Episode 31: What it’s like to be in Six-Figure Systems
Hello, everybody, and welcome to a very special episode of the Six Figure Systems podcast. Today I have some of my amazing, amazing clients that are going to be coming on and sharing with you about their experience in the Mastermind. So if you're thinking about joining the Mastermind, enrollment closes next Sunday, uh, on the 10th at midnight. So I would love to have you join us. You're going to be with these amazing women in this cohort. And if you hear this episode in the future, I would love for you to click on the link in the show Notes that shares information about the podcast and about the Mastermind, what the next states of the Mastermind are, so that you can get in and get ready to join the next round. So, with that being said, I'm going to go and I'm going to have, uh, every one of them, they're going to introduce themselves, they're going to share a little bit about what they experience in the Mastermind and just share with you reasons why they would recommend you join as well. With that being said, Jocelyn, would you like to get us started off? I would love to, Megan. Hi, my name is Jocelyn Solomon and I am a coach for women who are interested in drinking less, quitting drinking entirely, kicking boost to the curb, and then also stepping into their most empowered chapter of life yet. So it's a six month program, but I also do three months. Um, and Megan has helped me just catapult myself forward in ways I really couldn't do myself before. Shall I keep going? I was like, yeah, don't do. This is perfect. So I think that one of the things that I like to think about when I'm thinking about joining a program is how fast will you get breakthroughs? How fast am I actually going to get results? And, uh, you are actually within, like, the second month of the Mastermind. So I think that just sharing about, like, what are some breakthroughs, what are things that you've experienced within these first two months of the Mastermind that people would be, like, interested in getting these results as well? Okay, so here's the thing. I had all these great ideas and all this energy about what I wanted to offer, and I felt super confident in my ability to do that, but I needed systems in place and I just didn't know where to start. So I researched, uh, a bunch of different coaches and interviewed a bunch of people. And the second that I met Megan, her energy was just, like, spot on. And I also could tell right away she was so flipping smart about systems and how to implement them in ways I Just didn't have. I didn't have those skills. So right away she, like literally right away I started implementing systems, which I don't do perfectly by any stretch, but right away I was able to not only build my audience, but capture the pre existing audience I had. And I booked consults fairly quickly and got clients within actually the first month. So that was huge for me. I just didn't know where to jump off and where to start. So if you're thinking about joining and you're interviewing a bunch of different people, I'm super discerning. I did a lot of the research for you, so I encourage you to reach out to Megan because she just lit a fire under me in a way that I was not doing by myself. Thank you so much for sharing that. Because I think that like, when I'm thinking about doing different coaching programs and things like that I want to be pushed. And I, uh, sometimes like, I want to have someone in my corner that's going to be pushing me, that's going to be like, really making me move in ways that I wouldn't do myself necessarily. And I think that's one of the reasons why I think joining this program, it's really going to help you to just like push forward, move forward. And really, I mean like, the fact that you signed clients right away was something that is a new thing for this round. Like the fact that we've been able to do Systems Week, the fact that you've been able to get those systems implemented so quickly I think is huge. And I'm so, so excited that you've had those results within this, like, first very short period of time. I, uh, was gonna talk about like, different accomplishments and things like that. And I think that one thing that I think that systems does for people is helps them feel a little bit more organized. And I know that like life can life, there's so many things that are happening. But I think that another accomplishment that I've seen for you, just to reflect back to you, is that like, even with a lot of things going on also, by the way, Jocelyn, poor Jocelyn has Covid right now and she's literally on this call and she's still able to show up, which I'm so, so grateful for you. And I think that people think that there's a right time to join a mastermind and that there's not going to be something going on. Would you mind speaking to that a little bit? Oh my God, yes, I would love to speak on that because it's. I've Come to learn. I'm 54. There's never a right time. There's always an event, a birthday, a trip. Um, I just emptied my nest of my daughters, both going to college. And this program actually started two weeks before that. So I was like, deep in boxes and traveling and planning and I was like, I'm not going to wait another six months to start this part of my life. I'm not going to wait anymore. So maybe it wasn't like the perfect beginning. And by the way, there's no such thing as that. I, uh, just started and did the best that I could, which was pretty good, I have to say. Even though I was having to take all these trips and even though life was lifeing super hard, there's never the right time. I just was like, it's time. Time is now. Like, we get this one shot at life. I know this is something I can be good at and help people with. So I just was not going to wait one more second. Even though it was not perfect timing by any stretch, but it kind of was. We get to decide, like every time is perfect. We just have to decide when it's going to be. