Results share: sarah

Sarah’s got a great story to share!

Sarah is an AMAZING life coach who helps people heal from heartbreak and thing themselves again! 

Follow her and the new members of the mastermind to watch how much they grow throughout their 6 months in the program!

Here’s what she had to say about why she started working with me:

“Hey everybody I am Sarah and I have spent the last several years coaching and mentoring thousands of people on anything and everything from relationships to business for the life coach School.

After this year going through a very painful breakup and divorce I am now focusing on that, on women who are truly suffering through or after an especially painful heartbreak one where they are struggling to move on and struggling to find themselves again!

Once I healed from my heartbreak I just knew that’s what I wanted to help other people do too! So I decided to join Megan's six figure systems because all I've done for the last few years is coach coach and so I am ready to coach in this particular niche!

I don't want to have to spend a lot of time figuring out the back end, the business side, and the systems I need to have in place. I wanted something that could do that for me! So that I could get my business up and running and focus on my clients who needed my support!

I am most excited about learning what those systems are in a simple and easy to follow way so that I don't have to waste any more of my time procrastinating about what to do next or spending hours trying to teach myself something when clearly Megan already has this figured out so let's go!”

If you missed the mastermind, no worries! 

You can ALWAYS still work with me 1:1, so feel free to sign up for a consult using the link in my bio and I will see you there soon! 




results share: carrie