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Carrie is an amazing personal style consultant who helps you create your signature style sustainably in her program! 

She quit her full time job in December to go full time in her business, finalized her personal styling program, is doing presentations for local boutiques, and has amazing positioning on social media! 

Follow the new members of the mastermind to watch how much they grow throughout their 6 months in the program!

Here’s what she had to say about why she started working with me:

“My name is Carrie Lang I am the founder of Duo Personal Styling. I help individuals style themselves by determining what's already in their closets and where we might need to fill the gaps!

 I'm really excited to join this Mastermind to collaborate with other business owners and implement some processes I know I need so I could focus on styling!”

If you missed the mastermind, no worries! 

You can ALWAYS still work with me 1:1, so feel free to sign up for a consult using the link in my bio and I will see you there soon!


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