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. And I know that Sally's also going to speak to life. Life thing. But another thing that I just thought of is that you also, this is not your only business. And so I think that some people think that they have to like, have a dedicated time, that they can only have one business going at once. And that's just another angle that I would love to hear for other people who have other businesses who have other things, not just the kids going off to college and other things going on. What has it been like to have your business with the coaching business and, uh, your other business balance together? So, yeah, it's definitely been a balance, which is why I need systems that will help me create more efficiency. So I also have a yoga retreat business that is very successful and I'm constantly planning and organizing and traveling for that, as well as teaching some yoga on, um, in person. But, you know, it's like we get many phases of life and every chapter is different. And I'm wanting to segue more into this lifestyle of coaching. Coaching and being able to work from home more and not necessarily be married to being any particular place. So, yes, I'm balancing that other stuff, but with these systems that, again, not perfectly executed over here, but with them in place, I can start becoming more efficient in how I grow this part of my business and maybe segue out of the other ones a little. My gosh, amazing. And uh, I'll put this in the show notes, but if you want to share about like where people could find you after this podcast if they're like, hey, I'm sober curious, I'm thinking about doing that. What would, where would be a good place for that people to contact? Thanks for mentioning it. So, because my first career, well, actually not my first career. My most recent career besides sober curious coaching is yoga. So my website is Jocelyn Solomon yoga.com and I'm on Instagram as Jocelyn Solomon Yoga Solomon's all O's. And I also just want to say that like, you don't have to be someone who has a problem drinking to want to stop drinking. So I just want to make that really clear. Everybody's life would be up leveled by not ingesting something that's toxic and makes you potentially feel like shit or lead to anxiety and depression. So that's just one part of what I do. I do other things too, so you can find me those ways. Incredible. Thank you so, so much for sharing. Thank you, Megan, you're the best. Ah. Uh, thank you. And I can't wait to hear from Sally. Sally, I'm gonna have you go next and I'm just going to pin you here. If you want to introduce yourself, tell people who you are, what you do and a little bit about yourself, that'd be great. Awesome. Megan, thank you so much. Um, and love hearing your story. Jocelyn. My name is Sally Sauvignon. I am a mama and I am a board certified holistic health practitioner. I coach mothers that are struggling with chronic health conditions along with raising children with health conditions. And I know firsthand that this can be incredibly depleting, fleeting and challenging and overwhelming. Um, so I help these wonderful mamas transform their life. Um, the name of my program is the Healthier Life Accelerator. It's a four month program. I work one on one, coaching them virtually, um, with a variety of processes, including developing precision nutrient plans, reclaiming your energy process to make it simple and impactful in their life. Um, so I am very passionate about this work. I love being a part of mothers improving their health, supporting their children. It truly is transformative to the entire family. Um, but my biggest struggle was systems. And so I will show up for my clients every day 120%. Um, but I struggled with how do I market, how do I get my story out there, how do I nurture conversations with these amazing mamas who need my support? I know they're out there I just need to figure out how to get there. And what do I do when my life turns upside down? Because it happens. Um, and it totally happened. So. Two weeks into joining your mastermind group, I experienced house flood. Super crazy. My water heater burst our hallway, the bedrooms were under inches of water. We had to move out in a matter of two days. It was like two weeks into my kiddos being back to school. I had clients I was supporting. And I think if I hadn't been a part of your mastermind, I honestly would have put everything on my business on pause. And I am so, so grateful because what you not only taught me in the systems week, but what you offer every single week is so valuable. And as a result, I have not stopped showing up for my business. It's maybe not perfect, just like Jocelyn said. It's. It's imperfect progress, but I'm so proud of myself for having that imperfect progress. And it's because of the simple systems that you've helped me see where can lean in, where I can carve out time and show up instead of trying to spin my wheels on what do I need to do and what's going to have the biggest impact. It's. It just cuts through all that noise and gives me clarity. And then I can show up on Wednesdays in this amazing group of other coaches and we can cheer each other on and we can cry and we can pull our hair out and. And then walk away with direction. So, um, life. Life's for sure. And it definitely happened for me. It's probably going to happen for every business, um, multiple times. And so having a plan for that is huge. And you really supported me through that. Thank you so much for sharing that. I, uh, think that when people hear about a house flooding and hearing about, like, your kids going back to school, I think that it can be a sign. Like, I think sometimes we use it as signs to stop. And, uh, when I was going through, I actually ended up. I think I've shared this on the podcast before, but I was broken up with. After seven and a half years, I had to move back in with my parents. I was trying to figure out all those interesting things, um, a year and a half ago or two years ago now. And I think that people think it's a sign to stop and assign that, oh, this means that I should stop the business. And I'm so, so insanely proud of you for keeping going. And I'm so glad the systems were helpful for you. So that is huge. And I would, of course, and I think that, like, uh, you kind of, like, touched on this already, but what do you feel like was maybe a breakthrough with the systems or like, one really helpful system that you learned that's helped you get through the craziness of life? Life. That's such a good question. So I think plan. Your system for planning marketing is huge. It's just. It's so brilliant. Focusing on testimonials and the way you teach us to walk through that. It, um, has really helped me. And I'm seeing my time that I'm spending on marketing going down, which is awesome. Um, and the others is just your structure for developing our framework and the pillars of our