people would need to know, I will literally go in and add it. And then there's a weekly email that comes out with all the additional bonuses if I add some during the week. Last but not least, I include guest speakers to cover things that I don't want to cover for my business that you could utilize. For instance, I have people talking about how to pitch yourself for presentations and how to get corporate contracts. I also have guest speakers come in and talk to you about how to set up an email list. I also people talk to you about how to set up technology to, um, schedule your, um, standard operating procedures so you can train more VAs. I have somebody come in and talk about hiring. I had my accountant come in and talk about finances. I had somebody come in and talk about how to make a website and make sure it's SEO optimized, how to pitch yourself for podcasts. I literally anything that I could possibly think of, uh, for you to grow your business, I have included within the Scalable Systems Mastermind. It is truly so extensive that you again, I want to see you cross that six figure mark this year and I know that Scalable systems is the mastermind to help you do it. Because if I'm thinking about the Scalable Systems Mastermind, you get your direction, you know exactly what to do every single day. I want you to wake up and be like, oh my God, perfect. I just follow these steps. I want a, my goal, the bigger vision for me in this business is that I would like to have a world where solopreneurship is the norm. That it, uh, people look at it as a regular career and that when I am lucky enough to have children, they are going to be so excited to be solopreneurs and create amazing ideas and serve people in the world using their uniqueness and talents, just like you're doing right now. And I want it to be easy. You're already creating an awesome system. Uh, you're already providing an amazing service for people in the world. I really want it to be something that your business is just so easy that it feels like you just wake up every day and it feels like the joy of being a solopreneur with the, uh, ease of a 9 to 5. Like that's really what I want your business to be. I want six figures to be the norm for solopreneurs. I know it isn't right now, and I want this to be the norm. It is simple, it is so doable and I know I can help you implement it so that you can grow and scale. So, um, I, uh, want you to think about 12 months from now, where do you want your business to be? For one of my amazing clients, Teresia, she was able to leave her job and go full time into her business. I have clients do that all the time. Stephanie just did it, Demetria did it. So many of my clients are doing it. And I want you to be next. If you are full time in your business, I want you to be like Holly, who passed that six figures, Mark? Elainey, who passed the six figures, Mark? I want you to be like maybe the next Amy. If you've hit six figures in your business, I want these systems to be the things that help you grow. And Amy just was on the podcast a couple weeks ago and we've been able to double her business and she's at 700k for a year, like last year is what she had. So I know that this is for you. I know that this is a huge year for you and your business to grow. This isn't just things that have worked for me. This has worked for every single one of my clients. So I will include all of the information about the scalable systems mastermind in the show. Notes, notes. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me and I cannot wait to see you hit six figures this year.