Episode 25: How to Get More Sales by the End of Quarter 3

Hello, Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the podcast. Today I'm going to be talking to you about how to get more sales at, uh, the end of the quarter. Now, we are rounding out the end of the third quarter heading into the fourth quarter. So whatever time of year this is, I want you to use what I'm talking to you about, and I want you to help you get more sales for whatever quarter you're in. Now, within this episode, what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how explaining your sales process to people can get you more sales. The second thing that we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to create urgency based on other people's timeline so that they're actually excited to book calls with you. And last but not least, there is early enrollment that is happening for the six figure systems mastermind that I want to let you know about. And I'm going to talk to you about a bonus that you'll get from that, uh, and how you can include bonuses like this when you are selling to your people as well. So within getting more sales for the quarter, that means that you need more people coming in. And as a solopreneur, we want to get people booking sales calls with you. And I have a pretty hard stance on this. I like to call my sales calls, consult calls, and here's why. I don't know if you've ever experienced a situation where you have, uh, been talking with somebody. Maybe it's in person, maybe it's online, and they say, oh, I can totally help you with that. Let's get on a call and talk about it. And you're like, great. And then you get on the call and they're like, so let's talk about how we can work together for the next six months. And you're like, but that is a bait and switch. And I just don't love that. Because what you want people to do is you want people coming onto a consult call and you want them excited. You want them prepared to talk to you about pricing, and you want them ready to actually work with you. The typical way that I have my clients at six figure systems start a consult is they say, hey, thank you so much for coming on today. I'm so excited that you're interested in my offer. And here's what we're going to do. We're going to talk through this, this, this, and this. So first and foremost, let's get started with this. Do you see how when you have that structure it creates so much safety. When they're booking a consult call, they know that it's going to be talking about their offer and the client comes in ready for that conversation. They're like, they are ready to talk with you about their pricing, they're ready to talk with you about, uh, making a decision and they're ready to roll. And so what I have found is that first and foremost, when you call a, it's like calling a spade a spade, telling people that they're actually getting on a console call with you. I have found that you actually get more consults because people know what they're getting themselves into and that's actually how you get more sales. Like, yeah, if I do a free coaching call, sure, people will come on because they like me and they know me and they trust me. But then it that deteriorates the trust when I say, hey, hop on for a free strategy call, a uh, uh, six month planning session. And they come on and I'm only talking to them about six figure systems that doesn't create safety and it can kind of tarnish the way that that person can view you in their mind. So that's the first thing is you want to call a consult. A consult. Now if you're having trouble getting people in the door, it might be because, number one, they don't know what a consult call is. They don't know what a sales call is. They might be loving all of your posts. They might be seeing your testimonials and seeing themselves being one of your next testimonials. They might really love the value that you're giving them and the tips that you're teaching them in the three steps. And they might be loving your webinars. However, sometimes, and before I was a life coach, I had never done a consult. Like, I didn't do a consult to work with my therapist, which coaching is compared to therapy a lot of the time, so people might be confused about that. I never did a therapist to work with or a consult to work with my realtor. I never did a consult to do pretty much anything. I mean, I did an interview to get my teaching job, but that was about it. So for a lot of people, they're like, I have no idea what a consultation is. That sounds big, that sounds scary. And just the intimidation of the unknown, even if they know you like you and trust you, will not be enough to get them on a consult call. So what you do is you make the, uh, unknown known. You tell people exactly what's going to happen on a consult call. Now I have a really, really specific process that I go through with my clients and I have a really specific process that I go through with every single one of the people that do a consult with me. Anyone who does a consult with me, I've got a very set, specific way. And so what I do is I go through and I talk with them and I say, hey, if you would like to, um, if you would like to work with me, here's how it goes. I'm going to figure out what your goals are, how much you've made financially, what your offer is, if you have an offer, if you need, tweak it, and then I want to find out what, where you're at financially now and client wise and all those, what your offer is, where you want to go, what your goals are overall for financially, and also figuring out client numbers. What is your current plan? How are you actually, like, do you have a plan? Are you working with somebody currently? Have you figured out different aspects of your business so far? And then I walk them through very specifically how I would help them within six figure systems. So I tell them for their marketing, I'm going