business. Yeah, that's something that I never even thought about before. I was running my business before. About, like, why didn't I stand out as a life coach? Like, I felt like kind of getting certified. I was like, oh, like, if I just call myself a life coach, people will come. And I think that a lot of us think that. That we're like, oh, we just. That's all we need to do. And I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I was posting. I mean, I was doing the things, but I was like, it's not working. People aren't coming in. And I think that having that structure to be like, oh, there's a reason why people aren't coming in here is a way that we can structure something that's compelling, something that's exciting people, something that makes people want to buy from you was something I had never even considered that was the reason why people weren't buying. So I think that that's a really good one too, you know? Yes, I completely agree. Amazing. And, uh, within, you're also in the same kind of, like, cohort of people who joined as Jocelyn. So you're only two months in as well. What is something that you have been able to accomplish in this very, very short period of time that we've had together, even with the house flood? Yeah. So we were out of our house eight weeks. We moved back in last week. Um, despite all of that, I've still been able to show up for my clients, getting great results, and I've three new consults and started working together. So I'm really excited. I feel like there was a period of time where I was in a dry spell, and it's great to be on the other side of that, really connecting my message and having that resonate for people. I think that a lot of people. And we were talking about this, actually, we had our mastermind um, call this morning. And I think a lot of people see the success or kind of quote unquote that I'm at right now, and they forget that, like, I went seven months without a consult at the beginning of my business. And after I had told my principal that I was leaving, I was still like, oh, this is like, not even a that. It was like a consult that said no. Like, people weren't even booking the consults. And I feel like it can feel so scary to be in that time period and then actually know that there is very simple answers for how to get out of that, that all you have to do is start posting more, talking to people. It really is a numbers game. And the more that you can play the odds, the better it is. And you can also take time to, like, deal with life lifing in the meantime too, which is important. So I definitely can see, looking back, how I got into a dry spell, because I wasn't talking about my business, I wasn't connecting with people, I wasn't showing up and letting them know that I was available to help them. And so by implementing these systems, it definitely, um, started to shift those things. Amazing. And I think another thing that I appreciate you just sharing about is the fact that you've had a business before. Like, you had been able to run a different kind of business, even a solopreneurship business before, but that coaching business was a little bit different. And would you mind sharing about, like, if people have had businesses before, even as a solopreneur, and how this program had helped you show up in a different way for a different kind of business? Absolutely. I think so much about being, um, a coach is you're selling yourself and you're selling the knowledge you have. And, um, we can have, like you mentioned, we have these amazing creditations. We have amazing experience and information to pass on to people, but we have to believe in ourselves. And there are going to be setbacks. There's going to be thoughts and emotions that come up. And so the framework that you offer with support is so helpful as you're developing this confidence in standing out on your own as a coach. Amazing. And I, uh, think that if anyone is thinking about joining, if they're like, coming in and they're like, okay, I've heard Megan on the podcast. Maybe I've seen her reels. She seems energetic. But I'm not sure, like, what would you say to, uh, help someone make the decision about if this group would be right for them? I would say 100% do it. I remember the first time I got your email, I was like, I'm for sure going to be working with her. I just, I really did. And I'm like, I'm just not ready to sign up right today. But we're going to have a consult and I know I'm going to work with her. Um, you're relatable, you're energetic, you're real. You tell it like it is, but you're not afraid to go deep and really stick with the hard thoughts, the hard moments. Um, and I think it's so valuable to have a coach like you who is vulnerable, um, who is realistic and can really support us as we develop and uplevel ourselves as coach and business owners. Oh, my gosh. Thank you. Sally. I didn't know that you, like, got an email and you thought that you were like, oh, this is the right fit. I'm like, that means the world and I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see where we are four months from now. I feel like this is going to be amazing. Uh, thank you. Of course. And I would love to let people know, where can they find you? You can follow me on Instagram. I am at a HealthierLife Live and, um, my website is also a HealthierLife Live. And I will get all of these information of these incredible ladies in the show notes as well. So definitely feel free to look out, um, for that if you're interested in working with any of them as well. And I'm going to have Kenya come on next. And as she's unmuting, I was thinking after she speaks, if I think one of the things that I always wanted to know is that what is it like to work, like actually be in the group? So maybe after Kenya goes, we'll do a little bit of a roundtable on like, what it's actually like on, uh, the why six months of coaching calls. What's actually happening on the calls, and we'll be talking about that too. So amazing stuff. And Kenya, feel free to introduce yourself. Tell us about, like, how you found six figure systems and why you decided to join. Yes. So my name is Kenya Sunkar and I am a mindset and business coach. I help women, um, scale the purpose driven businesses five figures at a time. Uh, my main pillars are time management, confidence, stress, and always, of course, direction. Because as entrepreneurs, we need some kind of directions and someone to guide us on where to go. Because otherwise we just all over the place. We like chicken without our head. So that's my main Focus. Um, so how do I find you is interested? I found you on a podcast. So I'm happy that we're doing this podcast because I did find Megan on, um, Stacy, uh, Baman. Baman podcast. And I remember what it got me about you is, you'll be honest, you're like, yes, I, I made $50,000 this year, but I spent 67, 000 or whatever you said it was. So I was still on the loose. But you keep investing on yourself. And I know as a mindset and business coach that the investment in ourselves is a must if we want to grow the person that what we created right now is just what we created with this mindset. We want to go bigger and expand. We need to invest more and expand our mindset. So I knew that I needed to learn from you, uh, because you were real. And if I want to invest my money, I want to invest it with someone that already did the job that I'm doing. So my, my, my, my journey was short to make it my journey shorter. Right? So since I joined your mastermind, I have to say I have signed up three clients, so I already saw my first five figure. Um, mom and I also have created many webinars and I just keep getting more and more clarity about how to support my clients. Right. So my biggest struggle was, um, marketing. It's like, okay, why am I posting today? Where am I going? Um, what is my message? But with you, we make the pillars very clear. We created my pillars and I know that this is how I can support my clients and I know this is what I can talking about. And I have to say, after I started longer, I started like four months ago, maybe five. I'm almost done. But the more I keep going, the more I keep posting and I keep showing up with my marketing, the better it gets. Like, I keep getting more followers and more views, right? Because I just keep showing up with the tools that I learned from the system. So thank you, Megan, so much for, um, your work. Oh, my gosh, of course. And I think that for you, I think just hearing that you are a business coach, but you knew that you need to invest in yourself to keep the business going. That's something that, like, I've also always found that, like, whether you are a life coach or a business coach, I wouldn't. What I'm thinking about buying life coaching or business coaching from somebody. I always want to work with somebody who has a coach that they are working with, uh, that is up to date, that knows what they're talking about that is also like, it's like if they think that I should invest in coaching, that seeing that they're also investing in coaching is really, really important. And I'm really glad you brought that up. I didn't even think about that. And I think one of the things that I love about you get, um, I mean five months isn't that long of a period, but for you to be signing clients, having five figure months, doing all these webinars, like there is so much that you can accomplish in such a short period of time and something that people don't know about you is that you also have a full time job. Do you mind sharing about like that as well? I do, yes. I'm also a teacher, but I, and the interesting part, it's like, okay, I want to be a full time entrepreneur. So I went and talked to my, uh, financial advisors like, oh no, you can't leave teacher because of your pension. So I was like, oh, okay, so what am I going to do with this? Right. So I just decided to keep growing my business while working my full time as a teacher and see where it's going to take me. Maybe I can prove him wrong. Right. Because I'm willing to grow my business, uh, to more than $3 million, which is the number that I got from my pension. Right. So it's like that, that consistent that I, that, that I want to have. Because as of right now, it feels like I need to keep my full time job for a little bit. Yes, yes. And I think like when I was, it's so cool to see another teacher because I was in that same phase. I was teaching, coaching, getting certified. And I think that a lot of people also feel like with a full time job it can be hard. But right now you are literally at school, like you're making it happen. Yeah. Ah. Which is amazing. You know why? Because it's one of my pillars. It's time management. Yes. And that's kind of what I teach my client. You. I, I time my weeks so tight that I've been growing my business even though I'm working a full time job. Um, I'm a single mom. I have a partner that I need that I would like to spend time with and I'm a teacher. So if you plan your time wisely, you can do whatever your dream wants. Right. It's like kind of like your heart desires. Yes. And oh my gosh, I just, I love that you have been able to bring this in and be able to create your passion filled business while you Also have this full time job that is a huge thing that I think a lot of people don't consider. They don't think that like they feel like it's hard. And now that's also what you're coaching people to do. You're helping people who might have part that it's not just people who are full time that want to go into their businesses. But that's also something that's amazing for you as well. So I'm so, so insanely proud of you. And I uh, want to hear for you. What do you feel like was a. I know you mentioned talking about like, will you get up in the morning? And you'd be like, what am I going to post? What is going to happen here? Do you. What do you feel like was the. Your favorite system that you've learned that now you like implement it might be in marketing, but maybe not. Wait, Megan, I want to say something else. So yeah, not only I know what to pose. Right. But I also grabbed Megan's va. Yes. And she like helped me post. So I, I actually realized the importance of delegating. So with you I learned. Okay. No, I plan my, my pose. I just take two hours every day to plan my post for the entire week and I send it to my va, which is the same VA we have. Right, the same you have. And she planned it. She. She posts for me. So it's consistent in my page. My Instagram looks beautiful by the way. You can reach me at Kenya Soongar Coaching on Instagram. You can find me there. My website is still on the make it. But yeah, it's like getting organized in a way that I am moving my business consistently. Yes. And my favorite system that I don't know, there's so many. Um, but the one that I keep going referring because I'm big on webinars is the webinar system how to strip the webinars. Yeah. M. Oh my