to help them create a powerful positioning strategy so that they can stand out as an expert in their industry. When I'm talking to people about managing leads, I talk about how I teach them the engagement protocol where they take 30 minutes in the morning, talk to ten people 30 minutes in the evening, respond to everyone, including your emails. And that helps you stay relevant, focused and creates more engagement. Within my sales process, I teach them the consultation blueprint, which is exactly what I teach my clients. And I'm m able to actually articulate that to them so they could see, oh, this is exactly what m like. This is how I would be working with Megan and they know how to sell their offer in a way that creates more conversion than the average consultation process. Then last but not least, I talk about planning and I talk about how I'm going to be able to help them with the CEO operations, which talks about how to create a schedule. It also talks about how to plan anhe finances and make sure that you are maximizing the output that you have for every hour of the day. So then after I go through that, I customize it for their business. And then I talk about how much my program is. I talk about the benefits and the features of the program and how it would work for them. So a lot of people just hearing that, they're like, wait, I feel like that would be pretty helpful for me, even if just dropping on a free consult, even if we're just talking and getting Megan's brain in my business, that's already insanely helpful. I already just, I know that I have so many people who we just do a consult and they're like, wow, this is amazing. I also have so many people that are then able to take the next steps where then they make money and are able to join my program to get even better. So I think for you, keeping in mind that if you aren't articulating what people will do on a consultation, what's going to happen is then they won't book a call. Not because you're not awesome, not because they don't know you like you, trust you, but literally because they don't know what your sales process is that makes them feel unsafe and they don't want to book. So first and foremost, I want you to think about how you can articulate your sales process to people. I, of course, and I'm doing this webinar, but back in the day, I would do Instagram lives about it. I would do post my stories about it. I created an entire carousel post, which I'm actually going to give to you if you want to book a consult with me about six figure systems. That's the bonus for enrolling in six figure systems by next Friday and at least booking a consult. And within that, I walk through my consult process. So, uh, people are like, what is a consult? I will send them that and I'll be like, hey, by the way, this is what we'll be doing on the consult. Just become come ready for it and I'll walk you through it. And I share my screen during that. So I want you to think about how can I explain my sales process to more people? Where can I talk more about it? And I want you to, like, include a post about it as soon as this week. What I have my clients do is I have them create a grid of three. If it's specifically Instagram or I have them pin this post, the carousel post that I mentioned that speaks about, uh, every single aspect of the consult, how they're going to have a decision by the end of it. And that's what I like to do for my people so that they are able to articulate what a consult is to anyone who wants to work with them. So that's the first step. Get your sales process, talk to people about that process. The second piece, if you want to get more sales to finish up the quarter, what you want to do is you want to create more urgency for people to book with you. People are inherently motivated to seek pleasure, conserve energy, and avoid pain. That is the motivational triad. I did a whole, I think episode 16 is all about it and or 17. So within that, when you're thinking about human nature, and this isn't saying that people are lazy or anything like that, a human being is designed to stay the same when somebody is working with you, that means that they are going to need to expend energy instead of conserve energy, and they're going to have to seek the longer term success and avoid regret versus avoiding pain. It takes them up leveling as a person, like, truly for somebody to work with you. So what we want to do is we want to incentivize people and motivate them to break free from the norm that they're experiencing right now, which is not as great as when it will be with, when you work with them. And what's going to happen is then you. It's like, that sounds weird. It was like, when it will be when you work with them. Anywho, I'm like, you know what? I meant to. Their lives will be better when they work with you, but we just have to get them in the door to get them excited about actually doing a consult with you. So what I like to do is I like to talk about my timeline frequently. For me and the people who are doing this next round of six figure systems, if you enroll early, you get two months of early access to all the content. That means that you have an advantage. It's essentially like instead of doing six months of the program, you get eight months in the program. From there, you also are able to get your one on one call as soon as possible. So that one on one call, currently, the way that my business is set up is I help you make your offer for an entire hour. We call it make your six figure offer on that first call. And I talk with people and I'm like, I want you to think about currently as I'm recording this podcast, it's September 17. It's going to be September 23 when you guys listen to this. And I'm like, I want you to think about going into the fourth quarter with a super, super solid offer that's going to help your marketing, sales, managing leads, and