God. Amazing. I was thinking, I love that that was your favorite system. I love that. And also yes. Being able to hire somebody. I think it can be. I was feeling really intimidated about it at first. I mean like, I didn't really have anyone that I hired as an elementary school teacher. I had a, um, a teacher's aide and teacher's assistant. But I never had somebody that was working for me before. And just to have a system to be like, okay, here's what I do every week. Here's how you can take it on. Now. Kenya and I share the exact same VA we actually got her and that's uh, one of the trainings that we had too is like, we literally like have the exact May is both of our VAs, which is like so cool to have. And I am so proud of you for adding that. And I'm so excited for you to have the webinars that you're doing. I mean, especially if you come from a background where you've done presentations before, like teaching, I think it's really helpful. So I, uh, think the last question I have for you is what, why? If somebody was thinking about joining six figure systems and they wanted to join, what would be the reason? What would be something that you would tell them if they're thinking about joining? I think if you're looking for clarity of what to do to move your business forward and you need like this kind of like watch and repeat. Like, you already did that, did that for us. You did all the systems, you put it in place and when it works, you tweak it. So you kind of just. You didn't watch the report. Is it watching repeat? Am I saying this right? And so you already did that for us, so we get it along. So I'm just watching and repeating what you did so I don't have to take any longer, more time that, you know, if you took the two years, it's taking me six months. So that's kind of like what I think people should join, uh, the six figure system. That's. Thank you for saying that because I also kind of forget to this. You guys are hitting on things that I forget to talk about, like on the podcast. So I'm so, so grateful for that within. Um, I feel like one of the things that I found really difficult is like, I would hear, okay, do a webinar. And I'd be like, okay, what do I say in the webinar? Like, do I have a script? I was like, I don't know what to do. I send an email. For how many emails do I send? And I want to make things really, really easy. So I'm like, here are the exact three emails I said before. Feel free to take them and if you want to adapt them, change them, abandon them and do something completely different, that's totally fine. But I think that that is going to be something that other people would find really helpful too. So, um, I appreciate this, I appreciate you. And last but not least, you mentioned it a little bit before, but where can people find you if they're thinking about working with you? I was going to say too, like, I actually, I also speak Spanish. I'm Spanish American language, so I'm translating everything. So because I have Spanish clients. So I was like, your, your assistants are also going to be in a Spanish. That's a great thing. Right? So they, I got to say they can find me on my Instagram is at, uh, Kenya sun car S U n C A R dot Cushing. I'm there. I'm m still working on the, on my, on my, uh, website, so it's coming up soon. Or they can just email me at kenya. @Kenya sunkart.com. thank you. Amazing. Of course. And I'm going to have all of their information linked. So if you were thinking about bringing on any of these amazing women, I couldn't, I could not recommend them any more highly. They're incredible and I know they will be amazing coaches for you too. And, uh, before we go into a little roundtable, I have, uh, the amazing Alejandra to come on and share about her experience. So if you want to go ahead and share about your name, who you help and how you found me, that's how we'll start and then I'll ask you a few more questions as we go. Great. So my name is Alejandra and I help establish businesses scale and growth. So I also help, uh, them with their systems. And I make a, uh, huge, like, focus on the mindset part, which is like the energetic side of how the way you feel think and um, the actions you take from the place, like where you, like where you feel what you feel that will detect what type of actions and the impact of those actions. So, yeah, I help establish businesses as a business and sales coach. And like you have worked when you say established business owners. If anyone's listening to this podcast that has a business with employees, you've worked with, um, dental clinics, you've helped other people who are selling insurance. It's really like, that's the kind of like, people that you help. And it's been really cool to see again, you're also a part of the Jocelyn, uh, Sally cohort. You've been a part of this for two months, and it's incredible to see how much you have accomplished in a very short period of time. Do you mind sharing what you've been able to do within these past less than two months that we've been working together? Yes. So I do believe my confidence increased. I, I feel like I indulge every time less in victim mentality. I feel more m. Organized in all, like what I. The systems that you provide me. So it's Pretty clear, concise, and that gives me a lot of space in my head to create more, to be more resourceful. So, um, that has helped a lot. And I do believe that with the clients, one of my biggest clients, I have the courage to propose them, um, like this huge project and it has worked. They say yes. And I do believe that was the clarity that the program provides me and the certainty that, oh my gosh, I invested in this, this is my next level. Let's go for it. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. And like, you're actually going in person to do things, you're talking to people. Like that has been something that's really fun, uh, and unique. And I think that a lot of people, they see the six figure systems and they probably find me on Instagram a lot of different times, maybe on the podcast. But I think, uh, it's really amazing that you've been able to take the systems and use it to in person work as well. Do you mind sharing about how you've been able to do that and how you've been like, reaching out to people? Well, I do believe that when I gained that clarity from my end, it was really easy to adjust it or tailor it with what they were dealing with. So it was like from the marketing side, they were, for example, one of my clients, uh, he was paying for marketing, he was paying for lead management. And when I went through that because of the systems that you gave us, I was shaking, was like, oh, that's why they're not converting, because this part is missing, this other part is missing. So I created like a unique system where I share with them. There is no this part where you fully connect with the customer or the client to make them feel compelled, uh, and come here for an appointment or to buy from you. So it was, that was the piece where I was like, oh my gosh. Everything that I learned with the, uh, six figure systems, I can apply it here because it's so clear, it works. So yeah, that's how I transform it. Yes. And I think that's like one of the things that people, when they're having their business, I think a lot of times, like you can be taking action, you can be put, like what I mentioned, I think with Sally is like, I was posting all the time and I was still trying to show up. I was getting on Instagram Lives every Monday and I was like, there must be something missing. And sometimes even as a business coach, I think just having somebody outside, a different perspective, somebody else to talk you through, like Here is something that might be a completely different thing that you haven't seen. And showing people that, like, hey, I. This is a way that you can make it even more compelling is really, really powerful. Um, so I love that and I want to think about what do you feel like your. If you feel like you've had a chance to implement a lot of these systems, you are very much like a go getter. You were like, okay, I'm going to do all the things right away. We're going to, like, implement. We're doing a webinar. We're going talking to people every single day. I mean, like, the way that you took the managing lead system, I think you Talked to like 50 people a day at one point. It was like, amazing. And I want to know what was your favorite system or like a system that you felt like was really beneficial that you learned and have been able to implement the lead management system? Because I realized, first of all, like, you have the perception that because you are in Instagram, everyone is watching you, everyone is seeing everything. And when I started implementing the lead management that, uh, you recommend, and I started reaching out to people and seeing, like, the reaction, oh, I didn't know. Yes, I would love to join to your webinar. I was like, oh, they don't know. And I help my clients to realize about it too, because they were just posting reels, posting posts. And I was like, listen, I applied this. It worked. Let's apply it with you. And it worked for them too. Like more people, as you say, just 20% of your audience is watching you or seeing what you're posting. And that was a really huge breakthrough for me. Like, oh, it makes sense. So that came in, that kept me active to, uh, keep sending videos or talking to people. And of course it's a challenging journey, but I believe that I have done more than before because I had that clarity or of not everyone is watching you or seeing what you're posting. So, um, yeah, that was one of the systems that I appreciated the most. Thank you for sharing that. Because I think a lot of people, they get so caught up on the. Oh, it feels uncomfortable to reach out to people or like, oh, I'm not sure. But I think that, like, just. And I think one of the things that you experience, that I also experienced is I would have people following me for years. For instance, one of the people who's actually joining this round of the Mastermind, she. I actually, um, taught yoga with her in 2016. So it's been. How many years has it been, it's been eight years. Eight years that we have known each other and now, wow, God, I feel really old when I say that. Uh, but within that she reached out to me and she was like, oh, like I'm thinking about starting a life coaching business. Had no idea I helped life coaches. And so it's just like we have been following each other for eight years. I know that she's seen my posts and things like that somewhat, but she still didn't know what I did. And so I think that just reminding yourself that like, there are other people out there, there are people in your audience that might not be a perfect fit for you and might not even know what you do. So I, um, love that you've talked about that. What do you feel like has been a big accomplishment again? I talked about this with Jocelyn, but two months into a Mastermind, I think a lot of people think that they're not going to see results. They're good. It's going to take a while. So what do you feel like has been an accomplishment that you've seen just this early part of the Mastermind? First, uh, I do believe and always have believed that being in your energy where you already accomplished a lot of things, it helps a lot because you share with us some, um, of the things you went through too, so you don't feel alone. So then with that part you are like, oh, okay, so this is normal. Let's keep doing what we have to do or let's apply what you advise us to do. And so the accomplished for me has been is not that is not going to work. Is like something that yes or yes will happen as an entrepreneur because Megan went through it and all their coaches went through it. And second is not that you are, uh, not capable or is going to be impossible. It's just like missing piece, you haven't applied yet. And once you start applying it, it will work. It's like I have that thought but sometimes our brain take us down like, no, it won't work. But then make it, no, it's normal. Like I've been there and being surrounded by other people, people who experience that, I feel like that has helped me to accomplish. Um, like in, in my case being more like in the energy. Those high value cycles where I do and I keep doing, even if it's hard or even if I feel like giving up, like, let's do it. Like this morning I was like feeling and then you coached me and then I was in bed, I was like, I'm tired of This, I cannot stay here. I have to do something. So. Yeah, well, that's like a perfect segue into, um, we're going to talk about like, what do we cover cover on the six months of calls? Because I think that some people are like, okay, I get the systems and then like, what are we actually doing on the calls? So we'll talk about that in a second. And thank you for being so honest and sharing about that because I