planning. Every single aspect of your business is going to get better if you have a clear offer. And one of the things that I found is that helps people to see the timeline. They're like, oh, yeah, I can finish 2024 strong. And I can start 2025 stronger. It gives people this idea that like, oh, now I see the, they get the importance of it. They get the urgency behind signing up. Right now I see so many people that are just posting about, like, book a consult, book a consult, book a consult. And I'm like, that's great, but how are you creating the urgency, the motivation and incentive for people to actually sign up right now? So I want you to take a minute, and I want you to think about who is your ideal person for your offer. And I'm going to create all create, like a little PDF to go along with this. And I want you to think about who is your ideal person right now. What time of year is it? What struggles are they experiencing right now during this time of year? So for me, it's like summer's over. You're getting back in routine. It's really stressful to try and manage all of this. So, of course, I'm doing a webinar about stress for other people. You might be seeing that it's summertime and you don't know how to handle. If you're a coach for mothers, let's say you don't know how to manage the kids coming home. Let's say that you are an interior designer and it is fall, and you're like, you don't want to spend the rest of winter in a house you hate the design of. I can help you with that. Do you see how I'm talking about the timeline? I'm talking about the time of year. I'm creating importance to it, and I've been pointing out the things that, uh, excite and delight your ideal person so they can sign up and work with you sooner. So it's not coming from a place of negativity. It's not coming for a place of, like, your life is going to suck if you don't work with me because I hate that energy. It's not for me. But if you do have the energy of like, hey, I'm telling you right now that your life is going to be significantly better by January. I'm telling you, like, for people doing six figure assistance, if you sign up right now, you are going to have support until March. That gets you all the way through the fourth quarter of the year and through the second, the first quarter of next year. So you will be able to start 2024, finish 2024 with the systems that makes your business strong, and you can start 2025 with systems that make your year even stronger, like this. These are the systems that six figure business owners have and things that six figure systems, six figure business owners do. And I want you, if you have any aspiration of having a six figure business, this is the program for you. So that's another way that you can incentivize people to create more urgency and motivation for people to book with you right now to get more sales through the end of the quarter. Last but not least, when I'm thinking about doing, creating another level, just like that next level of excitement, I like to include a bonus. So you might choose specific times of the year that you're creating more sales. And instead, instead of selling the same thing every week, maybe you have a bonus. So, for instance, for six figure systems, um, if people sign up by Friday, I'm going to give them a canva template, which talks about how to book a consult and the way that I have it outlined that they can customize for their business when they book a consult by Friday. Like, literally just giving them, I'm giving you guys and anybody listening to this, by that Friday, I'm giving a free template, something that I have created that gives value immediately. And I'm saying it's only for a limited time. They can't get the template unless obviously, like, you're in the program, but you're going to be able to get this template outside of these hours. And that creates more sales because more people are like, I want the free thing. Of course, let me hop on a consult. And that gets people through the door. And then you can focus on serving them on those calls, learning how to follow whatever sales process you have. And, uh, it helps them, um, to have that incentive. And it paints the vision that, hey, this is what your business is going to look like. It's going to be so much better. More people who are setting up for six figure systems or like, your house is going to look so much better, your mothering is going to look so much better. And it gives people just that little bonus. Just like a smidge of, um, this excitement about booking a call with you that will absolutely get you more sales. So again, what I would recommend is that in order to get more sales to finish out the quarter, what I would recommend is a explaining your sales process to people, making sure it's very clear what a consult is, what it is not, and making sure you have it somewhere that's easily accessible. Step two is create urgency and motivation for people to book with you based on the timeline and time of year. It is. So it's exciting and enticing for people to book a call. And last but not least, I would include a bonus incentive. Something that is very simple, something that is potentially something you already have that you're using with your current clients. And you can give that away if people book a consult by, let's say, Friday, and choosing a specific time of year to do that. Usually the way I do it is the way I'm doing it today, where I do a webinar, and then I give that incentive to people who book a consult by Friday. So, with that being said, if you have any questions to get more sales throughout the third quarter, please let, um, me know. I cannot wait to support you through it, and I cannot wait to see you guys in the podcast next week.


Episode 26: How to Generate More Leads and Sign More Clients with Business-to-Business Outreach 


Episode 24:How to Overcome Overwhelm- Webinar Coming Up!