think that like, that is a reason why I go on calls, is to normalize. What I'm going through is normal and re. And isn't a problem that everyone goes through and experiences lulls, ruts, lapses in energy and it's okay that nothing has gone wrong. This is part of being an entrepreneur. And I also think it's like to keep up the energy, to keep up the momentum because everyone experiences waves of energy. We all experience being energized and like being super excited and hyped for life about our business. And then also the phases where we're like, I don't even want to get out of bed. I am tired of doing all these things. I am, I feel like nothing is working. And uh, just to have the community I think really helps with that. So thank you for sharing that. And I would love to know if you had. If you were talking to somebody and they're thinking about joining Six Figure Systems, what would be a reason that you would tell someone else to join this group? Well, if you are the type of woman or person who is ambitious and has in his or her head, no matter what I have to take what I have to do, I going to do it. This group is for you. Because I have seen all the incredible women we have in this group and they are this type of woman. We're like, I don't care, I'm going to go for it. It doesn't matter how long it takes, what it takes, I'm doing it. Yes. Yeah. It is for the go getters. It is for the. That's what I love about it. It's also like, I haven't found many other groups where like everyone is just like going for it. Like, it's like really a group of people who are motivated, ready to go. It's. It's gonna be. You will move if you want to move. This is a group for movers. I really do think that's true. So thank you for sharing that. Um, and before we get into a little bit of a round table, what, um, what is, where can people find you? So in My Instagram, I'm pretty active There is @alejandralosano.coach. and my email is alejandralosano [email protected]. and yeah, amazing. So with that being said, and I'll put all the information in the show notes, of course, for people to find you with the last kind of like 14ish minutes that we have, I was thinking, like, of, uh, if you want to just raise your hand and share, like, what I think that people sometimes are like, okay, what's actually going to be going on during the coaching calls? Like, what are we actually doing week to week? Does anyone want to, like, jump in and share about, like, what's your experience been like for those two hour calls? Alejandro, do I start us off? And then Sally, I think that you also unmuted. And then we've got Jocelyn. All the above. Why you start us off, Alejandra? Because you're already pinned. That's right. So everyone can talk. I do believe, like, is brainwashing yourself over and over in a daily basis because you, you are with a group of women dealing with the same you as a person who can guide us and brainwash us and tell us it's going to work. It's going to work. So I think that's what happens during the calls. And you help, like, you have this skill that I love, which is you make things super simple and then we come out with problems and then you're like, oh, this is what you can say. Do this and this and this. And it was like, oh. And you feel like rewashing the call because you made it so simple. And yeah, that's what happens. Like, you want simplicity and be more organized and straightforward with what you have to do. That's what happens in the calls. Oh, my gosh. I love. I just love that. Thank you for saying that because I think that, like, I do. I go pretty quick with the calls and stuff like that. I think you guys have heard this on the podcast. If this is something like, you know about me. But I think it is very different when I'm even trying to think about, like, in my marketing, trying to convey that, like, energy of like, we're moving, we're going, we're simple, it's. We got it going on. And thank you. Thank you so much for sharing that. I think that if people are looking for that, this is a really good group for it. All right. I think that, Jocelyn, I had you next. And then Sally, if you want to go after it, and then Kenya, of course. So the coaching Calls. One of the best things about the weekly coaching calls for me is that I know they're coming down the pike, and it keeps me accountable. So when there's a date for something where we have to gather, I realize, okay, I've gotta, like, get the systems in place so that I'm organized for that call. Because you keep us on task every week to say what we accomplished, what we've done, what are our goals, and it gives you that opportunity to check back in, like, oh, am I rolling along on these goals or not? And then to the point of your efficiency, even the first. Literally the first coaching call, within, like, 20 minutes, you helped me bang out what my strategy was going to be, what my pillars were going to be. I really honestly felt like the first hour I spent with you was worth the entire amount of money that I put into your program. So I also want to say that, like, you were vetted by me. Not just by me, but a friend of mine who's a very successful coach herself referred me to you. So if people are out there, like, who's my girl? My friend Laura Conley referred me to you, and she has really high standards and know that I have really high standards. So if I had any doubt, my first hour spent with you where you helped me, like, really get clear on what my offer was, that happened in coach call number one. And so then every week, like, benefit of community is always a good thing because no doubt, if you experience some stumbling block, someone else is going to ask a question about that, so you benefit from their answer and make it so quick. You're so quick to, like, help people strategize and create solutions. And if people need that time to, like, the confidence building piece, you're so good at that too. But I just am, um, like, Megan kicked my ass and she's like, okay, Jocelyn, do your marketing calendar. Do this, do that. That's what I need someone to be like, you need to do this because it works. So that's what I would say. Those weekly accountability of those calls. And also if people are like, I can't meet at that time every week in my life because I have whatever they're recorded. So thank God I can go when I can go, and sometimes I can't, and it's fine. I still benefit from them. So I think that's important. Oh, my gosh. Amazing. Um, m. And I really do feel like for. Thank you for reminding me about the, like forms, because I think that, like, I forget about, like, all the things that happen within the Program of like, oh, yeah, there's also that. So I am, um, like the thing that I like about being able to see your progress is I'm watching every week, I'm seeing your confidence with your marketing go up. I'm seeing what you're going to be doing the next week and I love being able to be like, okay, every week you're gonna move. I want to make sure that whether you get coached on the calls, whether you can come live, whether you're able to watch the replay, I want you moving in this group. And I think that. Thank you for reminding me of that. That's also very important. And also, Jocelyn, um, you mentioned that you didn't say the name of your program. So I would love to have you if you want. I can't believe I'm just like, Megan, Megan, Megan. My coaching program is called the Path to Freedom coaching program. So it's not just about sober curiosity, but it's about relationships and health and wellness and connection and joy. All of it. All. Ah, yep. All the things I, I'm glad that I was like, I, I knew that I meant to, uh, add that in there and I really, truly, it's just, it's so cool to see everyone creating these programs. That was what we do in the first hour. We just knock it out, we get your offer ready to roll and then the rest of the six months is just getting you accountable, troubleshooting, problem solving and moving, which is pretty exciting. Sally, you're next. What do you feel like is the reason why you like coming on the coaching calls every week? The coaching calls are huge. So I would say as a business owner, I have struggled with feeling really self critical and isolated. And um, these are two areas in my business that can complain, completely paralyze me and I know I'm not alone in this. And your community calls completely solve for both of those. So right off the bat, we start the first 10 minutes reflecting in our business, completing a form, looking back on what did we do the last week, what were our wins? And your process in reflection is, um, so, so, so huge. Because what I've noticed is it helps me to reduce that self critical talk. And I find myself going like, oh, I actually came up with five wins. Look at me. Um, I actually did make some progress. I, you know, and so when we want to grow, when we're driven business owners as we all are, um, it's really easy to miss that piece. And um, that exercise, every beginning of the call is huge. So that's um, one and the second one is, is the isolation that I talked about. Um, whether you come and get coached on this call, which is always an option, and you seem to make time to coach everyone who asks for it or not, people are going through things that are going to benefit you in hearing the coaching. And so many times, you know, I wasn't the one that raised my hand. Or maybe I just wasn't brave enough to share that insecurity and vulnerability. And we get to learn from one another, and that is huge. So that really reduces that, that thought of isolation. I'm the only one. It must be only me. Um, and so both of those just have propelled confidence and clarity in my business. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much for sharing that. And I feel like that was one of the huge things for me about when I started doing masterminds, because I kind of felt like I was crazy. It's, uh, like I just kind of heard about people that were like, yeah, I started a business and I've made six figures. And I was like, oh, I have not. And I'm like, oh, no. I was like, I must be doing something wrong and everyone else is doing great and I'm not. And it was just like this moment where I was like, oh, my God, I'm not the only one. I'm not a crazy person for feeling like I want to quit every other day. I'm not a crazy person for feeling like this is so much harder than any other job I've ever had before. It actually make sense. And it was just really validating and also making me feel less alone. And I'm also really glad to hear that the winds have helped you too, because I think a lot of times we, uh, as entrepreneurs, of course, we're super self critical. And I think that having that reflection back to be like, oh, wow, I didn't actually what I keep thinking, nothing is working every single day. And then I can actually have that time to reflect and be like, oh, there actually are things that are working. I think that has been something that I found really valuable. And I'm so, so glad that you feel as valuable too. Um, you guys are just the best. And that's the other thing about, like, being in a group with coaches. I mean, like, who better to talk to about, like, the way that you feel than a group of women who are going through something similar? So it's amazing. And thank you for sharing that. And last but not least, we have Kenya. Yes, I, I agree with everybody. What everybody said about the this calls. It's like, accountability is help. You help us with our mindset drama. You help us, um, the sense of community, that we are not doing this alone, which I think is very important. And that's what we all coaches, right? We want to be there for our clients, and you are there for us. So it's kind of like the ripple effect, right? You're there, so we can be there and we can be fully present for who we are serving. And. And that's what I think is great about this goals. I'm so glad, and I just love and appreciate you all so much. Like, really, truly. It does feel. It's almost like, um, Like, I'm not to be cheesy, but I do feel like it does feel a little bit like a family. It feels like we're all here for each other. There are, like, so many times we'll be like, okay, can somebody hop on and we'll do, like, um, 30 minutes where we're both going to focus on, like, messaging people or, you're doing great. Like, I've seen so many people cheering other people on. It's like, it really does just feel like a really amazing group of people. I'm so honored to lead all of you in these journeys, and I cannot wait to see what you create within your businesses. I'm going to include all of your information, so if anyone is interested in working with you, I'll include it in the show notes. But I am really, really proud in each and every one of you, and thank you so, so much for taking the time. I'm so grateful, for all of you, and I will be seeing you guys on the next episode of the podcast.